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New Section: Habits
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Posted: Jan 04, 2015
Score: 1 Reference
Ok. I'll look out for it. Thanks!

Posted: Jan 05, 2015
Score: 1 Reference
Does this mean that the chain can finally be removed from the Goals organizer?
One Red Sock

Posted: Jan 05, 2015
Score: 2 Reference
I was so excited to log in to Toodledo this morning and see this new feature! How perfect for the new year. Can't wait to see habits that can be selected for certain days and not break the chain. Thanks for having a stellar product and for always continuing to improve it. I'm a Toodledo usere for life!

Posted: Jan 06, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
Habits has great potential, but I currently find it very difficult and confusing to use, as discussed earlier in this thread under item #6 on my wishlist.

I currently have 74 Habits set up in Toodledo. Realistically, I manage to complete 40 to 55 Habits per day.

This means that 20-35 Habits remain hanging in my Inbox every day, which makes my Inbox very difficult to use. I just can't see, at a glance in my Inbox, the things that I'm supposed to do today. Yet that is exactly what an Inbox should be telling the user. The proper function of an Inbox is: DO THESE THINGS. Do all the items you see in your Inbox.

But currently, the Inbox in Toodledo Habits, in fact, contains 3 various types of items:

1) things I'm still supposed to do today
2) things I failed to do today
3) things I'm supposed to do today, but (unfortunately) won't be able to do today (much as I'd like to)

Items of the #2 and #3 type just shouldn't appear in the Inbox at all, because their constant presence in the Inbox makes it very difficult to see the proper Inbox items (#1).

I'm looking forward to that "Missed" orange box/folder (or any similar arrangement), as proposed earlier, that will allow us to filter items of the #2, #3 variety away from our Inbox, so that our Inbox really only contains items of the #1 type, at any time of the day, so that whenever you look at your Inbox in Toodledo Habits, you would instantly see all the things you still need to accomplish today. This currently doesn't work.

This message was edited Jan 06, 2015.

Posted: Jan 06, 2015
Score: 1 Reference
I have not been able to see lists or habits on my iphone. How do I get those?

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Jan 06, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
Our iOS app doesn't have lists or habits yet. The next update (which Apple has been reviewing for about 1 month) will have habits, and lists will follow in a future update.

In the meantime, you can access both using your iPhone's built in Safari web browser.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Jan 06, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
We've made two quick fixes to Habits today based on feedback.

1) You can now use a "quote" character inside the Habit's title
2) If you have your account settings set to have the week start on Monday, this will be obeyed in the Habit's calendar.

We are currently working on more improvements based on your feedback.


Posted: Jan 07, 2015
Score: 1 Reference
Thank you for these first 2 fixes.

I'd like to second a request submitted by another user earlier: [19)] please make a Notes field available for each Habit.

I'd find notes especially useful for Ratings Habits. Typically, by the time a day is over, I tend to forget half of the things on which I should base my rating of a particular Habit for the day. ;-) If a Notes field is attached to every Habit, then I can, throughout the day, jot down a few notes to every Habit, and based on those notes, I can then better, just before bedtime, evaluate every Rating Habit for the day and give it the appropriate star rating.

This message was edited Jan 07, 2015.

Posted: Jan 07, 2015
Score: -1 Reference
I don't see habits in my Android Ap. It appears to be up to date, but I don't see the feature. It's 5.4.2.

Posted: Jan 07, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
Habits are available in the Toodledo for Android app, version 5.6.0. Take a look in your Play Store for the newest release.

Posted: Jan 07, 2015
Score: 1 Reference
The habit interface is not working in my IE 9 browser. (I am currently not allowed to ugprade it.)

I see the following message and blue buttons.

Have you achieved your goal? Mark this habit as completed and stop tracking it.
{{'Mark as completed' | translate}}{{'Delete Habit' | translate}}{{'Reactivate Habit' | translate}}{{'Mark as completed' | translate}}{{'Delete Habit' | translate}}{{'Reactivate Habit' | translate}}

There is also a debug message below that.

Version: {{ habit.version }} / {{ habit.dirty }} / {{ habit.saving }}
Added: {{ habit.added*1000 | date }}
Deleted: {{habit.deleted}}
Daily: {{ daily }}

This message was edited Jan 07, 2015.

Posted: Jan 08, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
I was a bit skeptical at first on the habits, but I am starting to like this and find uses for it to motivate regular / repeating tasks. This is essentially a much improved "goal" feature, good work and quite innovative!

