
Search results for "Posted by NewLifetimePlus2019Aug"
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Posted Jul 08, 2024 in: ToodleDo and ChatGPT 4.0 Together
Score: 2
Today is July 8, 2024.

I have a paid account with OpenAI for ChatGPT 4.0 -- $20 per month.

I have been having sessions with the chat client (or chat bot) and am astounded at how "human" it seems.

During a very long session on a myriad of topics, I discovered that version 4.0 says that it can act as a personal assistant. I happened to mention ToodleDo, and the bot seemed to be quite an expert -- it seems like it has ingested all of the online ToodleDo documentation and probably the marketing materials. You can ask it questions and it answers like it is a support employee for ToodleDo.

I have more to ask it, but during the session, I concluded that I can download a comprehensive CSV file from ToodleDo to my local system, and then upload that file into my ChatGTP subscription, and the Chat Session becomes totally aware of everything I have in ToodleDo, I can ask questions and make requests. Like -- I can say "move the start date of all my high priority tasks from June 6 to June 11. Move all the negative priority tasks from July forward one month into the corresponding date in August." Then, I can download the edited CSV file from my OpenAI subscription into my local drive, and from there upload it and import it into ToodleDo where the new, modified file will be visible and usable.

Of course, I would save/backup ALL my ToodleDo data onto my local drive in both XML and CSV versions BEFORE making any changes, so that if anything went wrong I could restore it into my ToodleDo account.

The possibilities here seem fairly overwhelming.

Does anyone else have any information or experiences with ChatGPT and ToodleDo working together like this?

I will share (in this thread) anything new that I learn as I move forward here.

-- Kurt in San Diego (Lifetime TD user for 15 years or so).

This message was edited Jul 08, 2024.

Posted Apr 17, 2024 in: Next generation mobile apps
Score: 4
On MANY occasions I have expressed the opinion that ToodleDo works perfectly and does not need many changes.

So NOW... someone is messing with the code. My iOS app on all my devices crashes multiple times every day.

And, for the first time EVER, the Windows browser version on the Web crashed a few minutes ago -- seriously, this has NEVER happened before! I've been a user for many years. I'm glad to say that I do backups every day and NO data was lost.

Just be careful folks. DON'T TRY TO FIX WHAT AIN'T BROKE!

Score: 1
I tried sub tasks years ago and those just don't work for my brain. They get hidden, they get lost. I prefer one task with one due time.

But good luck to you!

Posted Jan 12, 2024 in: Next generation mobile apps
Score: 4
I don't use Testflight. The legacy app works flawlessly on my iPad Pro. I'll stay with that.

If it ain't broke -- don't fix it. Ha ha.

Lifetime user since 2012.

Posted Jan 12, 2024 in: iPad App
Score: 0
I've had no problems on my iPad for the past 10 years, but I am not sure which version I am using.

Posted Jan 06, 2024 in: Toodledo Pricing Model
Score: 0

With a standard subscription you get Google calendar integration which I use and enjoy. Also Customizable Hotlist and Saved Searches, which are very useful to me.

With my Plus subscription I get file uploads and 10GB of online storage -- very useful for saving important data in a secure and trusted location. I have 12 years of notes and data stored in ToodleDo. It's essential to me to schedule and run my life.

Gotta love ToodleDo!

This message was edited Jan 06, 2024.

Score: 1
I worked in the software industry for a few decades and I don't remember any small companies that would give *unlimited* support to unpaid users. At least not any that are still in business. That would be suicide for a small company. Not a wise financial decision.

There should be a reasonable limit of some kind. 30 days, 90 days, whatever.

If someone is serious about using an app long term, they should help pay the ongoing server/hosting and maintenance costs.

Or get their support from a peer / user forum.

And no, I don't have any connection to the company or any of its employees,

I just want to see ToodleDo stay in business for another 20 or 30 years by making good financial decisions for all of the users (like me).

One subscription payment is not an unreasonable ask.

The ToodleDo people can't say this, but I can (as a paying customer for 12 years).

Posted Jan 06, 2024 in: Toodledo Pricing Model
Score: -1
MLB327 implied that $95 per year is too much.

I say that is a huge bargain for what you get.

How much do you pay per month for Internet connectivity? Or TV cable to watch shows?

How much to you pay for gas when you take a driving vacation?

