ForumsQuestionsHow to customize multi-line view (bug?)
How to customize multi-line view (bug?)
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vginer |
Sorry id this subject was already dealt with, but I was not able to find anything similar at the forum.
I am quite new to Toodledo, so sorry in advance for the inconveniences and for my naive questions. I prefer a multi-line setting for showing my task lists, but then I sort them by context and then by importance (or by due date). In any case, what I get is tasks divided by context, and for each task I see its name, and AGAIN its context, at the right side. If you click on the "triangle" you can see the rest of the info for that task, of course, but I wonder if it is possible to change/customize the info that is shown at the right side of each task in a multi-line setting. In fact, if I select ordering tasks by importance and then by due date, I DO get what I expect in my multi-line view: divisions by importance levels, and each task is showing due date information at the right side. I think this could be a bug, maybe. Or maybe I didn't understand the way this works. I don't know if I am being clear enough, and also don't know it is possible to attach some screenshots here. If any of you need them, I can link them via Dropbox here, for example. Thank you in advance for your answers! |
PeterW |
Unfortunately what you ask for can't be done. It's been requested many times before, e.g.
Maybe one day, but don't hold your breath! |
vginer |
I read your post, and it is exactly the same!!! :-o No point in showing contexts twice —it seems like a BUG to me, because, as I wrote before (and you too, I think), when I sort tasks by importance and then by due date, then due information is shown in the right side of each task (not importance again). Not a big bug, but a quite annoying one. |
PeterW |
Yes, I agree completely.
Unfortunately all we can do is wait and issues like this just don't seem very important to Toodledo. |
piyush_soni |
Posted by vginer:
In fact, if I select ordering tasks by importance and then by due date, I DO get what I expect in my multi-line view No, you don't. divisions by importance levels, and each task is showing due date information at the right side If you see carefully, it's not showing the due date for all of them. It's just showing why ToodleDo thinks it's 'important'. So for some tasks you'd see "OverDue"/"Due Today" etc., while for some you'd see "3 Top Priority"/"2 High Priority". For each type of sort, it's just showing something related to the first sort method(except alphabetical etc.) and doesn't consider the second sort method at all in that. When first sort is Importance, it shows the 'classification' of Importance for its every group. Does the same with Due dates as first sort(shows the actual dates itself. e.g. Tasks 'OverDue' with multiple dates). There's no further classification of Contexts/Folders/Goals/Tags/Priority than the group itself, so you just see those repeated. One of the reasons ToodleDo gives for still showing that redundant information is that you cannot change the Context by clicking if it's not shown. Though I agree that showing the 2nd sort order would be a better way to go in this particular case, but I understand it's complicated to implement because it's not always the most desired value to show for all type of sorts. If they always show Due date regardless of it being the first or second field, some people might want Priority to show up there. An easy work around could be to let user select what to show up in the right column as well. A quick & dirty mock up I came up with : ![]() This message was edited Dec 28, 2010. |
vginer |
Posted by piyush_soni:
Posted by vginer: In fact, if I select ordering tasks by importance and then by due date, I DO get what I expect in my multi-line view No, you don't. divisions by importance levels, and each task is showing due date information at the right side If you see carefully, it's not showing the due date for all of them. It's just showing why ToodleDo thinks it's 'important'. So for some tasks you'd see "OverDue"/"Due Today" etc., while for some you'd see "3 Top Priority"/"2 High Priority". For each type of sort, it's just showing something related to the first sort method(except alphabetical etc.) and doesn't consider the second sort method at all in that. Yes, you are right, I later realized of that. In fact, I posted a ticket, because I consider this a bug (as Toodledo doesn't explain the logics of this behavior, if any, as you just did). Here is the link for the ticket: This is the link to a screenshot where I explain what I think: And, by mistake, I closed the ticket, but here is the answer they gave me, which makes nosense for me: The sorted criteria should always appear on the right side of the list. The left side of the list will be which every field you have placed at the top of your "Fields & Defaults" settings