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Toodledo Admin
Posted: Dec 21, 2021
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by jsg_1304587780:
Hi dear owners. My main concern is a decent export tool that would allow me to back up my tasks and especially my notes. I have about 3,500 notes in Toodledo. They are very dear to me and I would sleep better if I had a PDF version of them. I don’t want to import them anywhere else, but I want them to survive the next 30, 40 years. Kind regards, Jan from Berlin

Hi Jan -
Thanks for the feedback! Automatic exports and backups are on our radar -- we understand how important your data is to you! We don't have a specific timeline yet, but I've added it to our todo list.

Toodledo Admin
Posted: Dec 21, 2021
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by MyLife:
Will it be possible in any of your subscription models to remove the adverts which I find very annoying and the reason I use an Android app to enter and view my tasks instead of the Toodledo desktop interface.

Hi MyList!
The paid subscriptions don't have advertisements

Posted: Dec 21, 2021
Score: 1 Reference
I'm not exactly your target market, just someone who likes to keep lists of things that need to be done and likes checking them off.
I've tried lots of different task managers and this one is by far the easiest to use. My favourite function is the Search one. It's so easy compared to another well known to do list (with a similar name) that requires you to write code to do a search!

Posted: Dec 21, 2021
Score: 1 Reference
Hello Owners, I use Notes only and like another user they are very dear to me.
Somehow it is not displaying properly on the portrait mode on iPhone. Notes are displayed ‘at the end’ so for a long note, I have to scroll upwards to see the beginning of the note and it doesn’t ‘stick’ in place with scroll.
This makes it difficult to access. Kindly review please.

Posted: Dec 21, 2021
Score: 1 Reference
Congrats on the new ownership.

A particular strength of Toodledo, in my eyes, is the flexible data model and support for API. Do you intend to continue making interoperability a priority?

Posted: Dec 22, 2021
Score: 1 Reference
Hi! I'd like you to make add-in for outlook/Gmail so that we can switch a mail to a task with attachment immediately. I knew that I could send the mail to [email protected] to add a new task, but it requires great care.
And can you renewal UI? I would appreciate if the thumbnail of attached images could be shown on the tasks.

Posted: Dec 22, 2021
Score: 1 Reference

Long time user here, started in 2009. I use Toodledo for personal goals and tasks and for work goals with my primary use for Sales Task/Opportunity Management. I often get asked how do I keep on top of so many activities - Toodledo. I use Zapier to integrate with my companies Salesforce app and with my OneNote. I use the web version on my personal Mac and work PC. I also use the iPhone and iPad applications.

The biggest productivity feature I would like to see added to Toodledo is a calendar and/or calendar integration. I would like tasks with a time on them to show up on my Outlook calendar (ideally) or a Toodledo calendar. This would help with setting aside time to work on specific tasks. I believe this would have to be via a subscribe to internet calendar feature for my GCC High instance of Outlook to be able to ingest the information.

I am glad to see Toodledo continuing. Every year I evaluate all of the ToDo apps on the market to see if I should switch and every year I stick with Toodledo. The customized fields for folders, tags, context and goals give the flexibility and functionality I need for Sales account/opportunity/task management.


Posted: Dec 22, 2021
Score: 2 Reference
I vouch for a lot of what is being said in this AMA, and I would like to point out that, for yet another group of new owners you have also been very silent. You should communicate more often with an user base avid for actual news!
I also want to ask if there are any plans to update Toodledo's look. Apart from all the functionality that makes us stick with the service, even with all the problems along the way, all the quests for alternatives had us see better looking interfaces.

Posted: Dec 22, 2021
Score: 1 Reference
Any possibility of an Auto Refresh capability or if one exists how to find and set it? Love the product for the last 15 years

This message was edited Dec 22, 2021.

Toodledo Admin
Posted: Dec 22, 2021
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by chris.schaeffer:
Toodledo is my favorite to-do-list app. I use it on my iPhone and my PC. For me a missing link is connecting outlook with Toodledo. I would love to be able to create a calendar entry from a Toodledo entry so I can schedule when I am going to work on an action item from my list. There are other task list apps that do this, but they all lack the features that make Toodledo my favorite; categories, priorities, due dates and availability on all the platforms I use!

Outlook integration is on our radar! We don't have an exact timeline yet, but please vote here if you haven't already:

Toodledo Admin
Posted: Dec 22, 2021
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by hadleyskidmore:
Hi owners, thank you for the opportunity to be able to ask questions!

I just have one request, which is to be able to rank tasks according to how I would like them prioritised….I think a good way of doing this would be able to “press” on a task & move it up or down the list according to my preference, that would be soooooo helpful! Thank you!!

Thank you for your feedback! This is something that is under consideration -- we don't have an exact timeline yet. Please vote here if you haven't already!

Toodledo Admin
Posted: Dec 22, 2021
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by Zicolinto:
Similar to recent comment, I am in a Microsoft 365 environment at work where I end up using MS To Do even though I like it so much less than Toodledo, because it integrates well with Outlook in particular, and also OneNote. If Toodledo could connect with the, I'd be back in a flash!

Thanks for your comment! Outlook integration is on our radar -- please vote here if you haven't already :-)

Toodledo Admin
Posted: Dec 22, 2021
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by Susie:
The iPad app works great on iPhone and several iPads and synchs immediately, but my MacBook website does not sync correctly. Can it be fixed?

Hi Susie -
Can you try clearing your browser cache, log out and log back in and see if that fixes the website? If not, please send me a support ticket and let me know what browser you are using so I can help get it fixed!


