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New Mobile Website with Offline and Android Support
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Posted: Jan 05, 2014
Score: 1 Reference
Greg, in the meantime, there is also the Business Tasks plugin for the superb Business Calendar app, which works fairly well with Toodledo's task data. Of course, it's no true replacement for a native Toodledo app.

I must say, though, that Toodledo's mobile site (as long as it works) is really clever, and in terms of convenience of use, comes pretty close to a native app. I'm missing saved searches on the mobile site.

Over Christmas, I was thinking of ditching the iPhone for an Android phone, but I guess I'm gonna give Apple another chance to produce a 5+inch phone by September 2014 or so. I'm happy to say, though, that Toodledo's mobile site -- along with that Business Tasks plugin, perhaps -- is sufficiently smart to allow me to switch to Android, if necessary. (The situation is much worse for some other iOS apps -- like Mailbox or Marvin -- for which I'm unable to find equivalent-quality apps on Android, for the time being.)

This message was edited Jan 05, 2014.

Posted: Jan 05, 2014
Score: 1 Reference
If you need an android tester pick me! Tablet and cell, I live by toodledo!

Renzo Paoli

Posted: Jan 06, 2014
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by Jake:
We are actively working on an Android app. Toodledo is very complex and it will take time to replicate everything in native Android. I know that this is overdue, but we are working as hard as we can to make it happen.

Jake, thank you for this Christmas news, this is probably one of the best news in 2013 for Toodledo users. Hope you can finish it as soon as posible. Congratulations.!!


This message was edited Jan 06, 2014.

Posted: Jan 15, 2014
Score: 2 Reference
Ditto for me, too. I've been a toodledo user for many years now (premium and not)... and running toodledo on my android phone has been an awful, non-starter, of an experience consistently. After 5 different phones, and major OS upgrades, toodledo is the only "app" I NEVER use on the phone.

Every time I try to start the mobile site I get the status "updating" and it crunches through several cycles of an status bar, then the hotlist (or any display) essentially shows tasks that have little resemblance to any list on my desktop. Most tasks I recognize as older or revised - but are still showing up. (before anyone shouts about updating, or clearing cache's ... I remind you that this is at least the 5th brand new phone - clean install - that this happens on)

Please fix this ! (I am not talking about a toodledo android "app" but the m.toodledo site )


Posted: Jan 16, 2014
Score: 2 Reference
Just installed MyToodle, and it's the most acceptable alternative for Android I've found........ but it still isn't what the iPhone version was. Honestly, of all the apps and all the OS differences, this has been my only real disappointment switching from iPhone to Android...... because I rely on Toodledo so much.

Posted: Jan 17, 2014
Score: 2 Reference
MyToodle looks great! Can't believe I didn't find this before You may have solved my 3 year old mobile toodledo problem. Thanks!

Posted: Jan 18, 2014
Score: 1 Reference
I'll be checking out MyToodle; thanks for the hint, guys.

I must confirm what cj says. Toodledo's mobile site stopped working for me again, just like it did over Christmas/New Year. It says I'm offline although I definitely am online (regular Toodledo site loading fine on another tab).

The mobile site isn't really even an acceptable workaround, if it doesn't work half the time you wish to use it.

Android is reaching towards 80% of market share in many important areas around the world. I don't think it's an acceptable business model to fail to offer an Android app for much longer. iOS 7 is a disaster, and I see people abandoning Apple's overpriced universe in droves in favor of Android.

(As to missing Android apps, besides Toodledo, I'm also acutely missing the Marvin e-reader and the Mailbox mail client there; there are no equal-quality replacements for them on Android, I'm afraid.)

Posted: Jan 18, 2014
Score: 0 Reference
Well, MyToodle is a nice effort, I guess, but it's not for me, so I uninstalled it again. (The ads are very ugly, though, even if I understand their presence is not the developer's fault.)

MyToodle does not seem to be supporting Toodledo Notes section at all, which to me, makes it unusable.

I might recommend the Business Tasks plugin for the superb Business Calendar app, but again, it only supports Toodledo tasks, not the Notes section, so no full-fledged replacement for me.

Toodledo's mobile site is pretty fine when it works, except that it often does not work for me...

This message was edited Jan 18, 2014.

Posted: Jan 21, 2014
Score: 3 Reference
There's a separate application called MyToodle Notes.

Posted: Jan 23, 2014
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by Jake:
We are actively working on an Android app. Toodledo is very complex and it will take time to replicate everything in native Android. I know that this is overdue, but we are working as hard as we can to make it happen.

Jake, please, please, please talk to Phuah (ykphuah)!

