ForumsNewsNew Mobile Website with Offline and Android Support

New Mobile Website with Offline and Android Support
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Toodledo Founder
Posted: Jun 22, 2012
Score: 0 Reference
I was not able to reproduce this bug. Can you please indicate where it is showing the incorrect dates? If you could create a support ticket and attach a screenshot that would be very helpful.

Posted: Jun 30, 2012
Score: 2 Reference
To reproduce, I started with a fresh "inkognito" chrome browser instance. I logged in, choose "permanently store data", and went for "Starred". All tasks there show a due date for today, even though they have none. When I click on one to edit it, it shows start date and due date set to today.

I'll open a ticket and add a screen shot.
mobile.frombestsel... Post deleted

Posted: Jul 21, 2012
Score: 1 Reference
I started finally to use it on my Android. Actually I'm using Ultimate syncronized with Toodledo. I'd like to have a specialized, dedicated Toodledo for Android to optimize this great tool. Unfortunately UTL is trying to get more customers coming from other tools like Google Tasks. The risk is to have a lot of generic links without having an app that optimize toodledo on Android. The mobile beta testing is a first answer but required some more work. First if I use the translation - great to have it! - some labels become much wider than the original so cover the other close labels. Then there is a little delay when I tap on a task to open it. Therefore this use more time and this is not good for a capture tool. Then I'd work on the spaces. It's too wide the box for repeat the task and it reduce space to the title of the task. let's approach new developments,please, and magically you will increase the number of customers

Posted: Aug 10, 2012
Score: 1 Reference
On the Mobile site, if you sort by Status, you have to use a Reverse sort to get the same results as a Normal sort on the regular site. I don't know that it makes a difference but it's the 2nd sort field in both places (importance is first).

It still seems to lose some of its sort settings between uses, too. For example, it comes up with auto for all 3 sort field indicators but it's clearly still sorted by Importance for the first sort. I can't tell what the 2nd sort is but it's definitely not the Status sort I'd set previously!

Posted: Aug 31, 2012
Score: 1 Reference
I have a Samsung Galaxy, and I downloaded DGT GTD Toodled (Beta) from the Android Market. After the download is complete the "Open" option is not available, I only have "Uninstall", then I went to the phone desktop and the app icon is not there. I tried many times and it was always the same situation. Can anybody explain to me what's going on? Is it perhaps because is in a Beta stage? If it's so, why the app is available on Android Market?

Posted: Sep 01, 2012
Score: 1 Reference
DGT GTD Toodledo is only an add-on for the DGT GTD app.
So you have to install DGT GTD as well.

I do like DGT GTD, but not in connection with Toodledo, as I have the impression DGT GTD tends to duplicate subtasks during sync...
(I use Ultimate ToDo (paid) now)

Posted: Sep 07, 2012
Score: 1 Reference
Tried tonight with android jellybean. Seems to work ok and ironically better than the full website in some respects.

I personally prefer the colour scheme of the normal site and how the overdue tasks go into red text. I also prefer how the information is spread across the line whereas the mobile site trends to leave a leave space in the middle of the screen unused.
This is probably the consequence of running a mobile site on a tablet as opposed to a phone.

On the full website my tablet can no longer add a task using the add task button, but it can partially add a task using quick add. Only partial because fields for folder assignment, priority will show you the options Available to select, but the selection will not upload. This is why I say the mobile site runs better. Not sure what part of the forum I should voice this problem....

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Sep 07, 2012
Score: 0 Reference
Thanks for the feedback that our main website is not working on your tablet. What tablet do you have?

Posted: Sep 07, 2012
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by Toodledo:
When you are online, go into the settings section and then into storage and make sure that you have offline storage enabled. Then it will cache any list that you have downloaded for offline viewing. For example, if you went into the "starred" list while online the "starred" list and all of its tasks would then be available when you were offline later.

I tried to find this setting on my windows 7 chrome and firefox browsers, as well as my Motorola Droid Bionic settings and browser settings, as well as my wife's Samsung Tab, and could not find these settings on any of them, nor would Toodledo do anything when I turned off the internet connection... please advise.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Sep 07, 2012
Score: 0 Reference
This is not in your browser settings, its in our mobile website's settings. Click the button in the top left corner of then click settings and then make sure that you have allowed offline storage.

Posted: Sep 07, 2012
Score: 1 Reference
Thanks... there it was!

Posted: Sep 07, 2012
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by Jake:
Thanks for the feedback that our main website is not working on your tablet. What tablet do you have?

its an ASUS pad transformer. Runs android Jellybean at the moment.

Posted: Sep 09, 2012
Score: 1 Reference
Hi, if you check my join date, you'll see I've been using Toodledo for about 3 years or so.

I use this program on my desktop or phone about 2-3 times every day, and it is a crucial part of my workflow process.

I am interested in purchasing a new phone, but I am restricted to Iphone if I want a native app. I am a bit amazed that I am actually considering restricting my choice of device entirely by the availability of the Android Toodledo app, but there it is.

I'm trying to explain how important the program is to me, in order to encourage the development of the app.

I would happily pay 10-20 for the app, and a yearly subscription cost, say 25-50?

Please hurry, I really like the Galaxy, other than this little problem.


Posted: Oct 04, 2012
Score: 3 Reference
I agree with Gordon. I'm using Ultimate ToDo List, but I'd much rather use a native android Toodledo app.

When buying my first tablet, I was VERY tempted to get an iPad just for the ability to run this app. I now have a Nexus 7, and all I need is an Android Toodledo app to make it complete.

Posted: Oct 05, 2012
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by Jake:
Today we have released a big update to our new mobile website. We have added support for the Notebook with full offline support. .

Can you please point me to the direction of the claimed notebook support?

I have a Photon 4G running 2.3 Android. The whole site looks good. but no notebook support.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Oct 05, 2012
Score: 0 Reference
Click the button in the top left corner of the home screen to switch to the different sections of the app.

Posted: Oct 24, 2012
Score: 1 Reference
Nice job, I really like the fonts & design. Very readable on small screens & organized well.

Different views also come in very handy.

Using it with the standard browser on an HTC Thunderbolt Android 2.3.4. No problems yet. Saved my data to the browser.
huacai1 Post deleted

Posted: Nov 02, 2012
Score: 1 Reference
Any news on collaboration? Shared tasks? On the iphone/ipad app or the mobile sites?

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