ForumsTime ManagementOrganiTask or Toodledo

OrganiTask or Toodledo
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Posted: Apr 18, 2014
Score: -1 Reference

I'm currently testing OrganiTask and Toodledo.

For the moment I prefer the interface of OrganiTask which is much more user-friendly than the one from Toodledo.
OrganiTask also supports multiple levels of sub-tasks.

But I only used them for about a week...

Did anyone tried OrganiTask and Toodledo ?

Thank you !

This message was edited Apr 18, 2014.

Posted: May 07, 2014
Score: -1 Reference
No idea about organitask but yes toodledo I had used long time back. But as of now I have been using hours tracking tool from Replicon ( ). The cloud based tool featured with the calendar based and user friendly interface makes it an intuitive tool to manage the things set up in the right approach to line up a better business strategy.

Posted: Jun 08, 2014
Score: 1 Reference
OrganiTask sounds interesting, but doesn't look like its ready for primetime yet based on its documentation. If it supports multi-layer subtasks, I'll keep an eye on it. I'm also looking for a task manager that supports task dependencies.
Benjamin Leclerc

Posted: Jun 19, 2014
Score: 1 Reference
OrganiTask is working well, the documentation is quite new that's the reason why it is mentioned that it is still a draft as there might be typos or things to improve.

But except this, every else is ready and working correctly.

Posted: Aug 03, 2014
Score: 1 Reference
Looks interesting to me also, but documentation is lacking.
Upon sign up I was offered importing of Toodledo tasks, which I declined, but later wanted to try, it seems like it is no longer an option

Posted: Aug 07, 2014
Score: 0 Reference
I have used Toodledo for very long time. It has good features, but now my requirements is changed. Now I am using labor time tracker to track worked hours. It provides cloud based solutions also.
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