ForumsTime ManagementAuto forwarding emails to Toodledo

Auto forwarding emails to Toodledo
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Posted: Jan 10, 2012
Score: 0 Reference
Has anyone taken this approach before?

Since most of my business email becomes actionable items, I have set up my email to auto forward all business email directly to my toodledo email address. (I have my email marked as read and left in my inbox for any reply needs... then archive the entire email inbox a couple times a day.)

All forwarded emails end up in a designated 'Inbox' folder, which I can review, convert to an actionable item (with the email in the notes), or just hit the 'trash can' to delete (if it's not an actionable item).

I reply to any that require a follow up, and then archive all the email inbox items.

It seems counter intuitive to do this. But, I was finding that I was forwarding or blind copying 3/4ths of my emails anyway to Toodledo. This new method cuts my work in half, because it just forces me to delete about 1/4 of them in Toodledo (rather than forward 3/4ths).

Is this something anyone else has done? Are there any better or alternative suggestions?

I love Toodledo (just don't share this sentiment with my wife... she won't understand)

Posted: Jan 10, 2012
Score: 2 Reference
I haven't considered this as I probably only forward 10% or less of my emails into Toodledo.

I occasionally leave emails in my Outlook inbox that need a response even if I have a task for them in Toodledo - probably not a good practice but it's sometimes hard to find where I filed an email if I am responding two weeks later.

If your scheme is working for you then that's great.

Posted: Jan 10, 2012
Score: 0 Reference
Thanks for the feedback. I actually thought of this strategy as I was working with ActiveInbox for Google Apps. AIB is an interesting program that allows you to turn your emails into manageable actions, assigning them dates, contexts and projects... and managing them all within your inbox. It would be a viable option for task management, IF it had a mobile app option. But, since I can only use it at my desktop/laptop, it could not work for me.

But, the 'mail to' feature with Toodledo allows for something very similar. Added to all of the other TD features, it makes a good solution... especially if many of your emails are actionable items.
Folke X

Posted: Jan 11, 2012
Score: 0 Reference
I think your idea is a good one - if you have 3/4 actionable mail like you do.

But like Peter, only a fraction of my email is actionable (most of it is reference or trash). For actionable mail, I usually word one or two concrete actions straight in via the keyboard, or, if the mail has valuable information, I forward the mail first, and then reword it.

Posted: Mar 17, 2012
Score: 2 Reference
I have been using this approach for a few weeks now. I agree with the original poster's objective of being able to review tasks that come within an email as this was what I planned to do also.

However, where it was slightly less than satisfactory is in sorting out reference material. This is why I've pivoted my set up and am instead forwarding all my emails to my Evernote account into an Inbox notebook. I sort through this daily/weekly and put any tasks into Toodledo. This is also very handy as I can process camera photos, audio files, voice memos taken using my mobile phone and share them with TD later on.
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