ForumsNewsToodledo Update: Product Principles

Toodledo Update: Product Principles
Author Message

Posted: Oct 10, 2018
Score: 4 Reference
Hi Toodledo community,

Aaron here, CEO of Toodledo.

In my first two weeks, I’ve spent a lot of time listening to users like you on the forums, in dozens of 1-on-1 user calls, on the new feature request board, and through surveys. Something I get asked a lot is for more visibility on what the team is planning long-term for Toodledo.

We want Toodledo to be the best damn productivity tool out there.

And so, as we invest in the team, product, and support going forward, I wanted to share thoughts on the principles that are shaping our vision and prioritization for Toodledo.

> Remember everything: Toodledo stores tasks until you need to think about them. Knowing you can easily push tasks out of your head (or inbox) and have them pop-up later gives you peace-of-mind to focus on what you need to do right now
> Focus on what matters most: We hear many users say that they spend more time than they’d like organizing and sorting tasks. Toodledo can do more heavy lifting to surface and remind you of the single most important task to work on right now
> Everywhere you are: You need access to your tasks everywhere. Expect new mobile apps and thoughtful integrations so that you can always access your tasks wherever you are
> Work how you want to work: We believe your tools should flex to serve your methods, not the other way around. We’ll remove friction without removing functionality from the more cumbersome interface components so you can streamline organization and planning and spend more time doing
> Plays well with others: Many tasks ultimately depend on or are in relation to other people. We’ll extend collaboration to make sharing, delegation, and follow-ups far easier

We’d love your feedback on the above and anything else. So make sure to let us know your opinions in the forum or by email ([email protected]).


This message was edited Oct 10, 2018.

Posted: Oct 10, 2018
Score: 2 Reference
I am a long-time Toodledoer, Aaron, as are many others, and am looking forward to some things staying the same and some things improving. Can you state unequivocally that the following two items are your highest objectives going forward, underlying your principles that are shaping your vision and prioritization for Toodledo?:

1) The absolute security of every bit of information we trust to Toodledo.
2) The systems you have in place, or will have, ensure full backup and uninterrupted service.

If you cannot so state, pls let us know so we can take our business elsewhere.

Posted: Oct 11, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
It would be nice if the parts of toodledo worked together better e.g. habits don't appear in the todo list as things to be done, better notifications, I use the website and not an app, which means the time notification basically don't work. I think they have only appeared twice as a pop up but I have to be in toodledo for them to happen, which makes them redundant (I also have the email notifications, but I use outlook 365 online so I only see if I open the mail client.)



Posted: Oct 11, 2018
Score: 4 Reference
Posted by Brian_14:
I am a long-time Toodledoer, Aaron, as are many others, and am looking forward to some things staying the same and some things improving. Can you state unequivocally that the following two items are your highest objectives going forward, underlying your principles that are shaping your vision and prioritization for Toodledo?:

1) The absolute security of every bit of information we trust to Toodledo.
2) The systems you have in place, or will have, ensure full backup and uninterrupted service.

If you cannot so state, pls let us know so we can take our business elsewhere.

Information security and uninterrupted service are foundational to delivering on these principles. Indeed, I believe we only deliver on principles like Everywhere you are or Work how you want to work if you trust that your data will be available and secure at all times.

Toodledo's long-standing existing data retention and security policies have served the product well to date, and so we plan to keep the same stance.

Posted: Oct 12, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
I think what you need is a uservoice style list of the most requested features and get us all to vote. This will determine your dev priorities. Yes, security is a must. As in you monitoring for unusual activities and maybe we are forced to got MFA. I now have a working assumption that passwords can be picked up on networks so you really need multifactor for pretty much everything.
Agenda Digital

Posted: Oct 12, 2018
Score: 3 Reference
The page to vote already exists:

This message was edited Oct 12, 2018.

Posted: Oct 13, 2018
Score: -1 Reference
And still no iOS app update....

Posted: Oct 14, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
EDIT: nevermind

This message was edited Oct 14, 2018.

Posted: Oct 15, 2018
Score: 10 Reference
Long time user--paid Platinum since 2012--more out of respect than real need.

The system is stale. For years the iOS app has gotten all of the lip service and love but the product itself is stagnant. Sure it works but it is lagging in advancement. Calendar integration is poor. No Kanban options. Poor ability to sort tasks. Non-intuitive ways of moving tasks around and prioritizing. Sure it works if I force myself into Toodledo. But new products (I can list competitors if you want) have passed Toodledo by and allow the product to fit the user more than the other way around.

