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Feature Roadmap and New Pricing Plans
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Posted: Dec 17, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Just another option I haven't seen much of here...Evernote.

The good news for me is that I am officially down to one app after being a Gold Toodledo member for years. It takes a bit of doing to get it right, but I am now using Evernote fully for my tasks & to-do list. The main drawback is that I can't figure out how to do recurring tasks more effectively, but by using tags for Priority, Tags, Context, etc, and Folder for Goals and Projects, I'm very happy with the result. Additionally, I can still e-mail directly to my folders, plus it keeps all of my information together in one place. The reminders work very well, and everything is fully integrated across all my devices. There are some good sites to help, but The Secret Weapon helped me with the initial set up.

Posted: Dec 18, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
When I was testing RTM, I solved the context by batch editing tasks in Toodledo adding contexts as tags. Then in RTM I was using location for contexts (but could leave it to tags, that was just my way) and transfering these context tags to locations was like 2 minutes work.

Posted: Dec 18, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by tjgraf_todo:
Just another option I haven't seen much of here...Evernote.
The main drawback is that I can't figure out how to do recurring tasks more effectively
So, what do you do with recurring tasks?

Many of my tasks repeat: daily, every weekday, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually or bi-annually. Some of them repeat from the date completed, others from the due date. Some of them are optional and they rollover to the next date if I don't complete them when scheduled. Most of the recurring tasks don't have alarms but some of them do. Toodledo does a great job of handling all of these. I trust that all tasks will show up when they need to show up and it's easy for me to see lists of current, upcoming and completed tasks. Seems to me that it would be huge amount of work to set up a system of recurring tasks in Evernote and I doubt that it would ever be as reliable as Toodledo or any other task management system with recurring tasks.

This message was edited Dec 18, 2018.

Posted: Dec 20, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by Purveyor:

"what do you do with recurring tasks?"

I absolutely agree that I haven't seen anything deal with recurring tasks as well as Toodledo...and that is the one thing that I find myself missing the most. What I have settled on (for now) is I have a folder called Recurring Tasks in my GTD notebook to hold all of them. Each one has a tag to show the frequency (Daily, Weekly, etc) with the initial reminder set up. I get the reminders at the right time, but rather than clear the reminder, I manually update the reminder to the future date. The folder is sorted by Reminder Time so I can quickly see what is coming up. It works pretty well so far.

Posted: Dec 23, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Losing the ability to sync Ultimate Todo List will lose me. I've transferred my tasks to a Google account an will close this account when the clock strikes midnight.

My usage is simple, about 150 tasks, but relies on the very flexible repeating provided by UTL and the ability to sync between devices. The few features that Google can't sync, I'm not using.

Toodledo has the right to make a dollar. I have the right to go elsewhere.

Posted: Dec 23, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by pogo_1:
Losing the ability to sync Ultimate Todo List will lose me.
How did you determine that you will be losing the ability to sync with Ultimate To-Do?

Posted: Dec 23, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
If I'm not mistaken I believe Ultimate Todo List emailed its users and said unless we pay for Toodledo we won't be able to sync with it. The Ultimate Todo List is probably the best single user featured todo list available.

Posted: Dec 23, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by tsinvest:
If I'm not mistaken I believe Ultimate Todo List emailed its users and said unless we pay for Toodledo we won't be able to sync with it.

I just googled Ultimate To Do List and found this. Note that the first step in Configuring is "In the first screen choose Sync with an existing Account..." It doesn't say paid account, but maybe the blog hasn't been updated.

Posted: Dec 24, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Well, starting January, 3rd party apps access will be limited on free plan. I don't know, how, but it definitely will be.

Posted: Dec 24, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by Ummagumma:
Posted by oakleypark10:
My needs are really simple. i rely on Outlook tasks as the master and use gSyncit to link my desktop outlook to Toodledo on my iphone. I find native tasks on an iphone just awful. The one feature very hand on the app on my iphone is hotlist but am I going to pay $36 a year for that undecided. Off to look at other options sadly........

I appreciate the developers desire to turn this app into a recurring revenue model but the pricing is steep for the value I would get.

If you are using Outlook and iPhone, look at GoodTask. It uses Reminders as a base / sync engine and adds tons of missing features (Start date, categories, all kinds of filters) which can be synced to or easily replicated in Outlook. And it’s only $10.

Thanks, tried it, liked it, bought it. The native integration to outlook/reminders on the iphone is incredible. I am sure for heavy indepth users it may not be perfect but if you use outlook task adn iphone then its very good. No link to any company mentioned, just my personal review.

