
Search results for "Posted by Grant_1410298063"
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Posted by Purveyor:
Looks good.

Where is your Kanban board?
Do you share it with anyone or is it only for you?
Do you have data that indicates how effective it has been for you?


BTW, here's a link to Personal Kanban.

Aha, you beat me to posting the link. :)

To answer (as best I can) your questions:
1. I work from home, so my Kanban board is in my home office.
2. I don't share it, because of the above.
However, there are various online alternatives if you want to share your board with others. My wife and I were looking into which is awesome, and free. It may allow sharing, but I've not looked into it.
Another great one is which I think is free for basic subscription.
At the moment I'm playing with the Chrome add-on called "Pomodoro Daisuki", which is: free, entirely local (no Internet required), has a built-in Pomodoro timer, and fits nicely on my second monitor.

3. Not sure how I could gather the effectiveness data without a lot of work (non-action-completing overhead). Looking at my Toodledo task completion statistics (, I see that I've been completing between 4-8 actions per day, which is higher than before the Christmas holidays. But there's a huge error-bar associated with those numbers. :)

And here's a snapshot of the Kanban Board:


This message was edited Jan 09, 2012.

Score: 3
Over the Christmas holiday I spent some time reflecting on my personal productivity system, and came to a conclusion that is helping me a lot so far.

GTD is great for capturing, reviewing and prioritizing my actions, but I've always had a bit of a hard time working from my task list. There's just too many tasks! I end up cycling through tasks, wasting time and not getting as much done as I feel I should. The stress of seeing my enormous (about 400 next actions) list became a barrier.

What I did was this. I combined GTD (for capturing, reviewing and prioritizing) and Personal Kanban for the "do" part of the process. I've been using it for a couple of weeks and it's pretty sweet.

My tools:
Toodledo premium subscriber for several years now
A whiteboard, with sections labeled "backlog", "this week", "today", "doing", "waiting for", and "done". This week has a max of 20 notes, today has a max of 7, doing has a max of 1, and waiting for has a max of 4.

My process:
GTD Weekly review: review, reflect, and plan the coming week. Put a star on each action I want to accomplish that week. Then write a short headline for each task on a small colored sticky note, and put it on my board in the "this week" section.
The stickies are color-coded for my various projects and areas of focus.
I sort them in priority order.
At the start of each day I pick a maximum of 7 actions, in priority order, and move them to "today".
As I work through the day, I pick an action and move it to "doing" and do it. This is a great way to force focus and cut down on procrastination.
When I complete an action, I cheer and move it to "done".
If the action is waiting for someone else, I move it to "waiting for" and move on to the next one.

Pretty simple, and the visual nature of a Kanban board is great for showing me where I'm procrastinating, the color-coded stickies show the relative balance between my projects and areas of focus. And most importantly, it prevents me from being paralyzed by a 400-action list.

I highly recommend doing a search for "personal kanban" and giving it a try.

Comments welcome.


This message was edited Jan 09, 2012.

Posted Mar 11, 2011 in: Completed tasks report?
Score: 0
Hi, thanks for the reply.

Yes, I can get the information from the search, and that's great. However for reporting purposes (like including in an email), the ability to generate the output and save it would be very useful.

I currently use the collaboration feature to meet with a colleague to walk through his tasks, but I am also getting requests from management to report on his progress. That's why I'd like to be able to

1. run the "stuff he has completed this week" search
2. save the output in a format that can easily be included into (or attached to) an email


Score: -1
I don't think this is possible, but it would be a really neat feature request.

Often when I'm meeting with my boss, I'm taking note of actions in Notepad. Then I have to either compose several emails to toodledo, or better yet use the Multiple Add function.

Posted Mar 08, 2011 in: Completed tasks report?
Score: 0

I'd like to be able to run a custom search that selects the tasks completed in the last week and generate a report from that. This would be useful for weekly reports to management.

Ideally, there would be the ability to have 2 levels of detail:
1. just the task titles
2. the task titles plus a configurable selection of the fields (Folder, Due Date, etc)

Output as text or HTML (for pasting into an email), and PDF would be wonderful.


Score: 0

I have a memory of finding an iPad / iPhone app that allows scheduling of tasks by dragging them around on a calendar but now I can't remember what it is.

Does this ring a bell with anybody?


Posted Jan 13, 2011 in: Your current number of tasks
Score: 0
@PeterW That's incomplete tasks. Crazy, I know. ;-)

Up to 574 now.

Score: 0
Great, thanks!

Posted Jan 10, 2011 in: Your current number of tasks
Score: 0
I've been using Toodledo for almost 2 years now, and it's so tightly integrated into my day-to-day life that I have a hard time imagining ever living without it.

Over time, I've build a formidable list of tasks. I'm curious who on the forum is the most-obsessed with GTD and Toodledo.

My current task count: 571

Post your task count here :)

Score: 0
Just double-checked and the folder definitely isn't marked as private.

I just did some testing and confirmed:
- if I switch my account's view to multi-line format, the anonymous viewer can't see the details (they click on the right-triangle, it turns into a down triangle, but the Note doesn't display)
- if I switch my account's view to Grid format, the anonymous viewer can click on the "note" icon and see the Note.

