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Toodledo Admin
Posted: Dec 20, 2021
Score: 3 Reference
Dear Toodledo community,

This specific post is part of our December Newsletter 2021.
Over the next few days until Christmas, we would like to invite you to ask us anything you like concerning Toodledo and we as the new owners of Toodledo will do our best to answer your questions!

Looking forward to some very interesting Q & A!

Posted: Dec 20, 2021
Score: 1 Reference
Hi, I would like to ask this: What makes Toodledo special compared to similar tools are "modules" like Habits, Outlines, Lists (Notes aka Docs are more common, the others not so much). Both the roadmap and recent updates are dealing with the Tasks module. So, are you thinking or do you have some plans for the other modules too? Especially the Habits module feels completely disconnected from the primary Tasks module (you can at least attach the lists etc. to tasks (on Plus plan), which I am starting to use more nowadays - but Habits are really isolated. Thanks (also for making me believe in Toodledo once again).

Posted: Dec 20, 2021
Score: 4 Reference
When is the iPad app going to be fixed? Been broke for months making toodledo almost useless if I can’t access it on my tablet.

Posted: Dec 20, 2021
Score: 2 Reference
Hi. Best of luck with your new business.

I've been asking this question since you took over but I've never had a reply.

When will your fix the iPad app so the that heavy users who have lots of past tasks (and who therefore pay the highest subscriptions) can use that app instead of having to access Toodledo on their browser please?


Posted: Dec 20, 2021
Score: 2 Reference
Here are a few things i would love to see:

Siri integration, iOS and watch widgets
Batch edit selection not keyboard dependent. — on iPad using browser, but without keyboard. How to multi select from a list?
Saved views, including columns. — sometimes i only need to see a simple list, sometimes i want to see every detail
**nested folders** please. — Using folders for projects, and would love hierarchy so i can separate work spaces, etc..
Better tag management — link tags and goals to folders so that if a task is assigned to a folder, then certain tags and folders are automatically applied
**nested subtasks** — subtasks of subtasks of subtasks please
I want to know what was changed when. When were comments added? When were contexts changed? Dates? Etc..
Integration with cloud storage i.e.
Markdown or other formatting in notes — checklists also

I hope to come back later with more!


Posted: Dec 20, 2021
Score: 4 Reference
Hi dear owners. My main concern is a decent export tool that would allow me to back up my tasks and especially my notes. I have about 3,500 notes in Toodledo. They are very dear to me and I would sleep better if I had a PDF version of them. I don’t want to import them anywhere else, but I want them to survive the next 30, 40 years. Kind regards, Jan from Berlin

Posted: Dec 20, 2021
Score: 2 Reference
Will it be possible in any of your subscription models to remove the adverts which I find very annoying and the reason I use an Android app to enter and view my tasks instead of the Toodledo desktop interface.

Posted: Dec 20, 2021
Score: 1 Reference
Toodledo is my favorite to-do-list app. I use it on my iPhone and my PC. For me a missing link is connecting outlook with Toodledo. I would love to be able to create a calendar entry from a Toodledo entry so I can schedule when I am going to work on an action item from my list. There are other task list apps that do this, but they all lack the features that make Toodledo my favorite; categories, priorities, due dates and availability on all the platforms I use!

Posted: Dec 20, 2021
Score: 2 Reference
Hi owners, thank you for the opportunity to be able to ask questions!

I just have one request, which is to be able to rank tasks according to how I would like them prioritised….I think a good way of doing this would be able to “press” on a task & move it up or down the list according to my preference, that would be soooooo helpful! Thank you!!

Posted: Dec 20, 2021
Score: 2 Reference
Similar to recent comment, I am in a Microsoft 365 environment at work where I end up using MS To Do even though I like it so much less than Toodledo, because it integrates well with Outlook in particular, and also OneNote. If Toodledo could connect with the, I'd be back in a flash!
Ira Sachs

Posted: Dec 20, 2021
Score: 2 Reference
I have been a Toodledo user for a long time and it is perfect for my needs. I only use the to do list part and would welcome any refinements there.

As a business, I think you have to determine what market niche can be best served by Toodledo, enhance the product for the target niche and market Toodledo heavily to that group. Be the best in class for a given market / set of users. Don't try to be everything to everyone - that generally does not work.

I wish you all the success!
Peter Scott

Posted: Dec 20, 2021
Score: 1 Reference
I have posted these comments before in multiple fora. Our business has been a paying customer since 2005 and depend upon Toodledo for task management. The other functions (Habits, etc) are of no use or interest to us. Toodledo surpasses all other programs for task handling because of its ability to display many tasks in much denser views than any of the competition and for manipulating many tasks at once through featureful searches and the bulk edit feature. (An on-screen trigger for bulk edit would be handy; I always have to look up how to activate it.)

I would like - as I have been saying since 2009 - nested subtasks; even one extra layer would be very useful. I have posted ideas for how this could be done.

The current rules for repeating tasks with a parent are a bit mysterious, but so far they seem to do the right thing, although I'm being super conservative in my usage.