Posted: Dec 24, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by oakleypark10:
Posted by Ummagumma:

If you are using Outlook and iPhone, look at GoodTask. It uses Reminders as a base / sync engine and adds tons of missing features (Start date, categories, all kinds of filters) which can be synced to or easily replicated in Outlook. And it’s only $10.

Thanks, tried it, liked it, bought it. The native integration to outlook/reminders on the iphone is incredible. I am sure for heavy indepth users it may not be perfect but if you use outlook task adn iphone then its very good. No link to any company mentioned, just my personal review.

Great, happy to have been able to help.

Once you've used GoodTask for a while, you really start to appreciate the way it works. The Day / Week / Month views and the Quick Actions make managing tasks on the fly very quick and easy. It also has a decent Apple Watch app. About the only thing that I don't like about it is the way it handles Subtasks... oh well. Can't have it all... I haven't been using Subtasks much to begin with. By the way, I stopped using Start Date and designed a workflow to have very similar functionality without it, so I can now migrate to pretty much any platform or service.

I was actually thinking of "donating" my unused months of subscription to someone else, but decided to keep it in case the new team behind Toodledo does manage to surprise us.

This message was edited Dec 24, 2018.

Posted: Dec 24, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by Ummagumma:
... By the way, I stopped using Start Date and designed a workflow to have very similar functionality without it, so I can now migrate to pretty much any platform or service.

I have thought about trying this, after learning that most other services don't handle start dates the way I want, particularly with recurring tasks. "It's easier to put on slippers, than to carpet the whole world" seems appropriate...

Do you mind sharing briefly the key points of your workflow?

Thank you.

This message was edited Dec 24, 2018.

Posted: Dec 25, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by john.godden:
Posted by Ummagumma:
... By the way, I stopped using Start Date and designed a workflow to have very similar functionality without it, so I can now migrate to pretty much any platform or service.

I have thought about trying this, after learning that most other services don't handle start dates the way I want, particularly with recurring tasks. "It's easier to put on slippers, than to carpet the whole world" seems appropriate...

Do you mind sharing briefly the key points of your workflow?

Thank you.

Sure. Sorry if it's a long post.

Originally, I used Start Date to trigger an action or review of a task, based on my arbitrary best guess of when I should do something about it (a lot of times, just review it and assign a new Start Date). I used Due date to indicate an actual real deadline. I also tried to avoid having undated tasks, as these never seem to be addressed. To me, an undated task was the "Sometime / Maybe" type of task. Finally, for the past of years, I've been using 2Do on my mobile devices (which I use for planning my workflow most of time) syncing to Toodledo. If you are familiar with 2Do, it's build around Start Dates.

So, looking at my tasks, I realized that most of my them, historically - at least 70% - only had Start Dates and no Due Dates. That is, they did not have had deadlines. Out of the tasks with real deadlines, a good half were "simple" tasks which could be completed quickly (paying bills, renewing drivers' licenses etc). Only "project" type tasks had to be started well ahead of a concrete deadline, and for practically all of them tracking the actual Due date was purely informational (I had to be done before it).

So, here's what I am using now:

Due Date = old Start Date. Assigned to all tasks, serves as a trigger to review the task and either start working on it, or assign a new Due date.

Actual Deadline = for Project type tasks, it goes in front of Subject, in form "YY MM DD". This way I can sort alphabetically if I need to see tasks arranged by deadline (which, in practice, I almost never have to do).

Tag / Category - after switching to GoodTask, I started using their method of using plaintext tags at the end of the subject line. This can be made to work with Outlook or any other system that allows custom filtering / searching, and it can be used in other applications and services so I can search for a tag using Spotlight or Windows Indexing, and find not only tasks but documents, meetings, notes etc all using the same tag. Unfortunately stupid Windows doesn't allow the use of hashtag in search, so I prefix my tags with ll.

So, here's how my typical task list would look:

Pay Visa Bill before 21st llMoney (Due 12/15 recurring monthly)

19 02 16 Proposal llProjectABC llCommitment (Due 2/4/19)

Jon's submittal promised by 1/11 llProjectABC llFollowUp llJonD (Due 1/10)

I use text automation in Windows and iOS, and the pre-set quick actions in GoodTask, so I can type any tag using just three letters or a single tap.

I've been using this system for about two months now and it's worked wonderfully.

Now, it won't translate 100% to some very basic task managers without using a 3rd party tool - e.g. iOS Reminders don't allow alphabetic sorting, and I believe neither does GoogleTask. But there's always going to be some kind of 3rd party software for major services, sorting by title is just about as base and common a function as it gets, and it's not even that important in my workflow. Sorting by Due date and plaintext search are available on any platform I can think of. So, this approach should be about as future proof as it gets.