He has done incredible work with MyToodle &, while it's not perfect, it's far closer to being an exclusive Toodledo client than any of the other Android apps out there (like UTL or DGT) & he continues to improve/add features rapidly. I believe that you could shorten your work tremendously if you'll just work with him to create your long-awaited Android app. He has done in a few short months what people have been asking you to do for years! (That was not intended as a dig at you, Jake & crew, as much as it was an endorsement of the tremendous work Phuah has done.)

Please talk with Phuah!!! You must be insane if you don't!

This message was edited Jan 23, 2014.

Posted: Jan 24, 2014
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by ykphuah:
There's a separate application called MyToodle Notes.

It's not showing up in my App Store here in Central Europe. There is only MyToodle by you.

I wish Google would open their store in your country as well, because the ads seriously blow and spoil the look of the app. I'd happily pay $5, or even more, for MyToodle if it integrated notes, too, and truly offered all the functionality of the website (or the iOS Toodledo app).

PS: I'm a big fan of phở gà. :-D

Posted: Jan 24, 2014
Score: 1 Reference
Noticed something different and annoying in my case.
In the latest version, when i open the app to my hot list the search bar is now always present taking up useful screen space. This might be useful to some but to me this wasnt here before and although i can slide it up out of the way its unwanted.
ive since reverted to an earlier version

was this intentional or a hiccup?

Posted: Jan 24, 2014
Score: 2 Reference
AA. After you install MyToodle. Just go to your apps drawer. You should see two icons there. One for tasks and one for notes. They are automatically installed. Look in your app drawer!

Posted: Jan 25, 2014
Score: 0 Reference
@slateboy: what "app" are you referring to?

@ykphuah: Thank you, I have now found the notes. The Play Store description for MyToodle says:

"Version 5.0.5: Removes Ads"

This made me very hopeful, because the ads really are intrusive. However, I can find no setting in MyToodle to disable ads -- they are still prominently displayed at the bottom of the screen. Can you, please, help me with removing ads? As promised, I'll be happy to send you the promised $5 (or, hell, even $10) right away, via PayPal or any other means, if I can just get rid of the ads. As a Gold Subscription Toodledo user, I'm just not used to associating Toodledo with ads. :)

Posted: Jan 27, 2014
Score: 2 Reference
I love Toodledo, but the lack of a complete Android app is getting annoying.
The mobile site is far too basic (no saved searches), and most android app lack support for start date (or at least lack support for filtering on start date).
Ultimate todo list gives me the best filtering possibilities and saves those searches in 'my views' but it's ugly... and dgt gtd isn't bad either - and I love the 'hide until' feature in the latter. No custom filtering however.

So I'm still waiting for a fullblown native app that lets me make use of my saved searches, and gives me the possibility to use the start-date in searches.

Posted: Jan 27, 2014
Score: 1 Reference
@AA: the app i was referring to is the "toodledo" app.
Can anyone else confirm the search menu is immediately present upon opening the "toodledo" app?

This message was edited Jan 27, 2014.

Posted: Jan 28, 2014
Score: 2 Reference
Ok, for anybody who hasn't noticed, Jake appears to have followed SES21's advice and has acquired MyToodle - there are more details here

Posted: Jan 28, 2014
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by slateboy:
@AA: the app i was referring to is the "toodledo" app.

Erm... what? At the time you were posting, no Toodledo app on Android existed. This thread is (or was) about Toodledo for Android and/or about the mobile site. Were you talking about the Toodledo app for iOS? If so, this wasn't the correct thread for it... And the Toodledo site (mobile or otherwise) is not an "app". (Jobsean jargon...)

Anyway... this is moot now. Congratulations to Phuah (ykphuah) on his efforts having been accepted by Toodledo! Hope this was not just emotionally but also financially rewarding for you. Well deserved!

Congratulations to SES21 as well, on the success of his rather forceful plea on the previous page of this thread. :-D I thought it was a very long shot for this to happen, but by golly, it did, and that's great. MyToodle (or Toodledo now) looks great without the intrusive ads now.

ykphuah, what's your email address? There's that $10 I promised to send you via PayPal... You could buy a few bowls of phở gà for it, or whatever. (Well, you might hate it as too commonplace, but it certainly tastes delicious and exotic for us here in Europe.)

I have a few suggestions on what should be improved in the new Toodledo for Android app, former MyToodle... but I'll be posting them to the new "Toodledo app for Android" thread now.

This message was edited Jan 28, 2014.

Posted: Apr 03, 2014
Score: 1 Reference
Is there a way to set a default folder for new tasks when using Would like all new tasks to be create in a folder called "In Box" to be processed later. Frustrated that you can set using the main website and when adding tasks via twitter and mail.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Apr 03, 2014
Score: 0 Reference
Unfortunately, this isn't possible, but it is on our to-do list. However, we do not comment on timeframes for implementation.

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