How much for one trip to a fine dining restaurant for food that stays with you for 48 hours or so and then turns to...

What about adult beverages over a month in the summer?

Or video games? Have you paid for any video games over the past few years?

I would give up all the above (except Internet connectivity) to keep ToodleDo going as a company. Without paid subscribers, they would not be here today.

Please SUPPORT ToodleDo. Even if it's only one paid subscription. I want to keep using it another few decades.

Posted Jan 06, 2024 in: Toodledo Pricing Model
Score: 3
As a paid user for 12 years, let me say there is NO reason not to be a paid user. Your financial support is critical to all of us to keep ToodleDo up and running. This is not a giant company like Microsoft -- they need a way to pay the server/hosting costs plus the small salaries for developers and other employees.

I actually pay for a couple of subscriptions to help them keep the lights on.

This is the best task management / calendaring / note keeping app on the planet. It has kept me organized for the past 12 years. Other time management applications have come and gone over the years (I actually still have my Palm Pilot in a drawer somewhere --- and do you remember Borland's Sidekick? I migrated some data from those into ToodleDo over a decade ago).

I hope that ToodleDo keeps on ticking for many more decades -- as an innovative independent enterprise!

Hoping everyone will buy at least one subscription (or more).


Posted Jan 06, 2024 in: Next generation mobile apps
Score: 3
Thanks for your effort!

Of course, this means we need to update the iOS app on our devices (phones and tablets) by visiting the app store and loading the new version.

Isn't that right?

AFTER we do that, if we change our mind, is there a way to regress to the previous version?

I ask that question for this reason -- I usually wait awhile before I load the new version of *any* app. Not just Toodledo, but any app -- because if there are bugs, it might take a few weeks (or months) to find the bugs and fix them. If I am running an old version of the mobile app, I obviously don't get the new features, but is there any other problem or disadvantage if I am running an old version on my iPad?

I am super cautious because my Toodledo data, notes, and calendar is an essential resource for me. Literally 12 years of critical records (backed up every few days).

Thanks! (Lifetime user of Toodledo since 2012).

This message was edited Jan 06, 2024.

Posted Nov 19, 2023 in: How to setup toodledo for GTD
Score: 0
Sorry, don't know what happened to your labels.

Maybe someone smarter than me will answer.

-- Kurt

Posted Nov 19, 2023 in: Goodbye
Score: -1
I have never had a crash on iOS or Windows. Works great as is!

Posted Nov 19, 2023 in: Goodbye
Score: -1
All versions of ToodleDo on my Windows desktop and my iOS devices (phone and iPad) work great -- as they always have.

I hope you change NOTHING. It works the way I need it to. Don't need any new features. My way of working is the same it was ten years ago.

Thanks, Jake!

-- K in San Diego

Posted Oct 14, 2023 in: How to setup toodledo for GTD
Score: 0
Hey, Gary.

If you have more questions, please feel free to ask. Please be as specific as possible.

I'm a user -- a volunteer. So please be patient.

-- Kurt

Posted Oct 14, 2023 in: How to setup toodledo for GTD
Score: 0
Hi, Gary.

I've been a user of ToodleDo for something like 15 years. It's how I plan and manage my life. I'll be using it forever. I paid my subscription in advance ten years out.

I use the browser version on my desktop and the iOS version on my 12-inch iPad Pro. They give you slightly different views of the same data. I suggest you use both. Also use the synched Google calendar function.

You can use the free version until you need more capabilities.

I have also studied GTD over the years and use some of its strategies.

Based on your message above, it looks like you have figured it out too. Keep using it every day and you'll develop your own strategies that work for you.

People always want to make changes to ToodleDo -- "add this," "add that."

What I do is modify my my techniques to fit the software, rather than the other way around.

There could be an endless series of changes as people come and people go.

I think it's pretty good the way it is.

The staff is small... the software is extremely INEXPENSIVE. There's no funding for a lot of free support.

Best wishes,

-- Kurt in CA

This message was edited Oct 14, 2023.

Score: 7
Dear Toodledo folks...

I'm not a developer or software engineer but I've worked with a few of them and have seen how they work and think.

