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Feature Roadmap and New Pricing Plans
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Posted: Nov 19, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Hi, I'm sorry but removing full task history from every tier except the most expensive is just wrong. It is also something task managers did years ago with many realising if they wanted to keep their customers they needed to provide the industry standard of full history on ALL plans. I actually do not know of another task manager that limits task history like this any more.
The actual price increase is also unacceptable, Toodledo is a very good task manager, but that is all it is. It is not a full blown project management app. Todoist, Gqueues, Get it Done and many more manage to offer their apps at the £20 - £30 per year pricing these are toodledo's competitors and with these kind of price increases I can see the competition winning very very easily

Posted: Nov 20, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
i still have old deleted tasks, lying arround,
today i wanted to get a print out, not possible,
(still gold member, till Apr. 2019)
only way to download csv file, to get complete tasks.
in print function ( website ) only 1-2 of 50 pages not blank.

Well more and more problems, less functions, ..... still moved, will erase all data ( even old ones ) here today.

This message was edited Nov 20, 2018.

Posted: Nov 20, 2018
Score: 3 Reference
Posted by Tracie2602:
The actual price increase is also unacceptable, Toodledo is a very good task manager, but that is all it is. It is not a full blown project management app. Todoist, Gqueues, Get it Done and many more manage to offer their apps at the £20 - £30 per year pricing these are toodledo's competitors and with these kind of price increases I can see the competition winning very very easily

Yeah, I agree. The biggest problem is what their new price point puts them against. $99/year is the same price as Office 365.

Posted: Nov 23, 2018
Score: 3 Reference
I agree - too much of a jump in price. I just switched to Tick Tick. Very nice layout and good support. $30 a year for all features, so almost half of what the new Toodledo subscription will be. Sorry to leave

Posted: Nov 27, 2018
Score: 3 Reference

It's been over a month and no real updates! We are not seeing any progress. A large number of items are listed as in progress, but we ar enot seeing any of it yet.


Posted: Nov 28, 2018
Score: 2 Reference
Only 1 week of task history??? Really??
I get unlimited storage of photos through Google, but you can't save a few lines of text?
Not seeing the value.

Looking at other alternatives....

Posted: Nov 28, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
I agree with Scott, What gives?

Posted: Nov 29, 2018
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by Joyce:
I agree with Scott, What gives?

I find it odd that Aaron doesn’t reply or respond to any of these posts. Doesn’t seem too customer centric to me.
Mike Thomas

Posted: Nov 30, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
After an initial flurry of trying to find an alternative that works well (for my needs) I had given up and resolved to bite the bullet and pay the ransom for a year of service, thereby delaying the decision by a year. But I cannot - every time I go to the Subscribe page (prompted by the arrow glaring at me in the left pane of my browser), it's still showing the old plans (with no warning of the impending change). None of the old plans say I will get 3rd-party app access (because it is supported by all of them for another 31 days).

This makes me determined to look again at the alternatives because I don't want to be painted into a corner come New Year's Day, or worse stuck in a tool that suddenly goes out of business because the users all moved to something else.

I don't need a lot of TD features. They all currently exist in the free version. But I *do* need to be able to make changes on a phone *and* in a browser and have them sync, plus I need support for sorting by context (or something analogous to it). Sadly most alternatives don't hit all those features, the one that does (RTM) will not import from TD (I used the beta version as directed and got no tasks after the import - but that's a question for the RTM forum).

Ditching TD altogether and syncing Ultimate To-Do List directly with Google Tasks is a non-starter (whoever "designed" (using the term loosely) Google Tasks should be selling deep-fried sliced vegetables).

This is pretty frustrating.

Posted: Nov 30, 2018
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by Mike Thomas:
After an initial flurry of trying to find an alternative that works well (for my needs) I had given up and resolved to bite the bullet and pay the ransom for a year of service, thereby delaying the decision by a year. But I cannot - every time I go to the Subscribe page (prompted by the arrow glaring at me in the left pane of my browser), it's still showing the old plans (with no warning of the impending change). None of the old plans say I will get 3rd-party app access (because it is supported by all of them for another 31 days).

This makes me determined to look again at the alternatives because I don't want to be painted into a corner come New Year's Day, or worse stuck in a tool that suddenly goes out of business because the users all moved to something else.

