ForumsNewsNew Section: Habits

New Section: Habits
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Toodledo Founder
Posted: Dec 29, 2014
Score: 0 Reference
Today we are excited to take the covers off our latest addition to Toodledo's suite of productivity tools: Habits

Just in time for your New Year's Resolutions, the new Habits section can help you make good habits and break bad habits. Record your progress each day and see continuously updating graphs and charts. Monitor your self improvement, stay motivated and achieve your goals.

You can choose to track your habits in three different ways.

Checkbox Habit
This is good for daily habits that you want to track. Each day that you record the habit adds a link to your chain. Don't break the chain! There is also a nice chart and calendar to display your progress as time goes on.
Examples: Floss, exercise, eat breakfast, meditate, stop smoking

Number Habit
This type of habit can track a number over time. Maybe you want to record your weight each day, or maybe you want to track how much TV you watched. See a graph showing your progress on these habits.
Examples: Weight, sleep, TV watched

Rating Habit
With a rating habit you can give 1 to 5 stars to a particular topic. You could track your happiness level each day, learn what makes you happier, and then do more of that! A graph and chart will give you a visual indicator of how you are doing.
Examples: Happiness, stress level, energy, productivity

Our hope is that these tools will help motivate you to make some new good habits or break some bad ones that you just can't shake.

Habits is available today at for desktop, tablet and mobile web browsers. Habits will be in our Android app (Android OS 4.2 and higher) by the end of the day and in our iOS app as soon as it makes it through Apple's review process.

Happy New Year!

Posted: Dec 29, 2014
Score: -2 Reference
I hope you're not casting the net too wide here. Would have been nice to have had the time it's taken to add this to make sub-folders in TD.

Happy New Year...

Posted: Dec 29, 2014
Score: 3 Reference
How do you remove a habit if you make a mistake ?

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Dec 29, 2014
Score: 0 Reference
At the bottom of the habit's page, click "Complete Habit" and then you'll have the option to delete.

Posted: Dec 29, 2014
Score: 2 Reference
It seems pretty good habits, I had similar in my Folder area... thanks

But, anyway, Lists still can not see at IOS app :( Also would be perfect to hide the areas which dont want to use...
Mert Ozyurek

Posted: Dec 30, 2014
Score: 3 Reference
Thank you !
Wonderful addition to a great app !!!
Mert Ozyurek

Posted: Dec 30, 2014
Score: 21 Reference
is there a way to track (once a week / twice a week) habits, without breaking the chain ?
Ann M

Posted: Dec 30, 2014
Score: 14 Reference
While I know this feature is useful since I have used other apps just for this purpose, I would have preferred to have seen enhancements to the existing features released before adding more features, for example adding a note field to the outline section. Personally, I would prefer to see you go deeper rather than wider. Also addressing the design interface really should be addressed. The notes section is pretty sad.

One other thing, I would really like the option to hide the tabs I don't use, like Lists and Habits. The addition of features without the ability to "hide" them is cluttering up the workspace.

Thank you for listening.

This message was edited Dec 30, 2014.
Bridget K

Posted: Dec 30, 2014
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by acc.mcpherson:
Also addressing the design interface really should be addressed.

Hi there acc.mcpherson thanks for your suggestions on the interface. You can post any suggestions and observations related to usability and design on the Toodledo redesign forum: I'll be keeping an eye on user input posted to this forum when making design decisions.



Posted: Dec 30, 2014
Score: 5 Reference
Posted by Salgud:
I hope you're not casting the net too wide here. Would have been nice to have had the time it's taken to add this to make sub-folders in TD.

Happy New Year...

Same thought from me. Please introduce sub-folders and unlimited multilevel subtasks and Toodledo will become unbeatable among all todo-apps! Is it that difficult?
Happy 2015 from me as well!

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Dec 30, 2014
Score: 0 Reference
Here are some things that we plan to add to the new Habits section in the future.

1) Ability to have weekly, twice a week, monthly, etc habits
2) Ability to have an alarm to remind you to do a habit
3) More statistics/graphs
4) Ability to pause a habit if you get sick or go on vacation

Posted: Dec 30, 2014
Score: 17 Reference
Thank you for the new habits features! This is a big area of focus for me right now, and I'm happy to have some new tools.

One feature that I would love to see: integration with task list. I currently have lots of habits in my to-do list, and I would love it if I could keep them there AND not have to also track them separately in the habits section. The check-box habits seem like they would be easiest to implement if there could be some sort of a "habit" flag on tasks. That way, if I completed the task, it could automatically track in the habits section. (And it would be awesome if by creating a recurring task that I want to be a habit and I set the "habit" flag, it would automatically create a habit to track!)

