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Posted: Jul 06, 2020
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by Anant G.:
Android new interface is scheduled by end of May.

2 months later, silence

Posted: Jul 06, 2020
Score: 2 Reference
Posted by jsmail63-reg:
Anant - I'm a VERY long-term user (probably since the earliest days of TD) who at one time (per Jake) had the largest number of tasks in Toodledo. In fact, he had to change the backup code around for me to handle such a large data set.

Nothing would make me happier than to see ACTUAL progress with the app. But my confidence in that, candidly, is very low if not totally nil.

I spent 35+ years in IT with a focus on enterprise software, so have a decent amount of experience in what makes a successful software are a few suggestions on where I would focus if I were running Toodledo..

- You need to communicate with your users CONSTANTLY. Not just once a week, two times a month, once a month, and not even daily. You need to communicate to them and respond to their questions, issues, etc THROUGHOUT THE DAY, EVERY SINGLE DAY. It's obvious you yourself can't do that, nor should you as CEO. Hire someone who can. Or, give up and sell the company to someone who's able to make that level of investment. It's a total "must have". Until you do this, NOTHING else matters.

- Know and understand your current customers and who your target customers are. Your customers are by and large individuals interested in having a productivity tool that they can manage their busy lives with. They are not, REPEAT, NOT EVER going to be large companies interested in buying an enterprise or even departmental license of Toodledo. (I'm mentioning this because at one point I saw some posts indicating that selling to large companies was part of the vision for Toodledo). Candidly, you can't even support the individualist customers you have. Any dreams of supporting a large or even mid-size company (which I did for 35+ years, so know a thing or two on what's needed to successfully do that) is a complete and total fantasy. Keeping it real - abandon any desire to do this, unless you already have. You would not be successful unless you hire a large (and I mean LARGE) number of very expensive people who can be responsive to those companies in "minutes, not hours" and certainly not days or weeks, and nothing could tank Toodledo faster than pursuing sales to companies vs. individuals.

- Publish your roadmap. Make sure it includes good detail on planned feature updates, bug fixes, etc and hard dates. Publish constant updates on how you're delivering (or not) against said roadmap. Don't let this lag.

- Don't break what isn't broken. Don't change features people have relied on for years. Your biggest gap is Mobile Apps. Create something modern and fully featured that works on iOS (all devices - including iPhone, iPad and iWatch versions) and Android. And make them the best they can be.

Jake built one of the best "to do" apps out there. I wish you guys well, but the lack of confidence you're hearing from the long time users is going to be hard to overcome unless you can deliver. The proof is in the pudding, as they say.

Good luck - and we are all rooting for you despite the candid feedback and 'tough love'..

ETA - I'd also suggest giving your long term customers incentive to stick with you. No secret they've all been through a lot. Offer them some compelling pricing to stick around. It's a lot easier to keep an existing customer (as long as you do the things I mentioned above) than it is to get a new customer.

They have already published a roadmap. It is part of the "Feature request" pages - you can get to it by clicking the down arrow next to your avatar (top right of the page when you are logged in), then select 'feature requests'. At the top of that page you can select "roadmap".

Unfortunately, I haven't seen the "In Progress" column get any new items (or "Complete" get any new items) since before the start of the year....

Posted: Jul 06, 2020
Score: 2 Reference
No offense, but returning to this thread every now and then and seeing all these users who keep complaining yet still use this service reminds me of an old joke about a hunter and a bear... which I am not going to repeat here, but sure many of you know it already....
Grumpy Dragon

Posted: Jul 08, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
I tried to down load recent upgrades
and it states Toodledo is no longer on App Store?
What gives?
Anant G.

Posted: Jul 09, 2020
Score: 0 Reference
It will be back in store in few days. Waiting for apple to approve the build. We also reached out to them about the data issue. We did test out everything in beta version and there were no complaints about data being wiped out, so Apple is looking into that.

We are expecting a release by end of this week or early next week. I am going to update the beta link once our build is approved.

Adding to this, just make sure you sync everything with the Toodledo web version if you are using the old app or the new one. Those settings can be found under Toodledo's App Settings --> Synchronization.

This message was edited Jul 09, 2020.

Posted: Jul 09, 2020
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by Anant G.:
It will be back in store in few days. Waiting for apple to approve the build. We also reached out to them about the data issue. We did test out everything in beta version and there were no complaints about data being wiped out, so Apple is looking into that.

We are expecting a release by end of this week or early next week. I am going to update the beta link once our build is approved.

Adding to this, just make sure you sync everything with the Toodledo web version if you are using the old app or the new one. Those settings can be found under Toodledo's App Settings --> Synchronization.

Thank you Anant for the update. What about those of us whose synchronization ( -> device) on both iPad and iPhone is not working. Or where the "All Tasks" screen doesn't load? Or on iPad where the device won't succeed past the welcome splash screen?

Thank you for clarifying any of those points.

Posted: Jul 09, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by Anant G.:
It will be back in store in few days. Waiting for apple to approve the build. We also reached out to them about the data issue. We did test out everything in beta version and there were no complaints about data being wiped out, so Apple is looking into that.

We are expecting a release by end of this week or early next week. I am going to update the beta link once our build is approved.

Adding to this, just make sure you sync everything with the Toodledo web version if you are using the old app or the new one. Those settings can be found under Toodledo's App Settings --> Synchronization.

