ForumsTime ManagementAfter reading "The Checklist Manifesto"

After reading "The Checklist Manifesto"
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Posted: Jun 18, 2012
Score: 1 Reference
Like so many here, I was a big fan of ListPro and have had difficulty finding a replacement that fit. I have ended up using multiple apps on various devices (iPad, Android, Windows PC at work and MacBook at home) and for various purposes (comprehensive task list, grocery list, packing list, checklists, quick notes).

For simple, durable checklists I have found an Android app that works extremely well named Note Everything by Softxperience. This app does many different types of notes but my favorite is the durable checklist feature that lets you create check lists that you can use over and over just by resetting the list (a la ListPro). You can even create homescreen shortcuts or add to the top tray for easy access. You can do a lot of things with this little app but I prefer Evernote for most everything else because it works so well across platforms.

As with many Android apps, there is a free version but the really cool features like checklists are only available in the pro version (2.99 euro).

If you're an Android user and don't mind having a separate app just for checklists, I highly recommend this one.

This message was edited Jun 18, 2012.

Posted: Jul 06, 2012
Score: 1 Reference
Any reason why you couldn't create a parent task as the checklist name, and then set the subtask checklist-items to repeat "on completion"?

The checklist items would disappear as you complete them, then the entire list would re-appear the next day.

Posted: Jul 09, 2012
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by realethan_1336587232:
Any reason why you couldn't create a parent task as the checklist name, and then set the subtask checklist-items to repeat "on completion"?

The checklist items would disappear as you complete them, then the entire list would re-appear the next day.

I have tried something like that, but I could never really get total separation of my grocery list from my task list, so I kept getting "lettuce" showing up in my task list, and "Change oil" in my grocery list. YMMV.

My suggestion is that if you have a long, reuseable list of items, you open a separate free account for that purpose.

Posted: Nov 25, 2012
Score: 1 Reference
Hi lammeyjf,

I find it quite difficult to use ToodleDo as a way to "think through" all the tasks and subtasks needed to outline a "project" (using a Short Term Goal to identify a "projects"). I found it easier to "outline" in a Note and then follow the outline to create the tasks and subtasks.

This sounds very interesting:

Posted by lammeyjf:

I create checklists in Toodledo by storing the template list in a note. I then create a new task and create sub tasks using a batch and paste a copy from my template note.

I get a checklist I can check off as I complete the list of tasks.

Please could you explain how you "batch and paste a copy from my template note" ?

This sounds like a really quick way to generate a list of tasks and subtasks from an "outline" created in a note!

Best wishes,

This message was edited Nov 25, 2012.

Posted: Feb 23, 2013
Score: 1 Reference
@Liz. I haven't tried it yet but I wonder if that batch creation of a checklist about which you asked is done by using the multiple sub-task creation function. I'll try it later and post what I find out.
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