
Search results for "Posted by andy.zaayenga"
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Posted Dec 11, 2016 in: IOS Lists Column Width
Score: 0
Developers, just to reprise my comment in another section - is there ANY movement on making Lists on iOS usable? My paid subscription is up for renewal and I need some reason to hang on.

Posted Dec 11, 2016 in: New Section: Lists
Score: 1
Developers - any progress on the iOS Apps refinement, as detailed above? I started a paid subscription one year ago in the hopes that Toodledo would develop into a useful platform. I haven't seen much progress? Can you give me a reason to extend my paid subscription?

Posted Jul 08, 2016 in: IOS Lists Column Width
Score: 0
Please fix the mobile app column control! The mobile app is almost useless without ability to tailor or autosize column width.

Posted Jul 08, 2016 in: New Section: Lists
Score: 2
Echo the last two posts. Lists on mobile are is almost useless and is my most urgent need. The arbitrary 33% allocation to the first three columns is wrong-headed. I'm sure lots of us use an integer column to sort, and using 33% of the screen for integer sort is a waste. For some reason Checkboxes do not suffer from the waste of screen real estate. Can't you autosize or give us control of the column width?

Posted Mar 17, 2016 in: IOS Lists Column Width
Score: 0
Three months later - any progress on the control of iOS column widths? Still unusable on the iPhone...

Posted Dec 24, 2015 in: New Section: Lists
Score: 2
You know what? I think Lists has a ways to go to be excellent but you guys are on the right track. With Lists added to Tasks and Notes on your platform, Toodledo is a compelling solution. Last night I joined and downloaded Wunderlist and Todoist - those platforms don't come close to what you have now. They are noticeably missing CSV import capabilities which is a dealbreaker for me. So, I am subscribing to Silver now to help support you in the journey. Thanks for the hard work!

Posted Dec 21, 2015 in: New Section: Lists
Score: 2
Where on your development list priority is the ability to customize the columns width on the iPhone and iPad? Right now they are randomly wide for each type. I set up an integer type column that is incredibly wide on the iPhone. Also when you have columns that are inappropriately wide and unsettable on the device there is no scroll bar to get over to the hidden columns.

I'm testing usability now and Lists is getting very close. If Toodledo can get the functionality of the device apps up I'm in for a subscription.

Not being critical - I know development takes time. Just want to help provide feedback for a superb product. Thanks.

This message was edited Dec 21, 2015.

Posted Dec 21, 2015 in: New Section: Lists
Score: 1
Ah, I see. Select the "Note" type instead of "Text", right? Yes, that works. Thanks!

Posted Dec 19, 2015 in: New Section: Lists
Score: -1
I'm really excited about the Lists functionality. There is still a little ways to go IMHO to get it to the point of compelling me to go with a Pro subscription though. Lists has to at least offer multi-line text boxes so that you can see the whole list text on all the platforms - web, iPhone, iPad. It's just not practical to scroll through the tiny entry area to read a long item.