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Posted: May 20, 2020
Score: 2 Reference
Posted by tjgraf_tasks:
If you are looking at TickTick as an alternative (where I eventually landed) this does a good job of laying out some of the functionality. It has taken time for me to get it where I wanted it (just like Toodledo took me years to perfect my system), but I'm really enjoying Kanban boards customized for each list, built in pomodoro timer, and arranging unassigned task from the calendar view...

6 Apps I Use Every Day to be Productive

Thank you for the link!

Posted: May 22, 2020
Score: 3 Reference

To put it simple, even amid this s*** storm I actually have upgraded my account and opted to wait another 4 months to see what happens.
The reasons are simple. Although the interface is outdated, there is something to say for 90s style straight up interface. So far I haven't found alternatives offering information compactness that Toodledo offers. Although Toodledo doesn't do well on each specific functionality (Tasks, outlines, notes, lists and habits), it does however do them all and in a practical manner. I prefer this rather than combining several apps.
I see al lot of ppl talking from a "work" productivity perspective, but for me Toodledo is a "life" productivity solution and it works good is it is now.


How things have been going and the poor updates are very worrying and as with others, there is a task in my list for searching alternatives.
First of all the mobile app is not ok and should be fixed ASAP. Even worse is the apple watch app debacle, this is NOT OK!!! I now depend on third party integration to deal with it. Toodledo is in dire need of improvement. More and more other services have awesome functionality and building a good track record. To me Toodledo is now at rock bottom with a very nice product that still has great potential, if you don't move your asses you will get buried down to the seven rings of hell (yes there is even a worse place than rock bottom).

My advice is quite simple. Get the (usability) basics back in order ASAP. After that use this simple Dutch wisdom: It's better to steal a good idea than to conceive a bad one.

You're lagging behind, but you don't have to be on the cutting edge my friend. Just copy functionality from other platforms. Get some ppl on the forums to keep talking with customers. Have chit-chats and thoroughly understand needs and wants and copy functionality that best addresses popular woes. Often needs and wants are not in line.

There is one fear though. What I can glean from the forums is that Toodledo's code might be quite dated and in need of replacement to better integrate new functionality. If that is the case, oh boy, you really need to get moving because getting things back in order while also creating a new platform takes a lot of investment. From what I can see in the forums is that long time customers are jumping ship and without their money, it's pretty much game over.

Good luck, You still got me for 4 months at least....

Posted: May 28, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
I am back from Amazing Marvin, It just made my head spin. I am lifetime here so hoping things work out.

Posted: Jun 01, 2020
Score: 3 Reference
I cannot even find a website for Toodledo - zero information. I've been a user for 5+ years...will also be jumping ship. I've sent dozens of people to Toodledo over the's a shame this had to end up like this. Right now I'm working with Remember The Milk - seems to be pretty good. I did not like ToDoist at all. If RTM doesn't fit I'll try more - and maybe ToDoist again. Toodledo was my goto app - use it every minute of every day.

Never seen a successful app go down like this.

This message was edited Jun 01, 2020.

Posted: Jun 01, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
You couldn't find I didn't have any problem.

I know a lot of people like RTM over Todoist but I'm not sure why and would be interested in why RTM is better.

I purchased the premium for both RTM and Todoist for a year and settled on Todoist. I liked its integration with Amazon Alexa better which is important to me.

Posted: Jun 05, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
Enough is enough. I was on my way back to RTM but they aren't really progressing much.

By chance I found ClickUp,, when I was searching for and evaluating options. Honestly, even if Toodledo was to rise from the ashes I would still change to ClickUp. They are seriously developing the service, apps for everything and great customizing options.

Never seen a service with so many features and I've evaluated or tested: RTM, Todoist, Ticktick,, Wunderlist, Flow, Nozbe, Nirvana, Producteev, FacileThings, IQTell, nTask, Notion, Azana, Zenkit.

A bit sad, been using Toodledo for almost 10 years now. But I'm excited about ClickUp, feels great.

Posted: Jun 06, 2020
Score: 2 Reference
I hate to dogpile on, but I’m just so incredibly dismayed by the complete & total lack of any development nor action from the ToodleDo team.
Let me put it this way; I’ve been such a dedicated ToodleDo user that I have a freakin text replacement shortcut on ALL my devices so that I only have to type “TD” and it auto-expands to “ToodleDo.”

The app was never optimized for the larger 12.9” iPad and when I asked about it years ago, ToodleDo basically said “well, it works on the larger screen, so....”

Yeah, it works & runs but is not optimized by a long shot to take advantage of the larger display.

I’ve seen zero updates nor development Of any sort on this app - yep, just checked Apple App Store & the last version was released in *2017*.
It is halfway thru 2020 right now.