You have nil credibility I’m afraid - even the web version is not updating properly. I’m out of TD as fast as I can manage - to RTM for tasks and Simplenote for notes. The transfer of notes to the latter is tedious but it’ll be worth it

This message was edited Jul 09, 2020.
Anant G.

Posted: Jul 09, 2020
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by jimk222:
Posted by Anant G.:
It will be back in store in few days. Waiting for apple to approve the build. We also reached out to them about the data issue. We did test out everything in beta version and there were no complaints about data being wiped out, so Apple is looking into that.

We are expecting a release by end of this week or early next week. I am going to update the beta link once our build is approved.

Adding to this, just make sure you sync everything with the Toodledo web version if you are using the old app or the new one. Those settings can be found under Toodledo's App Settings --> Synchronization.

Thank you Anant for the update. What about those of us whose synchronization ( -> device) on both iPad and iPhone is not working. Or where the "All Tasks" screen doesn't load? Or on iPad where the device won't succeed past the welcome splash screen?

Thank you for clarifying any of those points.

We are rolling out an update, it is still in verification. If you want you can test out this beta version :

This has an open bug for Notes sorting, other than that it is pretty much stable. For testing make sure you have synchronized all your data to web-version and then delete the old app. After that install this version.

Posted: Jul 10, 2020
Score: 1 Reference

We are rolling out an update, it is still in verification. If you want you can test out this beta version :

This has an open bug for Notes sorting, other than that it is pretty much stable. For testing make sure you have synchronized all your data to web-version and then delete the old app. After that install this version.

Has anyone around downloaded this version? How is it? I'm interested in the Tasks only.

Posted: Jul 11, 2020
Score: 2 Reference
I installed the beta version via TestFlight and I had to force sync in order to get back data to the iphone. Except that issue, no major trouble during beta.
Anant G.

Posted: Jul 11, 2020
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by TheBrayingMule:
I installed the beta version via TestFlight and I had to force sync in order to get back data to the iPhone. Except that issue, no major trouble during beta.

Yeah about data that needs to be synced, we have an open ticket with apple. Just waiting for them to answer before we roll out an update.
There is an open bug for multi-line layout and sorting with special characters. We are working on that too but looks like it will take little longer to fix those issues. We will have to roll out an update with those open bugs.

Posted: Jul 14, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
I LOVE Toodledo and will support it in any way that I can. I use it hours every single day.

Can you post some updates on social media perhaps? That would go a long way towards ensuring confidence.

Thank you for the dedication and support!

Posted: Jul 14, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
Just opened the app and noticed the app update....and my data completely wiped out. It it currently showing some old data on there...It's showing teh same when I accessed the website. What happened to the data?

Posted: Jul 16, 2020
Score: 3 Reference
I'm going through a lot of the frustrations that others have expressed right now. I'm a long time user with tons of tasks. I have probably adapted it in ways that may not have been intended to meet my needs but this latest change has been devastating to my usage. It was pushed to my iPhone last night and the ability I use to have to access my tasks on the app is gone. Yes...I did follow the process to sync with the server data and it said the tasks were restored but when i click on the view for all tasks, many minutes later it returns my query. That was last night...this morning, when I click on it, it comes up to a white Toodedo main screen and sits for a while before exiting the app. These changes were not well tested before rolling out to your paid customers...very discouraging. I'm frantically working to make sure I have a good CSV backup of my data so that if I have to move to another platform...or do what I was doing with Toodledo, at least I'll have the data to start with.

Wish I was able to catch a little more hope from the feedback on this forum...

Additional note: Installed the Beta site listed above using Testflight. Same exact issue. When I try to open up just my tasks, it crashes every time. Not seeing a whole lot of hope so far...

This message was edited Jul 16, 2020.

Posted: Jul 17, 2020
Score: 3 Reference
FYI - As a 10+ year user, I became very frustrated with this new release and converted to RTM 8 days ago and have not looked back. Transition was seamless since RTM read the Toodledo files (per Help page). It even sends me a daily list of tasks vs having to go to Toodledo every day. Sorry folks, time to abandon ship.

Posted: Jul 17, 2020
Score: 3 Reference
Having posted yesterday on the forum and not receiving any acknowledgement or messages back unfortunately made my decision for me. I have backed up all my data and transitioned to another task management tool. I've been using Toodledo since 2011 and probably referred at least 100 people toward the tool as my tool of choice. It's disappointing to have to jump ship, but my task management tool manages everything in my life. When I can't get it to open up without crashing and don't get a response back from the choice was made for me. Good luck to the rest of you. Hope they get it working for you.

Posted: Jul 20, 2020
Score: 0 Reference
It appears DrFrankBuck posted a reply but I can't see in the forum. Only way I can see it is to click on last poster (Toodledo) when opened his profile and then click on his posts in the profile.

Oddly his posts never show up in replies. I have no idea why. Maybe something in his settings?

Anyway, I assume you can't click on Toodledo in this forum to see his post because it'll show my profile but you can search for DrFrankBuck and click on his profile.

FWIW, my profile shows active since Aug 2019. Actually it's been much longer (2011) as this profile is for a new account when I got the Plus membership.

This message was edited Jul 20, 2020.

Posted: Jul 20, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
How can I export notes? I see how to export tasks but I need my notes too!

Posted: Jul 20, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by eileen_1349471508:
How can I export notes? I see how to export tasks but I need my notes too!
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