ForumsTime ManagementApps you use on a daily basis

Apps you use on a daily basis
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Posted: Mar 23, 2011
Score: 1 Reference
have you looked at toggl? It doesn't ask what you are doing but it has a great easy to use (drop down list) interface. And you can pull reports/charts. It has a iphone app too.

And it is free. If you need to pull billing reports from the app, there is a pay version that assist with that too.

Posted: May 29, 2011
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by greg:
I didn't see anyone mention toggl. Use it to record time spent on daily activities. I wish there was some way to integrate toodledo and toggl. Click on a task in toodledo and it starts in toggl.


Posted: Nov 01, 2011
Score: 2 Reference
Posted by pwwroa:
I think Franklin Covey is a great system, I had the Outlook add-in.
But then I discovered Getting Things Done by David Allan and it works much better for me. You might want to look into it.
Also, I have been using TheJournal for 4 years now and it is fantastic. If you clicked on the link above you will see it is a journal/diary.
The things I like best about it,

Low resources-does not take a lot of memory.
it works, no matter what has happened to my computer, if I have a backup, it restores it easily
.Easy to search by date, topic, keyword.
You can add anything to it, pictures, websites, clippings.
Can use on flash drive.

Same goes for me. Was a FCO User then read Michael Limburger and Manage Your Now and use the MYN system with Toodledo.

Posted: Nov 09, 2011
Score: 2 Reference
For I use Toodledo for task management, Dropbox for easy file sharing like photo, file, and video. Google Docs for easy file sharing work related documents, spreadsheet, and presentation. Multimi for easy manage of social networking sites in one window. And for time tracking I use this tool that is also a good alternative to Rescuetime.

This message was edited Nov 09, 2011.

Posted: Nov 13, 2011
Score: 2 Reference
Anyone else use Workflowy? I use it for project planning, shopping lists, budgeting money, workout plans, storing contact info--basically anything I need to remember/figure out in text form.
Folke X

Posted: Nov 13, 2011
Score: 0 Reference

Yes, I have signed up for workflowy as well and I am really quite impressed with it - simple and good - but I have not yet really started using it. My initial thought was I might use it for sharing lists (plans, agendas, do lists etc) with other people with whom I share no other obvious application. With workflowy they do not even have to sign up for an account or anything, so you can use it with absolutely anyone who has a browser (and you can share different things with different people and you can control whether they should have read-only or edit access). It all seems very practical.

What did you yourself START using it for?

What other apps have you been able to eliminate since starting with workflowy? Or in what areas have you found it meaningful to depend significantly less on other apps - which apps? Or are you using workflowy mainly for things that you did not do before?

Posted: Nov 20, 2011
Score: 0 Reference

I started using Workflowy as a more organized replacement to my current notes file, which was just a stream-of-consciousness list of things I needed to remember, regardless of what area of my life they applied to or whether it was a short or long-term goal or anything. It was while I was figuring out a system for that and funneling my notes into it that I realized I could consolidate a whole bunch of other sets of notes into it--the separate document I was keeping of "notes to self," the spreadsheet I use to keep track of what classes are left for my degree and in what order, all of that. My main top-level categories ended up being
media- for books/tv/movies/music I want to remember to check out
projects- my really big category, which covers all my planning for writing projects, workout plans, various other hobbies
people- contact info
stuff to buy- what it says on the tin, including grocery lists, and currently the options I'm comparing while I shop for a new tablet
courses- keeping track of what i need to graduate and making sure i get my prereqs in order
time management- my "accomplish every day" list, health goals, weekly time-budgeting goals for toggl
money- just to keep budget info where I can see it

Weirdly, the only app I think it's /replaced/ is Mint. What I really wanted in a money-budgeting app was to be able to earmark chunks of money for certain purposes, and I found it a lot quicker to just make a top-level item in Workflowy that says "checking account includes $XXX for rent and $XXX for groceries, don't spend that!" than to have to go around and label all my transactions every day in an app that wasn't really serving my purposes. And I wasn't really collecting contact info at all before, just small piles of business cards everywhere, so that's something new that WorkFlowy's made easy.

Does all of this help at all, or am I just blathering?
Folke X

Posted: Nov 21, 2011
Score: 0 Reference
Thanks, bottomley.cs

Yes, it makes sense.

Over the years, I have come to use my (current) to-do app (e.g. Toodledo) as a repository for all kinds of notes that I want to have easily available, even from the phone. In addition, I have regular files on my computer, of course, and I have some stuff on Google Docs, but that's it, really.

I have come to see many disadvantages in using a to-do app for all these various kinds of small notes (it gets messy), and have been thinking about starting to use Evernote or something (whatever is suitable) more systematically, and then to clear out all history related stuff from my to-do app, but I have not quite gotten around to making that shift. And I haven't thought through what it is I really need.

Evernote is impressive in many ways. Workflowy, too. There is probably a whole bunch of tools, but it is kind of hard to choose one as long as I am so unclear about exactly what I would want to use it for. "Peace of mind and good order" is a bit vague, but I have not managed to define it any better yet :-)

Posted: Nov 26, 2011
Score: 2 Reference
For what it's worth, I've considered switching over to Evernote, but it seems to be much more oriented to consolidating information from a ton of different sources/devices. It didn't seem to be a lot of use to someone who doesn't have a smartphone, eg me, but I don't think I'm representative of most ToodleDo users in that respect.

Posted: Nov 28, 2011
Score: -1 Reference
I use both EN and TD notes. I've used EN for 6 yrs now, and have over a thousand notes on everything from recipes to engine specs for my car. It's a great repository of info of all kinds.

At work, I use the old-school version of EN (2.8, if I remember right) because it has features that the new EN doesn't, and probably won't ever, have. There are almost 500 notes in there (it was erased about a year ago by our IT department when they decided to re-image my hard drive and didn't realize their re-imaging software would automatically erase the external drive where I had backed up my EN data with over a thousand notes). This is where I keep all kinds of information about my work which are mostly long-term stuff.

I use TD notes for information I want quick access to, like my agenda for my meeting with my boss once a week and the other meetings I arrange or attend. These notes usually get deleted after the meeting, so they're temporary. Occasionally, I copy a TD note to EN if I think I might want that information at a later date. I also keep notes about TD itself in TD notes, where they're handy.

As for a task manager, I find EN pretty bad. I tried it many years ago when I first got EN, and considered it a couple of times later on when new features were added, but realized that while it can do checklists, it doesn't have a capability for notifications or Start or Due Dates or priorities, etc. So it's pretty half-assed as a task manager. IMHO, of course, YMMV.

Posted: Nov 30, 2011
Score: -1 Reference

Posted: Nov 30, 2011
Score: -1 Reference
Posted by Purveyor:

Mind decoding? :)

Posted: Dec 20, 2011
Score: 2 Reference
Paper calendar
Google calendar
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