Thanks again for continuing to provide me with new tools! I've been a devoted user since 2009. Wish list items aren't complaints, just things that would make Toodledo even better!

Posted: Dec 30, 2014
Score: 6 Reference
"Habits"? Really? I have to say I'm a little disappointed. So much important work needs to be done (bulk modification, more levels of subtasks, lists in Android, fix offline backup API, usability enhancements, etc.) that spending time on trendy new features seems less than ideal to me. I'm sure "habits" tracking is nice for some folks, but just for me at least, I wish you'd spend resources on improving the core service (which I absolutely rely on every single day -- Toodledo is the foundation of my daily workflow and I always recommend it to others).

Posted: Dec 30, 2014
Score: 12 Reference
Posted by karin.borgerson:
Thank you for the new habits features! This is a big area of focus for me right now, and I'm happy to have some new tools.

One feature that I would love to see: integration with task list. I currently have lots of habits in my to-do list, and I would love it if I could keep them there AND not have to also track them separately in the habits section. The check-box habits seem like they would be easiest to implement if there could be some sort of a "habit" flag on tasks. That way, if I completed the task, it could automatically track in the habits section. (And it would be awesome if by creating a recurring task that I want to be a habit and I set the "habit" flag, it would automatically create a habit to track!)

Thanks again for continuing to provide me with new tools! I've been a devoted user since 2009. Wish list items aren't complaints, just things that would make Toodledo even better!

Seconded. I, too, have many habits as daily tasks (Exercise and Floss to name too that are in your suggested/starters list). Would love to see them in the task list for easy check off, but flagged as Habits for easy tracking/reporting.

Posted: Dec 30, 2014
Score: 14 Reference
Nice feature, thanks.

For what it's worth, it would have been good to see this integrated into tasks instead of a stand-alone feature. In my mind, all habits are tasks.

And notes. It is good to see progress on habits, but without a feature for note-taking by day (why a habit was/wasn't achieved), this is good for explaining the 'what' but not the 'why'.

Posted: Dec 30, 2014
Score: 5 Reference
Nice tool! Thank you so much for being the best app for GTD use. I've been thinking about how can I manage my habits (I was doing that in Evernote) and now I can bring this here. Excellent!

Posted: Dec 30, 2014
Score: 8 Reference
"All habits—no matter how large or small—have three components, according to neurological studies.
There's a cue—a trigger for a particular behavior; a routine, which is the behavior itself; and a reward,
which is how your brain decides whether to remember a habit for the future."

From The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg

A dedicated Tab Section is welcomed. The feedback metrics, very valuable and the integration to TD, Brilliant.
Thank you!.

This message was edited Dec 31, 2014.

Posted: Dec 31, 2014
Score: 6 Reference
One thing: desimal!

E.g. when monitoring my weight, I wish to have a comma point (or punctuation, depending on your preference), if my weight is 97.4kg today, and tomorrow my weight is fallen to 96.6kg. In this case there will not be a change in the stored value in the Habits section of 97kg!
Toodledo-moderator: Please put in the number column a "One decimal number", as is possible in the List-section!An appeal to the Toodledo-team:
You should try to keep things really, REALLY simple! With all the tabs and sections, the interface is starting to clutter up. I hope this is a part of the integration strategy of Toodledo! I have suggested in an earlier post (a long time ago) that both Outlines and Lists should be integrated in a form of Folder! This will make Toodledo much more flexible and powerful! One of the Folders could then be a Habit folder!
Rich Davis

Posted: Dec 31, 2014
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by melchizW:
How do you remove a habit if you make a mistake ?

Select the habbit and scroll down to the bottom of the right pane. The "mark as completed" gives the option to delete or archive.

Posted: Jan 01, 2015
Score: 3 Reference
Posted by acc.mcpherson:
While I know this feature is useful since I have used other apps just for this purpose, I would have preferred to have seen enhancements to the existing features released before adding more features, for example adding a note field to the outline section. Personally, I would prefer to see you go deeper rather than wider. Also addressing the design interface really should be addressed. The notes section is pretty sad.

One other thing, I would really like the option to hide the tabs I don't use, like Lists and Habits. The addition of features without the ability to "hide" them is cluttering up the workspace.

Thank you for listening.

+1 on that. I'd also "prefer to see you go deeper rather than wider". Well put.
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