I don't need a lot of TD features. They all currently exist in the free version. But I *do* need to be able to make changes on a phone *and* in a browser and have them sync, plus I need support for sorting by context (or something analogous to it). Sadly most alternatives don't hit all those features, the one that does (RTM) will not import from TD (I used the beta version as directed and got no tasks after the import - but that's a question for the RTM forum).

Ditching TD altogether and syncing Ultimate To-Do List directly with Google Tasks is a non-starter (whoever "designed" (using the term loosely) Google Tasks should be selling deep-fried sliced vegetables).

This is pretty frustrating.

The RTM import method that worked for me was to first export TD tasks to CSV, then import into Outlook Tasks, then install the free trial of MilkSync, and sync from Outlook to RTM.

It was not without its quirks - e.g. the attachments were gone, and if I modified a task that had a Start date but no Due date, it would get assigned a Due date automatically. Also I was not using Goals or Contexts, so not sure how to handle those. But all in all, it was a fairly quick and easy process.

Posted: Nov 30, 2018
Score: -2 Reference
Good Day folks, as I am using Tick Tick more and more, it really is a good product. Strong functionality and easy on the eyes.

The free version give you a good idea of what it will be like.

You can also import Toodledo Tasks
Mike Thomas

Posted: Nov 30, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by Ummagumma:

The RTM import method that worked for me was to first export TD tasks to CSV, then import into Outlook Tasks, then install the free trial of MilkSync, and sync from Outlook to RTM.

It was not without its quirks - e.g. the attachments were gone, and if I modified a task that had a Start date but no Due date, it would get assigned a Due date automatically. Also I was not using Goals or Contexts, so not sure how to handle those. But all in all, it was a fairly quick and easy process.

Thanks, I might give that a try.

Nice username BTW.

This message was edited Nov 30, 2018.

Posted: Dec 03, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Mike - I switched to Todoist. I was able to import my tasks (though it required a little tweaking) and it has both app and browser support.

Posted: Dec 03, 2018
Score: 0 Reference
I still have 718 days left in my silver subscription, however I still can't find a good replacement.

Posted: Dec 07, 2018
Score: 2 Reference
Easy solution guys regarding history. Rather than marking as done, simply assign them to a status you don't use. You can easily do that now to all your current history in batch.

Posted: Dec 10, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by jonathan.nissanov:
Easy solution guys regarding history. Rather than marking as done, simply assign them to a status you don't use. You can easily do that now to all your current history in batch.

Or change the priority to -1 as these can also be easily hidden.

Posted: Dec 11, 2018
Score: 0 Reference
A week ago I got an e-mail from Aaron with probably final plans definitions:!AlER-iHBX0Pjh-IyC_28V-MHF-O0lQ. In my eyes, the Standard plan is my future choice. 1 year history is enough for me and e-mailing tasks without editing parameters (which is what I do) can easily be managed by IFTTT (grantly, I have tested it just two times, but it worked).

And from the e-mail:

"A few comments to clarify:

Notes / Lists / Outlines / Habits: We are refocusing on the core of what makes Toodledo great: task management. We don't intend to be everything to everybody. So, we are hitting pause on these features; they will still be available, we just aren’t developing them at the moment.
Non-profit pricing. We’ll be also rolling out Toodledo for non-profits. Please see the program details to learn more when it goes live.
Add tasks via email. All users will be able to create tasks from emails via our bookmarklets. Forwarding emails to Toodledo and adding special syntax in the subject line to populate all its details is a premium feature.
Third-party integrations. We're making changes to the API developer program. We will bring some of this functionality in-house, and where it makes sense, extend complimentary access to “Toodledo Approved” external partners."

This message was edited Dec 11, 2018.

Posted: Dec 11, 2018
Score: 0 Reference
Good that they've finally given Standard 1 year pricing. Unfortunately, they waited too long (and still haven't unofficially announced it). We've been seeing so many posts about people leaving because of the one-week history alone.

Posted: Dec 11, 2018
Score: 0 Reference
@J.O.D. Do you know what he means by the third party integration changes? Does that mean other todo apps that integrate with Toodledo will no longer work? I'm thinking of such apps as TaskAngel, 2do, Informant, etc?
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