It looks like maybe some users want you to make some changes to Toodledo. Some of those changes may be unique to their habits and situations. At the same time, many of us have been using TD the same way for a decade or two. We have our workflows and methodologies frozen and they work for us. The current version of TD works great for us and we don't want anyone to introduce any bugs or lose any of our data. Some of us have even paid for lifetime subscriptions.

Can you do the following? Maybe freeze one instance of the Toodledo code the way it is now and give it a name like Toodledo Classic or Toodledo 2020. Host it on AWS or somewhere inexpensive where we can all get to it reliably. Leave it alone and don't do anything that would affect what we have been doing for years and years.

Then, make a list of all the changes that the more adventuresome risk takers want to make. Provision another instance of Toodledo somewhere and let them do all the updates and experimentations that they want to do. Turn your programmers lose and let their creative juices flow. At some point, give this new code base a distinct name and maybe ask people to pay a little more to fund your R&D and such. Everyone should be able to upload their data into the new code base using the XML import functions.

This way, the dynamic people who want changes can have them, and the old folks who just want to keep doing what we've been doing can keep what we have and love without fear of losing data and functionality on things like old iPads and phones and older Windows machines that don't have all the recent updates. I can't say how many times I've lost the use of perfectly good hardware and apps because someone felt compelled to make changes for the sake of making changes.

Thanks for listening...

This message was edited Jul 12, 2022.

Score: 2
The iOS app works PERFECTLY the way it is right NOW -- July 11, 2022.

Please DON'T FIX WHAT AIN'T BROKE! That rarely works out the way you want it to.

We have years of data stored on desktops and iPads that we don't want you to mess with.

History is littered with examples of developers screwing up perfectly good products unnecessarily.


Lifetime User,

-- Kurt

Posted Mar 14, 2022 in: AMA / Ask me Anything
Score: 3
Lifetime Subscriptions / A number of us purchased lifetime subscriptions about 5 years ago, and some of them show expiration dates in the year 2024. Please look into this and advise us how to get that date changed to lifetime, or something much later than 2024. Thanks!

Posted Oct 16, 2021 in: A Message From Jake
Score: 6
You can go back and read my previous messages -- most of them are still true.

I'm still using TD after ten years or more, a couple of yeas after the beginning of Jake's vision. My history may not show that because I've had to cancel old accounts and open new ones a few times. Thankfully, the export-import function allows me to pull my data onto my local hard drive and then upload it to a new account when opened. So... a very small portion of my tasks and notes are many years old. Even older than TD because I think a few notes were pulled off a Palm Pilot years ago, saved on a Windows machine, and then uploaded to TD. I even have a few email notes from around 1998 or so.

Back to the point -- TD is still the best task management and calendaring app that I have been able to find, and I've tried all of those that have been mentioned in this forum as alternatives. The original version of TD worked for me, and the upgrades have just been icing on the cake. Many demanding users have asked for all kinds of obscure and esoteric features, many of which I'd probably never use. Those demands just make it more difficult for the developers with little likelihood of significant new revenue for TD.

I hope that the new folks keep a classic version of Toodledo running somewhere for folks like me. Yeah -- we need to have updates and enhancements to the mobile (iOS) version because Apple is a moving target. But try to keep everything simple, guys. It's hard to improve on perfection, and you'll just drive yourselves crazy trying.

So glad that Jake is back. Never heard how much he pocketed from selling ToodleDo, but if he invested that wisely and has seen it grow, maybe he'll contribute back some of that (or invest in the new operation) to keep things going smoothly. Hope so.

Meanwhile, I will be here until your last cloud server stops running. As long as the classic features are working and I can use TD on my iOS devices (iPads), it will be my primary digital organization tool.

-- KB in SDCA

This message was edited Oct 16, 2021.

Posted Jan 11, 2021 in: We’re Back
Score: 3
I have a lifetime Gold account which gives me all the features I need. They sold lifetime Gold accounts a couple of years ago for a low price -- what was it? $35 or something like that?

Everything works for me the way I need it to work. I have been using ToodleDo for many, many years. I don't need any support.

For those of you who need support -- If you post your questions, maybe a user / community member will answer you.

It looks like ToodleDo won't be answering anyone, but as long as they keep the servers running, I will be happy.

If you want changes made to the code or feature updates, it seems like that will never happen. I like it the way it is. Works for me on both Windows (desktop) and iOS (iPad Pro 12").


This message was edited Jan 11, 2021.