Finally, you can see that I make no use of Priorities. That's because the due date field here IS the priority. The top priority tasks get today's due date, the next priority tasks get bumped. No matter how important a task is, if I am not planning on working on it today, it will be bumped to tomorrow... and it will become top priority task ON tomorrow because that's what it's due date is set for. And it doesn't matter if I end up with ten tasks all due on the same day. After a quick 5-minute re-assessment, I will keep 3-5 of them and bump the rest. And when I only have 3-5 tasks to work on today, I can usually figure the order in my head. So, I just never use the priority unless I really need to flag a task for whatever reason.

This message was edited Dec 25, 2018.

Posted: Dec 26, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by Ummagumma:
... By the way, I stopped using Start Date and designed a workflow to have very similar functionality without it, so I can now migrate to pretty much any platform or service.
. . .
Originally, I used Start Date to trigger an action or review of a task, based on my arbitrary best guess of when I should do something about it (a lot of times, just review it and assign a new Start Date). I used Due date to indicate an actual real deadline...

-- lots of good stuff snipped --

Thank you very much for taking the time to share this! Several interesting things for me to consider.

This message was edited Dec 26, 2018.

Posted: Dec 29, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by LUFC FAN:
I agree - too much of a jump in price. I just switched to Tick Tick. Very nice layout and good support. $30 a year for all features, so almost half of what the new Toodledo subscription will be. Sorry to leave

I also just switched to TickTick and must say I really like it so far. With TickTick if you use it for a day or so you begin to see the many features it has to offer, features that aren't apparent in a few minute trial. They charge $27.95 for a one year subscription. Their UI is way better on Android than Toodledo and they sync among all your devices, in my case a windows laptop, ipad and android phone. Worth a try IMO.

This message was edited Dec 30, 2018.

Posted: Dec 30, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by J.O.D:
A week ago I got an e-mail from Aaron with probably final plans definitions:!AlER-iHBX0Pjh-IyC_28V-MHF-O0lQ. In my eyes, the Standard plan is my future choice. 1 year history is enough for me and e-mailing tasks without editing parameters (which is what I do) can easily be managed by IFTTT (grantly, I have tested it just two times, but it worked)."

Have anybody recently received any other version of the pricing plan than in the attached file? (it is different that what was published by Aaron on the forum, e.g. 1-year history in 2.99/month plan).

Is this version final or anyone have received another tweaked version (6th or 7th version if I count correctly)? And should it be treated as J.O.D.'s exclusive plan or the plan for all users - if so, when it will be published to the rest of users? - January 1st is approaching quite fast.

Posted: Dec 30, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by pawelkaleta:

Have anybody recently received any other version of the pricing plan than in the attached file? (it is different that what was published by Aaron on the forum, e.g. 1-year history in 2.99/month plan).

I haven't received anything. The current pricing I see on the site offers 2 Year History for $4.99.

Posted: Dec 30, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
What I try to determine is the last/final version of pricing plan which according to new owners will be in place starting from Jan 1st.
They provided several versions of new plan here on this forum (some example at the beginning of this thread but it's not the only version and I stopped counting after 4th update), there is also "old" plan on official webpage - but it varies depending on if you're logged in or not, and also they have provided some tweaked versions of new plan for some selected users like in J.O.D.'s case. Of course they are super inactive on the forum so if any users ask questions, they remain unanswered.

So, anybody knows how the final version of new pricing plan looks like?

Posted: Dec 30, 2018
Score: 0 Reference
To make this a bit clearer: I got that plan on my another e-mail, which I used to create another account on Toodledo, which is now (I think) deleted. Based on Aaron's reponse to my e-mail with feedback to the new plan features, I am convinced that these will be the new plans that will make it public on January 1st for new users or users with subscriptions expired, so we should see them on the landing page without logging in. The current users with live subscriptions, in my understanding, should not be affected till their subscription expires (or will be renewed).

The lack of communication on these forums is unfortunate, but anyway - there is no reason in this single case, as the final feature list will get public in days.

Posted by pawelkaleta:
What I try to determine is the last/final version of pricing plan which according to new owners will be in place starting from Jan 1st.
They provided several versions of new plan here on this forum (some example at the beginning of this thread but it's not the only version and I stopped counting after 4th update), there is also "old" plan on official webpage - but it varies depending on if you're logged in or not, and also they have provided some tweaked versions of new plan for some selected users like in J.O.D.'s case. Of course they are super inactive on the forum so if any users ask questions, they remain unanswered.

So, anybody knows how the final version of new pricing plan looks like?
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