The only other thing I would like to see is the ability to print reports; I'd like to render the results of a search into a PDF with tasks in rows. Wouldn't have to have customizable layout but that would be nice.

Posted: Dec 20, 2021
Score: 4 Reference
In your email about this AMA you acknowledge that many previous users are on the fence about coming back. You bet we are! A big reason for that is because the previous owners threw us long time users under the bus. That wasn’t your doing, but now you have to clean up the mess. Also in today’s email was a special offer for “business” users. Where’s our special offer? That’s what I want to know: how do you plan to patch things up with those of us who couldn’t use the new user sweetheart deal, and can’t use whatever you have cooking for businesses, but stayed loyal to Toodledo, year after year?
Alan Cox

Posted: Dec 21, 2021
Score: 4 Reference
Hi everyone,

I've been using Toodledo for around 12 years. Its been excellent.

PROBLEM - Randomly moving subtasks

Does anyone know why my subtasks have recently started to re-order themselves, completely randomly? How can I fix the problem?

As a business I create 'template' tasks that we then clone when needed, so when the 20 to 30 subtasks open in a completely random order it means things get missed. There seems to be no logic in the way the subtasks re-order themselves. HELP!!!


I would dearly like to be able to re-name the columns (i.e. "Context", I would like to rename as "Owner" and "Location" I don't use for its original purpose, I use it as a more flexible "priority" list)

Subtasks within Subtasks. In my templates, I have subtasks, but then in the Notes section of the subtasks, I have a further list of tasks relating to the subtask.

This message was edited Dec 21, 2021.

Posted: Dec 21, 2021
Score: 1 Reference
The iPad app works great on iPhone and several iPads and synchs immediately, but my MacBook website does not sync correctly. Can it be fixed?

This message was edited Dec 21, 2021.

Posted: Dec 21, 2021
Score: 2 Reference
Longtime individual user here using Web and iPhone. I primarily use Tasks and am very happy with how it works currently. I do not want a major overhaul. Do you plan on a major overhaul? Also, is your revenue growth model mostly towards servicing businesses going forward?

Toodledo Admin
Posted: Dec 21, 2021
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by J--O--D:
Hi, I would like to ask this: What makes Toodledo special compared to similar tools are "modules" like Habits, Outlines, Lists (Notes aka Docs are more common, the others not so much). Both the roadmap and recent updates are dealing with the Tasks module. So, are you thinking or do you have some plans for the other modules too? Especially the Habits module feels completely disconnected from the primary Tasks module (you can at least attach the lists etc. to tasks (on Plus plan), which I am starting to use more nowadays - but Habits are really isolated. Thanks (also for making me believe in Toodledo once again).

We completely agree! We do have plans to better integrate these modules, starting with habits and notes. We are currently focusing on tasks since that is of course the most popular module and because the mobile app is in dire need of attention, but next year we will be leaning on our "experts group" to get insight into how people use these modules and how we can make a more cohesive product.

Toodledo Admin
Posted: Dec 21, 2021
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by bh:
When is the iPad app going to be fixed? Been broke for months making toodledo almost useless if I can’t access it on my tablet.

We are completely rewriting the iPad/iOS app (and Android) and expect a pre-release to be ready for testing early 2022. We do have a TestFlight version of the current/legacy app that the previous team left for us, but I admit the layout on the iPad isn't ideal. It does fix some issues, however -- if you'd like to try it out, send me an email at [email protected]

Toodledo Admin
Posted: Dec 21, 2021
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by bernie.wilcox:
Hi. Best of luck with your new business.

I've been asking this question since you took over but I've never had a reply.

When will your fix the iPad app so the that heavy users who have lots of past tasks (and who therefore pay the highest subscriptions) can use that app instead of having to access Toodledo on their browser please?


Hi Bernie -
We are completely rewriting the iPad/iOS app (and Android) and expect a pre-release to be ready for testing early 2022. We are architecting the app so that it will work MUCH better with large datasets.

Toodledo Admin
Posted: Dec 21, 2021
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by daniel_h:
Here are a few things i would love to see:

Siri integration, iOS and watch widgets
Batch edit selection not keyboard dependent. — on iPad using browser, but without keyboard. How to multi select from a list?
Saved views, including columns. — sometimes i only need to see a simple list, sometimes i want to see every detail
**nested folders** please. — Using folders for projects, and would love hierarchy so i can separate work spaces, etc..
Better tag management — link tags and goals to folders so that if a task is assigned to a folder, then certain tags and folders are automatically applied
**nested subtasks** — subtasks of subtasks of subtasks please
I want to know what was changed when. When were comments added? When were contexts changed? Dates? Etc..
Integration with cloud storage i.e.
Markdown or other formatting in notes — checklists also

I hope to come back later with more!


Thank you for all of these suggestions! Some of these are in the works with the new mobile app, some will take longer to implement.
We have added all of these requests to our internal todo list.

Additionally, many of these suggestions are listed in -- we encourage you to vote on them so we have an idea of what features are most important to our users.
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