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New Section: Habits
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Toodledo Founder
Posted: Mar 23, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
Thanks for the suggestions. We do not comment on timeframes for implementation, but these are on our to-do list.

Ann M

Posted: Mar 24, 2015
Score: 4 Reference
This type of habit can track a number over time. Maybe you want to record your weight each day, or maybe you want to track how much TV you watched. See a graph showing your progress on these habits.
Examples: Weight, sleep, TV watched

I think this "number habit" is slightly amiss. In many cases it's not desired to track daily so the idea of a "daily" chain i s not relevant. If I want to weigh my self weekly or monthly to see the progress over time then the idea of breaking the daily chain doesn't have merit. I think this can be true of any other "habits" that you want to monitor by number. I hope you consider this with upcoming updates.


This message was edited Mar 24, 2015.

Posted: Apr 02, 2015
Score: 3 Reference
I like where you have gone with habits, much more useful than when first introduced.
However, like others, I would like to be able to create a view (search) to be able to show today's tasks & habits on one screen. It would make habits so much more useful.

Posted: Apr 03, 2015
Score: 3 Reference
I love the habits feature, and I'm finding it very useful. I'm actually now remembering to do my physical therapy every_day! I upgraded my home account JUST to be able to log more habits.

But, I would like to be able to go back in history more that "the week before last" to enter data. I've been tracking my #hours sleep on paper since the beginning of the year, but only tracking in Toodledo for about a month. I'd like to enter the previous two months of records into Toodledo. How can I do that??

I'm also eagerly waiting the ability to track some habits weekly or on alternating days (and to be able to pick the interval), and let some show on my Tasks. I like the idea of logging "skip" days (like a rest day for workouts or skip vacation days and weekends), and putting time frames or manually sorting the habits so I can put them in order of my daily routine. (which I see are already on the programming to-do list).


Toodledo Founder
Posted: Apr 03, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
Thanks for the suggestions. We do not comment on timeframes for implementation, but these are on our to-do list.


Posted: May 13, 2015
Score: 3 Reference
I'm a little late to the game, but I've finally started playing with habits.

I read through all the comments and suggestions and am impressed with how much it's improved since rollout. Here are some of my thoughts and a description of how I'm using it so far.

First, some comments on suggestions that others made:
Yes to tying task to a habit! (Or, as someone suggested, making it an option to have it show up in tasks.) This would be my number 1 request.
Yes to ability to have more choices of frequency (once per week, once per month, weekdays only) and skip days.
I'd like to be able to add notes.

Now for how I use the feature. I have basically 4 ways that I use it (use cases?):

Things I need to do:

Examples: Exercise, Write, Work on de-cluttering
In this case, a checkmark is good enough because I have an exercise app that logs time, distance, and so on. Also, for writing and de-cluttering, though it might be interesting to know how many words I wrote and how long I spent going through boxes in the attic, just knowing I worked on it is good.

Things I need to reduce:

Examples: Weight, Facebook visits per day, TV hours per day
In this case, using a number works because I see a graph shows me when the number goes down, which is what I want. I'm not so worried about having a target line, but I'd use it if it were there.

Things I need to stop doing:
Examples: Eating candy
In this case, a checkmark is a fail.

Things I need to log:

Examples: When neck pain is bad enough to take prescription anti-inflammatory
In this case, every day should be logged. A 0 is good (no medication necessary). Anything greater than 0 shows how many times I had to take medication that day.

Keep up the good work! I really love Toodledo. I still use a web browser for most of the day since I'm on a computer for 8+ hour for the day job and then, if possible, another 2 hours writing or doing personal tasks. However, I recently got a Galaxy Note 3, so I'll probably start using that on weekends and other times a way.

Posted: May 23, 2015
Score: 3 Reference
Posted by Jake:
Here are some things that we plan to add to the new Habits section in the future.

1) Ability to have weekly, twice a week, monthly, etc habits
2) Ability to have an alarm to remind you to do a habit
3) More statistics/graphs
4) Ability to pause a habit if you get sick or go on vacation

I'm happy to the see this habits addition; I had been using another app to track habits, however recently it was no longer supported so I couldn't add or change any of my habits. This will reduce the number of apps I need to have on my home screen, which I'm happy about! Simplification.

That being said, #1 above is a top priority--I have a medication I need to take once every other week; I want to keep that in the habits section as it is a top priority on the day I need to take it, but I obviously don't want to get dinged (or even think about it) on the other days when it's not needed. I only exercise heavily twice a week, so I don't want to have to think about it on other days, and same for getting to sleep by a certain time--on the weekends I know I won't be in bed the same time as weeknights.

To truly make this section of the app functional, it needs this date section.

The numbering and starring functions are great; many apps just give you a check or an X, and a number is much more useful for tracking for instance, how many French lessons I've done on Duolingo, and I like the idea of 1-5 stars to track happiness or other factors. Is there a way to get an email update when this particular feature has been updated? Thanks!

Posted: May 24, 2015
Score: 1 Reference
Love the Habits addition to Toodledo. Love, love!

Can you consider this for the Apple Watch -- AS A SEPARATE APP?

Of course even though I'd like to see it as a separate app, it should integrate into the data stored on the web.

The reason I'd like you to make this a SEPARATE APP rather than part of the implementation of your task app is that the Watch apps that are truly useful minimize taps. Even if one has to scroll or swipe or other maneuver from the task part of a Watch app to the habit part, that's one gesture too many, in my opinion.

To summarize: please make Toodledo Habits a separate and exceedingly simple app for the Apple Watch.

