ForumsNewsNew Mobile Website with Offline and Android Support

New Mobile Website with Offline and Android Support
Author Message

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Mar 20, 2012
Score: 0 Reference
When you are online, go into the settings section and then into storage and make sure that you have offline storage enabled. Then it will cache any list that you have downloaded for offline viewing. For example, if you went into the "starred" list while online the "starred" list and all of its tasks would then be available when you were offline later.

Posted: Mar 21, 2012
Score: 1 Reference
That was very sluggish on my Nexus S (android 4.0.3)

This message was edited Mar 21, 2012.

Posted: Mar 24, 2012
Score: 2 Reference
First off, thanks for all your work on what looks to be a great new mobile site! Next, I hate this BB phone & don't want to spend a lot of time testing things but I'd like it to work while I have to put up with it! BB OS 4.5 browser - still sticks on "Loading data."

Using Opera Mini 4.4 brings up mobile site v16 but only intermittently works right. Sometimes on open it says that cookies are not enabled but they are. I've yet to figure out how to check a task off as complete &, within a session, it may or may not save sort options. It also doesn't seem to retain data storage setting whether it complains about cookies or not. I don't know whether it's the site or the loose nut on the KB. Unless you've gotten a BB somewhere, maybe you guys could test with Opera Mini on one of your other phones. If you can get it working, then it'll probably work when used on BB, too. I'll also try playing with it on my PC browser so I can try to determine where the quirks are really coming from...

Update: just closing the all tasks tab & then reopening it in FF 11.0 on my PC loses sort settings.

This message was edited Mar 24, 2012.

Posted: Apr 03, 2012
Score: 2 Reference
This is awesome! Running on Droid X2, and Tab 10.1. I tried the Tab this morning before work, but did not try all the features. Hopefully future versions will scale to display size.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Apr 16, 2012
Score: 0 Reference
Today we have released a big update to our new mobile website. We have added support for the Notebook with full offline support. We have also enhanced the Task section to fully work while offline (previously you couldn't sort a list while offline). In addition, we have fixed a number of bugs.

We are keeping the new mobile website in beta testing a little longer because it's still somewhat slow and we want to optimize it to be faster. Please give it a spin and continue to send us your feedback.

Posted: Apr 19, 2012
Score: 0 Reference
I just ran this on my HTC Velocity (Android 2.3.7) on the Telstra 4G network. It seems to work quite well.

Posted: Apr 22, 2012
Score: 1 Reference
This is great! A Toodledo Mobile ap would be better, though. C'mon, guys.

Posted: May 13, 2012
Score: 3 Reference
Blackberry please!

Posted: May 14, 2012
Score: 0 Reference
Very happy with this update! Thank you!
Herb Parsons

Posted: May 25, 2012
Score: 2 Reference
Not that the target audience is great, but this fixed, or at least gave me a work-around, for my Novell GroupWise issue. The changes you made on your main website in August of 2011 made the "web panel" view within the GroupWise client unuseable. Using the mobile site instead now works very nicely. Not the planned intent I know, but a very nice side-effect!

Posted: May 27, 2012
Score: 0 Reference
Mobile Site will not load, just continuous loading bar

Toodledo Founder
Posted: May 27, 2012
Score: 0 Reference
Which web browser are you using on which type of phone?

Posted: May 27, 2012
Score: 3 Reference
Using Google Chrome on laptop computer

Posted: Jun 03, 2012
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by r:
One question: I read somewhere here that it should work offline (i.e when no cell or wifi connection) with data from the last sync. I haven't found that to be the case - when offline I get nothing.
You need to save a bookmark in the web browser. When you are offline if you open that bookmark you access to your offline toodledo lists!

Posted: Jun 05, 2012
Score: 0 Reference
I am not able to log in to (message "The email and password didn't work. Please try again."). I've checked the email/password and entered them multiple times. I'm able to log in fine to the main web site and . Is there some setting or other requirement needed that's causing this problem, or other explanation? Android 2.3.4 default browser Droid Bionic. Thanks, Marc

This message was edited Jun 05, 2012.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Jun 05, 2012
Score: 1 Reference
It uses the same login mechanism. So, your android can login to, but not using the same email/password? Do you have cookies enabled?

Posted: Jun 06, 2012
Score: -2 Reference
I do have cookies enabled. That got me to thinking though that maybe there was some cookie conflict between slim and m.toodledo. So I removed all cookies and went back to m.toodledo ... and I was finally able to log in. Thanks.

This message was edited Jun 06, 2012.

Posted: Jun 19, 2012
Score: 2 Reference
I really like the new client. In fact, I prefer to use it on my iPad than the native Toodledo app.

If I might make a request, would there be a way to add some sort of quick entry of tasks to the mobile client? Right now if I want to add a task I:

1) Tap the "+ Task" button
2) Enter the name of my task
3) Tap "Add"
4) Watch the hotlist flicker
5) View the task details
6) Tap the folder button
7) Watch the folder window come up
8) Select a folder
9) Select the due date (optional) button
10) Select a date
11) Go back to Hotlist (or wherever)

That's 10+ steps to add a task to a folder with a due date. One of the key things about having my task list on-the-go with me is the ability to rapidly add tasks as I think of them.


Toodledo Founder
Posted: Jun 19, 2012
Score: 0 Reference
Thanks for the suggestion. We can't comment on a timeframe for implementation, but this is on our to-do list.

Posted: Jun 22, 2012
Score: 1 Reference
The mobile version shows today as Start Date and Due Date for all my tasks, even for tasks that have no date set at all.

Pretty annoying!
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