Looks like a bug to me. How do I submit a proper bug report, rather than a forum posting?


Posted Jan 08, 2011 in: Voice Activation
Score: 0
I use Jott all the time when I'm out and about - it's very convenient for noting that thing that just popped into my head.

I also use the email import feature to get tasks into Jott, which is also very useful.

As you and other people have noted, you end up with tasks without folders, contexts, statuses, etc.

I just created a search that helps me easily find the tasks I've entered that need to be processed. Naturally enough it's called "To Process", and it looks like this:

Checked off is No
AND Date Added is in the last 7 days
--- Via is Jott
--- OR Via is Email import
--- Folder is No Folder
--- OR Folder is Inbox

This gives me Jotts and emails that I've entered in the last week, and haven't processed yet. Quite useful.


This message was edited Jan 08, 2011.

Score: 0

I've been using public sharing of tasks in a folder to collaborate with a colleague, and he pointed out that suddenly if you click on the arrow next to a task, the details are no longer shown.

This worked as recently as Thursday I believe, but all of a sudden he can't see the task details any more.

Is this a bug? A new feature? How can I get it back?


Posted Aug 12, 2010 in: Adding tasks via email are "Unknown"
Score: 0

I think I know what the problem was: I had my "Toodledo" contact set to receive HTML (rather than plain text) email. I changed the contact and now it seems to be working!

Sorry for the false alarm,

Posted Aug 12, 2010 in: Adding tasks via email are "Unknown"
Score: 0

I'm not sure how long it's been like this, but...

When I send a task to myself via email to my secret-task-address, the task comes in as "Unknown", with no fields specified, even though I used the syntax specified here:

The body of the email comes in correctly (as the note), but nothing else is set.

Is anyone else experiencing this?


Score: 0
Hey all,

Here's what I did:
1. entered a task, specifying the folder, context, goal, etc
2. entered a sub-task using the web interface's "Add Subtask" button.

I've noticed that the folder, context, goal, etc are empty. This seems strange to me. Wouldn't it make sense for sub-tasks to "inherit" the folder, context, goal etc from the parent task?

Is this something I can turn on via a configuration setting somewhere?


Score: 0
Warning: half-baked feature idea ahead! :)

I was just thinking that in general, the weekly review is the least-adhered-to part of the GTD process.

Since we all use (and love) Toodledo, I was thinking it would be really neat of there was a capability to have Toodledo "guide" me through the weekly review process.

Something like:

I click "weekly review"

Toodledo prepares an "outline", and the web interface points me to where I am in the outline.

I imagine the outline would be completely customizable (basically just a checklist of tasks), but an initial default list of the tasks recommended be David Allen in his book would be a good start.

I do whatever the checklist item is (maybe "get my inboxes to zero"). Then hit "Next." The arrow moves to the next checklist item. Maybe it even keeps track of the timestamps so I can see where I'm spending the bulk of my weekly review time.

I know that as I'm doing my weekly review, this causes me to create lots of new tasks and even projects. The "weekly review guide" would somehow keep track of where I am in the review checklist, even as I'm adding/removing tasks and updating my projects/folders. Maybe a "high-level-view" indicator in the website sidebar would be a good place to put it.

If not, I suppose I'd have one Firefox tab with the "weekly review guide", and any spawned off actions in other tabs.

Sorry if this is pretty vague, but I was just reflecting that my weekly review process is still pretty weak after a year of GTD, and I imagine that's the case for a lot of other people.

I think that this capability would really differentiate Toodledo from the other GTD apps out there, as the weekly review is often the most thorny, difficult part of the process.

Just some thoughts for discussion.


Posted Apr 30, 2009 in: Iphone can't login
Score: 0
Ok, I think I've tracked down how it gets into this bad state.

At home I have a crappy satellite internet connection, which varies from 1Mb/s down to less than modem speed, depending on traffic/weather/phases of the moon.

I was having an internet slowdown yesterday and that's when all the sync problems started happening.

Today I'm working from a Starbucks which has a good wifi connection, and Toodledo is syncing fine.

If we could have a configurable "timeout" setting, that would be extremely useful for those of us with crappy internet connections.


Posted Apr 29, 2009 in: Iphone can't login
Score: 0
Hey all,

A couple of questions:

1. How do I submit a support request? I haven't been able to find anything on the site so far.

2. I'm suddenly getting a "Login failed" error on my iPhone when I try to sync. It's telling me that I need to ensure my connection information is correct, and I've done that a couple of times now.

I found this page:

and it suggests trying to force a sync (which fails with the "Login failed" message.

It also suggests purging all my data and trying again, but I'm hesitant to do that if I can't login again.

Can anyone point me in the correct direction?


Posted Apr 28, 2009 in: Offline access via Google Gears ?
Score: 0
I just wanted to add my voice of support for offline access mode.

I'm sitting behind a laggy satellite internet connection, and I find that Toodledo quite often freezes up my Firefox while updating. I would REALLY like to be able to:
1. go offline
2. make a batch of todo updates
3. go online, and let it sync

Thanks for a great product.