Honestly based on the responses I’ve seen here from ToodleDo staff and the total lack of any meaningful development, it seems like this is 1 of 15 other jobs the ToodleDo team has, and believe me; this is dead last on their list.

I let my subscription lapse about a month ago and the only difference I’ve seen is I have a banner ad in the sidebar now. That’s it.

The main reason I upgraded was so that I could attach documents and other files to tasks, yet I discovered *only after upgrading* that the feature does not work on iOS app - you have to access in a browser - which is just a stupid work around. Even then it is about as inelegant and bare bones as it gets.

The alternative app suggestions I have seen in the several posts above me look really fantastic and I think it is clear now that I have no choice but to look anywhere other than ToodleDo for my task management because the toodledo team has zero time, energy, nor ability to keep this product alive in any way. Sorry guys.

EDIT: Subtasks. You guys can’t even support sub-tasks in-line on the iOS app, whereas virtually every other app I’ve seen does this as an entry-level, basic feature.

I’m not going to continue listing the things ToodleDo doesn’t do, but should / I want it to, because I’d be here all day.

Point is: I’m the last person to be Mr. Negativity but I’ve been waiting and waiting and waiting for literally years and ToodleDo has made it clear they just don’t care about developing this any further at all.

EDIT #2:

ToodleDo team; what does it tell you that you have so, so many people here who have either already moved onto other task managers, or are in the process, yet they STILL come here to practically beg for you to update the app and do something - anything.

I’m not sure if this is unique to ToodleDo or not, but that says a lot about the loyalty you have here and are completely pissing away.

You guys should just sell to another company or other individuals who know how to get things done.


This message was edited Jun 06, 2020.

Posted: Jun 07, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
My biggest worry is single users will get ignored and shafted as so often happens.

My next biggest worry is toodledo will start further reducing functionality. It's complex because you can do so much which makes it highly flexible and customizable.

This message was edited Jun 07, 2020.

Posted: Jun 07, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by tonton:
My biggest worry is single users will get ignored and shafted as so often happens.

My next biggest worry is toodledo will start further reducing functionality. It's complex because you can do so much which makes it highly flexible and customizable.

tonton, if your looking for flexibility and customizability you should check out ClickUp or Zenkit. They both offer more than Toodledo.
Ob-La-Di+ruben Post deleted

Posted: Jun 21, 2020
Score: 2 Reference
Posted by Anant G.:
Okay everybody, we’re back! This is Anant Gupta the acting CEO.

Oh...wait... hang on... No we're not...

Posted: Jun 21, 2020
Score: 6 Reference
I must be the only guy happy with the app.

I appreciate it is not polished, but it is moving forward. I understand Toodledo went through a leadership crisis with the CEO leaving, which is a big thing and this reverted the app to 2017. However, on my mac, iphone and ipad it works. Yes there are visual glitches and it looks outdated, but it works. I've used omnifocus, Todoist, even the shiny Things 3 app everyone's been singing about, but nothing, absolutely nothing comes close to doing what Toodledo can. I can view my tasks from any number of angles. I have no doubt that app will continue to improve. Folks have said they should sell the app to someone else. This has been a disaster for a number of great apps I used to use such as Voodoopad and The Hit List. There is momentum here. The iOS app is being updated. Yes it would be nice to have more info on the forum, but if a decision needs to be made between development and fielding hundreds of negative comments, I'd prefer them to just keep on trucking with improving the app. It's better now than it was at the beginning of the year and it will be even better at the end of the year.
Anant G.

Posted: Jun 22, 2020
Score: 3 Reference
Posted by svsmailus_2:
I must be the only guy happy with the app.

I appreciate it is not polished, but it is moving forward. I understand Toodledo went through a leadership crisis with the CEO leaving, which is a big thing and this reverted the app to 2017. However, on my mac, iphone and ipad it works. Yes there are visual glitches and it looks outdated, but it works. I've used omnifocus, Todoist, even the shiny Things 3 app everyone's been singing about, but nothing, absolutely nothing comes close to doing what Toodledo can. I can view my tasks from any number of angles. I have no doubt that app will continue to improve. Folks have said they should sell the app to someone else. This has been a disaster for a number of great apps I used to use such as Voodoopad and The Hit List. There is momentum here. The iOS app is being updated. Yes it would be nice to have more info on the forum, but if a decision needs to be made between development and fielding hundreds of negative comments, I'd prefer them to just keep on trucking with improving the app. It's better now than it was at the beginning of the year and it will be even better at the end of the year.