I would like to suggest one improvement for the chaining. It would be nice to have a bit of flexibility to allow to skip x number of days in a week or month without having the chain broken. Some activities by nature should NOT be repeated every day (eg some types of workout schedules require a day of rest etc)

Also as things are getting "wider" I really see a need for a powerful global search feature which will find items across all sections. I already felt this need just with the addition of outlines. searching separately through tasls/notes and outlines and lists for something you know you have filed is becoming painful. I think this feature will help glue together these sections.


Posted: Jan 08, 2015
Score: 1 Reference
What was the name for Habits IOS application ? I cannot find it in app store :(

Thank you !

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Jan 08, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
Thanks for the suggestions. We are working on some of them right now.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Jan 08, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
Habits on iOS will be in our iOS app "Toodledo" once Apple approves the update. We submitted the update to Apple in the first week of December and are still waiting for them to approve it and allow us to release the update.

Posted: Jan 09, 2015
Score: 2 Reference
Hello, I just have a few more comments/suggestions on the habits:

1. For the graphs it would be nice to have a horizontal line which is the target we are aiming for (of course we would have to be able to enter the target). the target may be above or below the current level and the habit is complete or perhaps a flag on the graph displayed every time we do beeter than the target.

2. It would be nice if habits could optionally appear in our hotlist. The reason is, I really see these as being a very powerful alternative to optional repeating tasks of which I have many. These are basically modelling habits in many cases, but I never thought of them that way.

3. I mentioned that habits may be applicable only say 5 days a week on weekdays, but please also consider supporting habits which occur multiple times every day (I currently use multiple repeating tasks for these). very useful for practice schedules.

Great work, and good idea once again!

This message was edited Jan 09, 2015.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Jan 09, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
We released an update to Habits today:

1) You can now see the suggestions for new habits all the time at the bottom of your dashboard
2) An action menu was added to give quick access to editing and deleting a habit
3) You can now clone a habit from the action menu
4) Fixed some bugs with IE9 and other minor issues.

Posted: Jan 09, 2015
Score: 1 Reference

I also use my Toodledo tasks to track habits and integration would be useful (although I've set mine up in a way that keeps them "tagged.")

I don't mind the idea of keeping track of habits in a different tab, however many of the habits in my list are tied to longer range goals. Would it be possible to attach the habits in the habits tab to the goals I've defined in my tasks tab?


Posted by J:
Posted by karin.borgerson:
Thank you for the new habits features! This is a big area of focus for me right now, and I'm happy to have some new tools.

One feature that I would love to see: integration with task list. I currently have lots of habits in my to-do list, and I would love it if I could keep them there AND not have to also track them separately in the habits section. The check-box habits seem like they would be easiest to implement if there could be some sort of a "habit" flag on tasks. That way, if I completed the task, it could automatically track in the habits section. (And it would be awesome if by creating a recurring task that I want to be a habit and I set the "habit" flag, it would automatically create a habit to track!)

Thanks again for continuing to provide me with new tools! I've been a devoted user since 2009. Wish list items aren't complaints, just things that would make Toodledo even better!

Seconded. I, too, have many habits as daily tasks (Exercise and Floss to name too that are in your suggested/starters list). Would love to see them in the task list for easy check off, but flagged as Habits for easy tracking/reporting.

Posted: Jan 10, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
20) I think that the "Needs Improvement" section on the Dashboard needs improvement. ;-) Among my 75 Habits, there are a few in which I haven't logged a single day since the start of the New Year 10 days ago. So, those are exactly the Habits that should be prominently highlighted in the "Needs Improvement" section. Instead, the "Needs Improvement" section highlights some other Habits for me in which I only failed to make a record yesterday or so. That doesn't make sense.

Also, I'd welcome if both the "Trending Habits" and the "Needs Improvement" section displayed more than only 4 items (make this configurable per user, perhaps).

21) The piechart on the Dashboard is wrong, too. I have 75 Habits, but the piechart tells me that I have 73 "not logged" and 17 "logged" Habits, which totals 90 Habits. That's obviously incorrect.

Thank you.

This message was edited Jan 10, 2015.

Posted: Jan 11, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
22) The "start of new week" bug still isn't completely fixed. My "start of week" is set to be Monday. It's Sunday morning, Jan 11, right now. When I click any of my Habits now, it brings me to next week's screen, starting from tomorrow, Monday, but it calls next week "This Week". In order to see today's (Sunday's) checkbox, I need to go to the drop-down menu and select "Last Week", although today, Sunday, is not "Last Week" – it's still "This Week".

Here is a screenshot documenting the bug: Habits currently consider "Today" (if it's a Sunday) to be part of "Last Week"!

Thank you for fixing this bug. (It can currently be observed only as long as it's a Sunday for you.)

This message was edited Jan 11, 2015.
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