section. If you want due-date to appear on the left side, then go into "Fields & Defaults" and put due-date at the top of the list. Hope that helps Can you read the whole ticket, please, and tell me if I did explain myself so badly?? These guys' answer doesn't make sense, else I was not able to understand it at all... :-( Posted by piyush_soni: One of the reasons ToodleDo gives for still showing that redundant information is that you cannot change the Context by clicking if it's not shown. Though I agree that showing the 2nd sort order would be a better way to go in this particular case, but I understand it's complicated to implement because it's not always the most desired value to show for all type of sorts. If they always show Due date regardless of it being the first or second field, some people might want Priority to show up there. Yes, but that could also said for the rest of the cases, where the second criterion information is shown at the right column. You just click the triangle for view details for that task, and you can change any field of that task, as far as I understand. Posted by piyush_soni: An easy work around could be to let user select what to show up in the right column as well. A quick & dirty mock up I came up with : ![]() That seems great to me!! Do you mean it is a suggestion, or has it been already implemented (by you or by Toodledo)? Thank you for your response. My conclusion is that the current implementation is not as good as it could be. Your suggestion is good. However, I think that views in general should be more customizable. It needs revision, thinking... For example, if you change the sorting criteria for one given view or search, other searches or related views (tabs) get also changed. Lets see if someone from Toodledo is reading this thread... |
piyush_soni |
I cannot read your(or anyone else's other than me) tickets. Anyway, it seems the support hasn't read your ticket properly, as there is no Fields & Defaults on the web client anyway(at least I could not find it)
One thing I'd like to point in the rare case you didn't know(forgive me if you did) is that you can click the 'Show Details' on top of the page, and it will show the 'hidden' details of all tasks (so you will not have to click the triangle for each of them) - that will be one way to quickly see their due dates. That seems great to me!! Do you mean it is a suggestion, or has it been already implemented (by you or by Toodledo)? No, I just hacked the webpage HTML as a suggestion for ToodleDo. I cannot implement it from their side. For example, if you change the sorting criteria for one given view or search, other searches or related views (tabs) get also changed. You are right, it's annoying. Lets hope they implement Sort/Filters etc. on per tab basis. This message was edited Dec 29, 2010. |
vginer |
Posted by piyush_soni:
I cannot read your(or anyone else's other than me) tickets. Anyway, it seems the support hasn't read your ticket properly, as there is no Fields & Defaults on the web client anyway(at least I could not find it) Yes, I think they were thinking of the "grid" view, not the multi-line one. Or maybe not —I don't know. :-S Posted by piyush_soni: One thing I'd like to point in the rare case you didn't know(forgive me if you did) is that you can click the 'Show Details' on top of the page, and it will show the 'hidden' details of all tasks Yes, I do know it (thank you for the suggestion, anyway), but it makes it a little bit difficult to see all the tasks at a glance when you select "Show Details", in case you have quite a big number of them. I mean, for me, the (good) point of the "muli-line" view is that, when details are hidden, you can see a very clean and nice list of all the tasks you've selected, only with some relevant information. Anyway, I don't get the sense of that redundancy we were speaking about. I wish someone at Toodledo read this. |
Jake Toodledo Founder |
The answer that we gave to your support ticket was regarding our iPhone app, which is what it sounded like you were talking about. I am sorry that we misunderstood your question.
It is not currently possible to customize what appears on the right side in multi-line view. It will always be the field that is being sorted on first. We may make this configurable in the future. |
vginer |
Posted by Toodledo:
The answer that we gave to your support ticket was regarding our iPhone app, which is what it sounded like you were talking about. I am sorry that we misunderstood your question. Thank you for the explanation. Posted by Toodledo: It is not currently possible to customize what appears on the right side in multi-line view. It will always be the field that is being sorted on first. We may make this configurable in the future. Sorry to read that. :-( As a quick solution, I suggest the approach by piyush_soni in this very same thread. |
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