Wow! Thanks for the feedback. Here is the newer version of the app : :)

Posted: Jun 23, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by Anant G.:

Wow! Thanks for the feedback. Here is the newer version of the app : :)

Already using it! Keep up the good work!

Posted: Jun 23, 2020
Score: 3 Reference
I'm not leaving Toodledo until they pry it out of my dying hands. Keep on going, Anant. You have many loyal, long term customers. Please keep the web interface as it is (not broken) and just make the mobile app reliable. Nothing fancy or new until we have a reliable syncing platform. Then, implement security features (i.e. encryption of our data-at-rest). Thanks!

Posted: Jun 26, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
Hey well, I love this tool. No idea what you all are going through, but I support your efforts to keep it going and move it forward. Let me know how I can help.
Philippe L

Posted: Jun 27, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
Hi Anant,

I would like to see the tasks of my iPhone calendar in Toodledo (at least in the TODAY and TOMORROW views in the DATES tab).

That will help to avoid duplicated tasks created by me in my iPhone calendar and in Toodledo.

Best regards,

Philippe (from France)

This message was edited Jun 27, 2020.

Posted: Jun 27, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
Hi Philippe, you can import automatically tasks you created with your IPhone in Toodledo. See settings -> reminders syncing
You also have choice to delete notes from iOs so that you only have one repository for all your tasks. In that way, Toodledo will be your repository.

Only one drawback : stock ios calendar does not manage Toodledo tasks (you can t display them or tick them when complete). But there is a way to show these tasks in your iOS calendar : go to your Toodledo account and generate a event feed. Then add this feed to your calendar. You will see your Toodledo tasks in your iOS calendar.

Posted by Philippe L:
Hi Anant,

I would like to see the tasks of my iPhone calendar in Toodledo (at least in the TODAY and TOMORROW views in the DATES tab).

That will help to avoid duplicated tasks created by me in my iPhone calendar and in Toodledo.

Best regards,

Philippe (from France)

Posted: Jun 27, 2020
Score: 6 Reference
Anant - I'm a VERY long-term user (probably since the earliest days of TD) who at one time (per Jake) had the largest number of tasks in Toodledo. In fact, he had to change the backup code around for me to handle such a large data set.

Nothing would make me happier than to see ACTUAL progress with the app. But my confidence in that, candidly, is very low if not totally nil.

I spent 35+ years in IT with a focus on enterprise software, so have a decent amount of experience in what makes a successful software are a few suggestions on where I would focus if I were running Toodledo..

- You need to communicate with your users CONSTANTLY. Not just once a week, two times a month, once a month, and not even daily. You need to communicate to them and respond to their questions, issues, etc THROUGHOUT THE DAY, EVERY SINGLE DAY. It's obvious you yourself can't do that, nor should you as CEO. Hire someone who can. Or, give up and sell the company to someone who's able to make that level of investment. It's a total "must have". Until you do this, NOTHING else matters.

- Know and understand your current customers and who your target customers are. Your customers are by and large individuals interested in having a productivity tool that they can manage their busy lives with. They are not, REPEAT, NOT EVER going to be large companies interested in buying an enterprise or even departmental license of Toodledo. (I'm mentioning this because at one point I saw some posts indicating that selling to large companies was part of the vision for Toodledo). Candidly, you can't even support the individualist customers you have. Any dreams of supporting a large or even mid-size company (which I did for 35+ years, so know a thing or two on what's needed to successfully do that) is a complete and total fantasy. Keeping it real - abandon any desire to do this, unless you already have. You would not be successful unless you hire a large (and I mean LARGE) number of very expensive people who can be responsive to those companies in "minutes, not hours" and certainly not days or weeks, and nothing could tank Toodledo faster than pursuing sales to companies vs. individuals.

- Publish your roadmap. Make sure it includes good detail on planned feature updates, bug fixes, etc and hard dates. Publish constant updates on how you're delivering (or not) against said roadmap. Don't let this lag.

- Don't break what isn't broken. Don't change features people have relied on for years. Your biggest gap is Mobile Apps. Create something modern and fully featured that works on iOS (all devices - including iPhone, iPad and iWatch versions) and Android. And make them the best they can be.

Jake built one of the best "to do" apps out there. I wish you guys well, but the lack of confidence you're hearing from the long time users is going to be hard to overcome unless you can deliver. The proof is in the pudding, as they say.

Good luck - and we are all rooting for you despite the candid feedback and 'tough love'..

ETA - I'd also suggest giving your long term customers incentive to stick with you. No secret they've all been through a lot. Offer them some compelling pricing to stick around. It's a lot easier to keep an existing customer (as long as you do the things I mentioned above) than it is to get a new customer.

This message was edited Jun 27, 2020.
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