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New Section: Lists
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Posted: Dec 02, 2013
Score: -1 Reference
How do I re-sort the list after adding some items? New items always get added at the top, not in sort order (unless I'm doing something wrong). So far the only way I've found is to switch to viewing another list and then back to the list I'm working with.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Dec 02, 2013
Score: 0 Reference
There is not currently a way other than what you have described, or clicking on the column heading to change the sort. A resort button is a feature that is on our to-do list.


Posted: Dec 03, 2013
Score: 1 Reference
OMG thank you for LISTS.

i must admit, i have been away for awhile exploring other possibilities but got annoyed and here i am back and so glad (although i didnt unsubscribe).

LISTS wow. what a wonderful addition and even as an evernote user and with a google nexus tablet, this is now on my top ten used programs.

keep up the good work ... ps if you need a beta tester for the nexus tablet... let me know!

Posted: Dec 12, 2013
Score: 2 Reference
I currently use other tools for certain of my lists, but would love to have everything in Tooledo. Before I can use Toodledo lists I need a couple features already noted by others:

1) iOS support
2) Filters
3) Reset Column to unchecked

There are other things I would really like but could live without:

A few more yes/no types (you already have star & checkbox)
I find having a few more yes/no styles useful.
I have some lists that have several yes/no boxes (Ingredients Checked, Ingredients Purchased, Made, Staged, Packed).
In my travel list I have (for each item to pack) several location check boxes (beach, snow, business, camping).
It is nice to have different symbols for each checkbox.
X-Box (empty or X)
Circle (empty or filled) – A few colors would be nice.
Plus-Minus Box
Thumbs up/down
Stop/Go Circle (Red/Green)

A Three State (On, Off, N/A) type with a few icon types.
Thumbs up/down/sideways
Checkbox (Unchecked, Checked, Gray)
Stoplight (Red, Green, Yellow)

Details Columns aka invisible columns – they don’t show in the main list view, but if you click on a row icon you then see all the fields (including details). For examples I don't need to see everything about a wine in the list view, but want to see everything about the wine when I select one wine from my list.

At least one level of Outlining in Lists. I use this a lot.
For example for travel I have headers for On person, Clothing, Business Supplies, Camping, etc. I can do this with a sortindex column, but having outlining integrated with lists is very nice.

This message was edited Dec 12, 2013.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Dec 13, 2013
Score: 0 Reference
Thanks for the suggestion. We do not comment on timeframes for implementation, but this is on our to-do list.


Posted: Jan 10, 2014
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by Shayne.Tanner:
how do I link to my list to a task?

UPDATED - I worked it out - attachments!


I'm trying to do this now, and can't figure it out. I have a task, and I have a list; I'd like to link the list to the task so when I'm viewing the task I can click to go to the list. Is that what you were talking about? Is that possible?

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Jan 10, 2014
Score: 0 Reference
Yes, this is possible, but you need a Gold subscription to do it.

Video #10 will demonstrate how to do it:

Posted: Jan 12, 2014
Score: 2 Reference
How do you delete a list?

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Jan 12, 2014
Score: 0 Reference
Click the trashcan icon in the top right corner.

Posted: Jan 14, 2014
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by Jake:
Yes, this is possible, but you need a Gold subscription to do it.

Video #10 will demonstrate how to do it:

Thanks -- now a Gold subscriber! TD is awesome.

Now that I'm using Lists more, I'd like to put in another vote for tri-state checkboxes: unchecked, checked, and grayed out (or X).

Posted: Jan 21, 2014
Score: 0 Reference
Please, we need urgently filters working on lists.
Thank you !!!!!

Posted: Mar 27, 2014
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by mgacsaly:
I currently use other tools for certain of my lists, but would love to have everything in Tooledo. Before I can use Toodledo lists I need a couple features already noted by others:

1) iOS support
2) Filters
3) Reset Column to unchecked

There are other things I would really like but could live without:

A few more yes/no types (you already have star & checkbox)
I find having a few more yes/no styles useful.
I have some lists that have several yes/no boxes (Ingredients Checked, Ingredients Purchased, Made, Staged, Packed).
In my travel list I have (for each item to pack) several location check boxes (beach, snow, business, camping).
It is nice to have different symbols for each checkbox.
X-Box (empty or X)
Circle (empty or filled) – A few colors would be nice.
Plus-Minus Box
Thumbs up/down
Stop/Go Circle (Red/Green)

A Three State (On, Off, N/A) type with a few icon types.
Thumbs up/down/sideways
Checkbox (Unchecked, Checked, Gray)
Stoplight (Red, Green, Yellow)

Details Columns aka invisible columns – they don’t show in the main list view, but if you click on a row icon you then see all the fields (including details). For examples I don't need to see everything about a wine in the list view, but want to see everything about the wine when I select one wine from my list.

At least one level of Outlining in Lists. I use this a lot.
For example for travel I have headers for On person, Clothing, Business Supplies, Camping, etc. I can do this with a sortindex column, but having outlining integrated with lists is very nice.

Yes that would make it very powerful, to that I would add:
List items to at least 10,000
Lists exposed via API.

my USE cases
Music owned / wanted - i have several 1,000 vinyl, CDs & purchased downloads - many of them duplicates
Books - similar distribution and numbers

A simple tool to maintain lists across devices would be awesome
(I still haven't found a replacement for JFile on the Palm...) :)

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Mar 27, 2014
Score: 0 Reference
Lists is already exposed via the API.

For the last month we have been working on some huge optimizations to Lists that will allow us to raise the limit to 10,000 rows while maintaing excellent performance in the browser. We are nearly done with this under the hood improvement and will release it soon.

Posted: Mar 27, 2014
Score: 2 Reference
I see everybody asking for iOS support on lists and outlines. It would be great, yes. But it would be great too having it on Android. Could it be possible please? This would be the last thing you need to be the best online organizer ever seen! :-)

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Mar 27, 2014
Score: 0 Reference
Once we bring Lists and Outlines to iOS we also plan to bring it to Android eventually. The Android project has just gotten started so we have some more fundamental improvements to make first, but we'll get there.

Posted: Mar 28, 2014
Score: 1 Reference
Looking forward to ios implementation of lists and outlines. Then these become something I can accept into my workflow!

Posted: Apr 03, 2014
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by Jake:

For the last month we have been working on some huge optimizations to Lists .... We are nearly done with this under the hood improvement and will release it soon.
Will you include filters on the new improvement ?

thank you

This message was edited Apr 03, 2014.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Apr 03, 2014
Score: 0 Reference
Not initially, but it is near the top of our list.

Posted: May 14, 2014
Score: 1 Reference
Is it possible to delete an item from a drop down field?

Toodledo Founder
Posted: May 14, 2014
Score: 0 Reference
The drop down fields are created by looking at the unique values used in the list. So to delete an item from the drop down field, you need to remove it from all rows of the list.
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