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New Section: Lists
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Toodledo Founder
Posted: Dec 21, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
If you choose the "Long Text" column then you can enter huge notes into each cell. Then to view them, you can click on that cell to expand the note and read it.

Posted: Dec 21, 2015
Score: 1 Reference
Ah, I see. Select the "Note" type instead of "Text", right? Yes, that works. Thanks!

Posted: Dec 21, 2015
Score: 2 Reference
Where on your development list priority is the ability to customize the columns width on the iPhone and iPad? Right now they are randomly wide for each type. I set up an integer type column that is incredibly wide on the iPhone. Also when you have columns that are inappropriately wide and unsettable on the device there is no scroll bar to get over to the hidden columns.

I'm testing usability now and Lists is getting very close. If Toodledo can get the functionality of the device apps up I'm in for a subscription.

Not being critical - I know development takes time. Just want to help provide feedback for a superb product. Thanks.

This message was edited Dec 21, 2015.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Dec 21, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
The List section works a little differently on mobile devices. Because there isn't room to show all the columns without awkward horizontal scrolling we instead show the first 3 columns only, each at 33% of the width. To see the additional columns, you can tap on that row and it will show you all the columns in a separate screen.

Posted: Dec 24, 2015
Score: 2 Reference
You know what? I think Lists has a ways to go to be excellent but you guys are on the right track. With Lists added to Tasks and Notes on your platform, Toodledo is a compelling solution. Last night I joined and downloaded Wunderlist and Todoist - those platforms don't come close to what you have now. They are noticeably missing CSV import capabilities which is a dealbreaker for me. So, I am subscribing to Silver now to help support you in the journey. Thanks for the hard work!

Posted: Jan 08, 2016
Score: 2 Reference
Any possibility of adding a feature that would allow a task to be made from a list or outline item? I know it is possible to copy and paste, but a one click solution would be nice.

Great work, BTW

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Jan 08, 2016
Score: 0 Reference
Thanks for the suggestion. We do not comment on timeframes for implementation, but this is on our to-do list.


Posted: Jun 01, 2016
Score: 1 Reference
How do I open or close all the dividers in a list on my iPhone with a single command? I know how to do it on the Web application, but I can't find the same command on my iPhone. If it's not available for mobile devices, could the function it be added to the developers' To-Do List?

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Jun 01, 2016
Score: 0 Reference
Tap and hold on a divider in the Tasks section of the iOS app to expand/collapse all of them.

Posted: Jun 02, 2016
Score: 1 Reference
Making a set of tasks with subtasks from a two level outline with just a couple of clicks would be AMAZING!

Generally though batch add does this by means of cut and paste from a numbered note, it's just a question of having to take time to break it into pieces and format it...This is how I handle occasional task sets that don't have a clearly defined repeat cycle.

Posted: Jun 03, 2016
Score: 3 Reference
Right now, at least from my perspective, the inability to display all columns in the mobile application, combined with lack of automatic cell value totaling like in web version, renders lists pretty useless.

Vacation time tracking ? No can't do. Can't see the total.

Some quick inventory list ? No can't do. Can't see the total.

Sure I can see it all in the browser or on the desktop but it's far easier to just fire up Excel or a compatible application suite.

Until the mobile app gets some love, I am afraid Lists aren't going to work for me.

Posted: Jun 27, 2016
Score: 3 Reference
I agree with e20.09g Although the Lists are useful, it needs to be able to see all columns and totals on the mobile app.
I use my list option for now to track the art shows I sign up for: Dates, get accepted, Entry fees, jury fees and totals for the year.
I can't see it all on my mobile app.

Posted: Jul 08, 2016
Score: 2 Reference
Echo the last two posts. Lists on mobile are is almost useless and is my most urgent need. The arbitrary 33% allocation to the first three columns is wrong-headed. I'm sure lots of us use an integer column to sort, and using 33% of the screen for integer sort is a waste. For some reason Checkboxes do not suffer from the waste of screen real estate. Can't you autosize or give us control of the column width?

Posted: Aug 07, 2016
Score: 2 Reference
Another vote for resizable columns, and ability to add at least a fourth (for us with large screens), as well as drag&drop reordering.

The other thing (that I originally went here to gripe about) is that I tried it as a shopping list manager for the first time today. One annoyance with that particular work flow is that every time I've glanced at the list, turned off the screen and put the phone back in my pocket to move to the next aisle, the app exits from the view of the shopping list and presents me with the list of my lists instead. Then I have to scroll down to the shopping list and reopen it - which isn't that extremely slow, but still takes two or three seconds of loading.

Can it please stay in the opened (shopping) list until I explicitly leave that list?

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Aug 08, 2016
Score: 0 Reference
Thanks for the suggestion. We do not comment on timeframes for implementation, but this is on our to-do list.


Posted: Dec 04, 2016
Score: 1 Reference
What's about the "global "reset all checked items" in Lists? I think it's an important feature for many.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Dec 05, 2016
Score: 0 Reference
Yes, that is on our todo list.

Posted: Dec 07, 2016
Score: 2 Reference
Not to be harsh - I absolutely love Toodledo as a task manager - but the inability of having even simple formulas, and total disconnect from the task module, make me really question why the list module was even created in first place.

I can start a simple yet full featured spreadsheet in seconds using one of the many Office compatible applications, and it will be just as disconnected from my tasks as the Lists module is, but far more featured and easier to use on mobile devices.

Everyone's needs vary of course, but to me, to make Lists actually useful, I'd need to have the ability to enter simple formulas using at least the four basic mathematical functions, the ability to link list to a task - and better else, create tasks from list items and have them linked back, and the ability to actually see and use all that functionality on mobile devices.

Posted: Dec 11, 2016
Score: 4 Reference
I agree that the TD compartmentalization / silos are preventing powerful use of the central Tasks module. Thank God for the in-line Notes in Tasks wherein one can make small notes, lists, etc.

If in a TD re-design Outlines, Lists and Habits and also Goals could be properly integrated into Tasks it would be much more powerful and more used.

Posted: Dec 11, 2016
Score: 1 Reference
Developers - any progress on the iOS Apps refinement, as detailed above? I started a paid subscription one year ago in the hopes that Toodledo would develop into a useful platform. I haven't seen much progress? Can you give me a reason to extend my paid subscription?
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