Overall the product is dated. The user interface which was good years ago is now dated--cold oatmeal. Dull--clumsy--colorless.
Reading honest and financially-biased reviews it is clear that Toodledo, a well reviewed product (still was second to Wunderlist) when I signed on, is at best a distant program that gets a short mention nowadays

Honestly I am disappointed to against hear all the work on the apps or under the hood.
What I need is colors, drag and drop ordering of tasks as well as ability to mandatory order, much better calendar organization, and an outline system that is less linear--more sticky note or Kanban like.

I would favor bringing the web service and the apps at the same time. Without synchronize efforts the programs will keep colliding and progress will continue to be under the hood and reacting to iOS and Android changes.

Posted: Oct 17, 2018
Score: 6 Reference
I purchased a Gold subscription a few months ago. While there are a couple of paid features I do enjoy, I've spent the time since then waffling about whether the scant handful of upgrade features I actually use are worth $30/year to me. The increase to $60/year has made my decision; I will be canceling my paid membership before it renews. If you would allow me to pay for only the features I actually want to use individually, at lower cost, I might be interested, but the package as a whole is not enticing at its new price point.

Posted: Oct 17, 2018
Score: 7 Reference
After being with you since 2012 It'll be time to say goodbye with the price hike for an out of date product.
There are far, far better apps out there for free, utilising things like drag and drop and easier ordering!

It's been nice and unfortunately only nice for far too long.

Posted: Oct 17, 2018
Score: 6 Reference
I pad for a multiple year Gold subscription, left due to the staleness and lack of changes and wrote off the spend. I came back recently due to the new ownership, the promise of great improvements, etc and spent the time to set up everything again only to find out about today's price increase. I will continue to use it to get my money out of the system, but all I can say is that unless I am BLOWN away with the changes later this year and in 2019, I will be gone before my renewal next December at those prices. Sad as I have been with Toodledo for many years...

Posted: Oct 17, 2018
Score: 0 Reference
Those feel pretty good to me.

Though the second one is a bit intangible to me. "Focus on what matters most: We hear many users say that they spend more time than they’d like organizing and sorting tasks. Toodledo can do more heavy lifting to surface and remind you of the single most important task to work on right now." What does this mean? Toodledo will use advanced AI and monitoring featured to determine what I should work on next? Yes, I'm being silly... but maybe this needs a little unpacking.

Posted: Oct 17, 2018
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by boydston01:
Those feel pretty good to me.

Though the second one is a bit intangible to me. "Focus on what matters most: We hear many users say that they spend more time than they’d like organizing and sorting tasks. Toodledo can do more heavy lifting to surface and remind you of the single most important task to work on right now." What does this mean? Toodledo will use advanced AI and monitoring featured to determine what I should work on next? Yes, I'm being silly... but maybe this needs a little unpacking.

Sure, in the future it'd be great if we could do that. Today, however, dozens of users have told us they just want the ability to sort the tasks in the right order (e.g. if four tasks all have same due date, priority, etc and are of equal importance) or to focus on what next.

So some nearer term features are to enable drag-and-drop, and the ability for a user to select a single task being worked on and integrate with Pomodoro that de-emphasizes the other tasks visually until the current task is done.

Posted: Oct 17, 2018
Score: 12 Reference
TRIPLING the price of the least expensive paid plan?


Good luck with that. I won't be renewing.

Posted: Oct 17, 2018
Score: 0 Reference
How exactly do I prevent my subscription from renewing? I just searched all over my profile and settings and couldn't figure out how to do that. It's almost like... you make it hard on purpose?

Posted: Oct 17, 2018
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by jik:
How exactly do I prevent my subscription from renewing? I just searched all over my profile and settings and couldn't figure out how to do that. It's almost like... you make it hard on purpose?

I also searched for that option today, and without success as well.

Could anybody advise how to cancel automatic renewal?

This message was edited Oct 17, 2018.

Posted: Oct 17, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
I found this in FAQ section but I can't see 'Cancel subscription' described in the article.

Posted: Oct 17, 2018
Score: 8 Reference
I will have to agree with most of the comments. This is a huge increase in price for a product that I do use daily, but has it's set of problems with refresh and syncing. Unless there are huge improvements, I will also have so say goodbye to what is a good product.

Please rethink the pricing structure or you will lose of lot of your loyal customers.
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