Toodledo Admin
Posted: Dec 22, 2021
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by hoonchin:
Hello Owners, I use Notes only and like another user they are very dear to me.
Somehow it is not displaying properly on the portrait mode on iPhone. Notes are displayed ‘at the end’ so for a long note, I have to scroll upwards to see the beginning of the note and it doesn’t ‘stick’ in place with scroll.
This makes it difficult to access. Kindly review please.

Hi -- thank you for your comment, and we are so sorry about this issue! Unfortunately, this is a known bug with the current iOS app. We have a slightly updated version of the app on TestFlight that the old owners left us that fixes this issue. Email me at [email protected] if you'd like an invitation.

Otherwise, we are completely rewriting the mobile app and expect it to be ready for early access previews in early 2022.

Posted: Dec 22, 2021
Score: 1 Reference
I found Toodeldo as the only upload of my palm data and it has become as central to my life.
I use several work-rounds. To store data I mark them as "negative" which then I can mute with the eyes.
I delete todos rather than marking them completed.
Please fix the android phone interface and yes, I would like to back up my data to the cloud.
Most importantly, keep the service alive!

Toodledo Admin
Posted: Dec 22, 2021
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by peytons:
Congrats on the new ownership.

A particular strength of Toodledo, in my eyes, is the flexible data model and support for API. Do you intend to continue making interoperability a priority?

Absolutely! We value our 3rd party partners and will be updating the API as we add new features.

Toodledo Admin
Posted: Dec 22, 2021
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by Ira Sachs:
I have been a Toodledo user for a long time and it is perfect for my needs. I only use the to do list part and would welcome any refinements there.

As a business, I think you have to determine what market niche can be best served by Toodledo, enhance the product for the target niche and market Toodledo heavily to that group. Be the best in class for a given market / set of users. Don't try to be everything to everyone - that generally does not work.

I wish you all the success!


Thanks a lot for your constructive feedback. We are currently indeed honing in on the "right" business segment. Toodledo covers indeed a lot of different segments and we are collecting constantly feedback on what and where to improve.
We agree with your statement of focusing on one niche and once we are certain which niche that is, we will definitely put in all our efforts to grow (initially) in that specific field!

Toodledo Admin
Posted: Dec 22, 2021
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by Peter Scott:
I have posted these comments before in multiple fora. Our business has been a paying customer since 2005 and depend upon Toodledo for task management. The other functions (Habits, etc) are of no use or interest to us. Toodledo surpasses all other programs for task handling because of its ability to display many tasks in much denser views than any of the competition and for manipulating many tasks at once through featureful searches and the bulk edit feature. (An on-screen trigger for bulk edit would be handy; I always have to look up how to activate it.)

I would like - as I have been saying since 2009 - nested subtasks; even one extra layer would be very useful. I have posted ideas for how this could be done.

The current rules for repeating tasks with a parent are a bit mysterious, but so far they seem to do the right thing, although I'm being super conservative in my usage.

The only other thing I would like to see is the ability to print reports; I'd like to render the results of a search into a PDF with tasks in rows. Wouldn't have to have customizable layout but that would be nice.


We appreciate you being a long-time community member!
Thanks a lot for your constructive feedback. In terms of adding features, we highly recommend adding these to our roadmap:, and the crowd will upvote these.
This process allows us, to define which are the most sought-after new features for the majority of the community.
We are keeping a close eye on the roadmap and updating the progress of the requests constantly.

Toodledo Admin
Posted: Dec 22, 2021
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by jdreed99:
In your email about this AMA you acknowledge that many previous users are on the fence about coming back. You bet we are! A big reason for that is because the previous owners threw us long time users under the bus. That wasn’t your doing, but now you have to clean up the mess. Also in today’s email was a special offer for “business” users. Where’s our special offer? That’s what I want to know: how do you plan to patch things up with those of us who couldn’t use the new user sweetheart deal, and can’t use whatever you have cooking for businesses, but stayed loyal to Toodledo, year after year?

Hi jdreed99,

Firstly let me personally apologize for what all users had to experience prior to July of this year.
It is never easy to build up trust with someone personally, let alone a software solution after this individual or the company has let one down in a very bad manner. I believe communication is the one thing that will help gain trust and this will take time. We are aware of that but trying to do our best.
From a business owner's perspective, I hope you agree with me, that a lifetime subscription deal is not a "sweetheart deal". It is from a professional perspective, the worst kind of deal for a business... Luckily this was a tiny fraction of the Toodledo subscribers. To be honest, had this been a bigger number we would have seriously reconsidered acquiring Toodledo.
Having said that, I am more than happy to help you out with a discount code as you have been a long-time user. Please email me: hasnain(at)

As for the business solution, if you are interested in setting up a call, please feel free to set up a call under the following link:

Toodledo Admin
Posted: Dec 22, 2021
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by SnowLeopard:
Longtime individual user here using Web and iPhone. I primarily use Tasks and am very happy with how it works currently. I do not want a major overhaul. Do you plan on a major overhaul? Also, is your revenue growth model mostly towards servicing businesses going forward?


We appreciate having you as a long-time community member.
We understand that change brings always uncertainty with it, however, we want to assure you that Toodledo will always remain a powerful tool with powerful users ;-) Meaning, we indeed want to change the look however not the feel of Toodledo. We want the UI to look more like 2021 rather than 2001.
As for the business subscriptions, yes, we strongly believe that businesses can profit from a strong tool like Toodledo. However, the benefit lies on both sides. Features that may be requested by individuals may benefit the business solution and vice-versa. In terms of servicing, there will be a stronger emphasis on using the self-service section as we have a huge library of explainers and articles on all features.
Currently, we are getting everything up to speed but hope to have an initial visit by individuals in this section rather than requesting support on a first support service level.
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