Love you guys!!

Posted: May 24, 2015
Score: 3 Reference
One of your suggested habits is "Be happy." That sort of pisses me off.

Just throwin' it out there.


Toodledo Founder
Posted: May 26, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
Thanks for the suggestions. We do not comment on timeframes for implementation, but these are on our to-do list.

Christoph Dollis

Posted: Jun 21, 2015
Score: 4 Reference
I just wanted to add that of all the things which could be added to habits, in order to remember to *do* the habits, my top pick would be a badge within the (web and mobile) app on the habits tab indicating that there are uncompleted habits for the day, and, ideally, how many.

Until then, as wonderful as I think the design so far has been, it isn't practical for me. Because then I'd have to have the habit to check the habits (several times a day, differently every day at that, until all completed), etc. And I might forget to do that. And so my listed habits don't get built.

Anyway, I know you don't comment on timeframes, but please add this as soon as possible. It would make a big difference in usability for everyone, I think. An indicator when you open Toodledo that there are remaining habits to be completed for the day can only help.

This message was edited Jun 21, 2015.

Posted: Jun 21, 2015
Score: 1 Reference
Reminders to do each specific recurrent Habit could appear in your Task tabs Hotlist (depending on their recurrence schedule) along with your other urgent-important tasks. That way you need only open your Task Hotlist for all tasks. They could be differentiated from other tasks by a "Habit" tag. You could mark them complete there. You then need to access the Habit tab only for the analysis and to make changes to Habits. Simple & Brilliant what? :)

Would love an easy way to sort the days tasks/habits by proposed "start time".

Posted: Jun 24, 2015
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by Big Fred:
The reason I'd like you to make this a SEPARATE APP rather than part of the implementation of your task app is that the Watch apps that are truly useful minimize taps. Even if one has to scroll or swipe or other maneuver from the task part of a Watch app to the habit part, that's one gesture too many, in my opinion.
This applies to the iPhone app as well.

Given that there's no integration of Habits with any other section of Toodledo, it makes sense to have Habits as a separate app.

Posted by shfl:
For what it's worth, it would have been good to see this integrated into tasks instead of a stand-alone feature. In my mind, all habits are tasks.
I agree. The Habits section would be much more useful if it was integrated with Tasks. There would be alarms, notes, various repeating schedules, and various ways of categorizing, filtering and sorting habits by using fields like Folder, Context, Location, Tags and Priority. At the very least, I would like to filter my habits by "Business" and "Personal", and I would like to put them in a particular order, without having to use various kludges.

Posted: Jul 06, 2015
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by Purveyor:
Posted by shfl:
[quote]For what it's worth, it would have been good to see this integrated into tasks instead of a stand-alone feature. In my mind, all habits are tasks.[/quote]I agree. The Habits section would be much more useful if it was integrated with Tasks. There would be alarms, notes, various repeating schedules, and various ways of categorizing, filtering and sorting habits by using fields like Folder, Context, Location, Tags and Priority. At the very least, I would like to filter my habits by "Business" and "Personal", and I would like to put them in a particular order, without having to use various kludges.[/quote]

+1, agree also, this is a nice idea, although on the surface it seems independent, integrating into tasks would be powerful!

I am really missing in habits the possibility of having habits which are only N times a week or month, I know this already discussed and on the todolist, but in fact the idea of integrating with tasks reminded me of this need. Currently the task scheduling is much more flexible than the habits, BUT the task scheduling also does not allow twice a week/month tasks.

maby the sections do not need to be combined completely, but some integration such as having habits appear in the hotlist or tasklist with some filtering is enough. Admittedly the graphs etc in habits does not completely carry over to tasks.

Posted: Jul 11, 2015
Score: 6 Reference
Has anyone suggested color-coding the "chain" --> red link = no (fail), green link = yes (done), grey link = not marked either way yet. This would supply just a touch more info at a glance. Thanks!

Oh, and although I know you don't comment on time frames, could you please (in this case) let me know if this idea will be implemented on, say, October 8th? (December 2 works well, too.) Thanks in advance.


This message was edited Jul 11, 2015.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Jul 13, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
Thanks for the suggestion. We'll consider it.

Posted: Jul 14, 2015
Score: 2 Reference
I'd second that post - color coding the chain.

The particular means of implementing it (red/green/gray) might not be too well thought out, but it would be nice if one could differentiate between failures and non-entries.

Posted: Jul 19, 2015
Score: 3 Reference
I really enjoy Habits, the only thing I miss is the possibility to export Habits data. Are you planning on adding this option?

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Jul 20, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
Thanks for the suggestion. We do not comment on timeframes for implementation, but this is on our to-do list.


Posted: Aug 03, 2015
Score: 3 Reference
Posted by slavka.sedlackova:
I really enjoy Habits, the only thing I miss is the possibility to export Habits data. Are you planning on adding this option?

AGREE - need to be able to export the data.
Also I'm concerned what is going to happen to my weight data once the year rolls around...
Already it frustrates me by averaging data over periods that I cant figure out. I dont want averages.. I want the ACTUAL data.
Its hard enough dealing with a monthly hormonal cycle affecting my weight without some formula "averaging" it further for me!
I WANT to see the highs and lows...

1) access to original raw data input into habit
2) option to NOT AVERAGE/SMOOTH data/history
3) YoY graph?

And votes for
4) optional adding to 'tasks' for day [reduce number of tabs have to open]
5) periodic tasks (M-F, Mon & Thu for 5:2 fasting; every Sat etc)

Thanks! :-)
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