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Feature Roadmap and New Pricing Plans
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Posted: Dec 30, 2018
Score: 3 Reference
Posted by J.O.D:
I am convinced that these will be the new plans that will make it public on January 1st for new users or users with subscriptions expired, so we should see them on the landing page without logging in.

If this is what they are planning to do then it will be one more poor decision made by the new team - unless their intention was to drive away as many prospective new users as possible and convince as many existing users as possible that this project was going down in flames. In which case, their plan has been a resounding success.

Posted: Dec 30, 2018
Score: 3 Reference
Posted by Duo:
Posted by J.O.D:
I am convinced that these will be the new plans that will make it public on January 1st for new users or users with subscriptions expired, so we should see them on the landing page without logging in.

If this is what they are planning to do then it will be one more poor decision made by the new team - unless their intention was to drive away as many prospective new users as possible and convince as many existing users as possible that this project was going down in flames. In which case, their plan has been a resounding success.

I must agree with you. It's sad and quite unbelievable that the new owners would be so unresponsive and vague about what is going on. I guess Jake spoiled us. At least he interacted and we new where we stood on matters. That's why I switched to TickTick, they seem to have there stuff together and also keep their users informed. To bad to see Toodledo go down like this.
Mike Thomas

Posted: Dec 30, 2018
Score: 2 Reference
There has been no further explanation of this (from an email from Aaron on December 3rd):
"Third-party integrations. We're making changes to the API developer program. We will bring some of this functionality in-house, and where it makes sense, extend complimentary access to “Toodledo Approved” external partners."

The developer of Ultimate To-Do List indicated he had been in touch with Toodledo and was hopeful that UTL might get "complimentary access" (whatever that means), but I have heard nothing further from Toodledo or from UTL.

At this point I still cannot subscribe to the new plan (I was willing to pay for a year to give me more time to switch), and the longer I wait, the more likely I am to just say "screw it" and switch altogether (I will really miss UTL; Toodledo itself, not so much).

Posted: Dec 31, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Well, I guess I'm gone. I just checked the pricing starting Jan 1 and now there are 3 plans. Free, Silver, Gold. Same names but wow, the prices.
Old Silver plan (the one I"m on) is now $60/yr where it was $20/yr. 200% increase.

This message was edited Dec 31, 2018.

Posted: Dec 31, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by Larry2:
Well, I guess I'm gone. I just checked the pricing starting Jan 1 and now there are 3 plans. Free, Silver, Gold. Same names but wow, the prices.
Old Silver plan (the one I"m on) is now $60/yr where it was $20/yr. 200% increase.

It's apparent that the new owners are not very adept at running a business. First rule, the customer always comes first, then everything else will fall into place. I haven't seen, felt or heard any concern for the customer in these forums. It is almost like this is what we are going to do and this is what you are going to pay - a very unsuccessful formula for a new business venture.

Posted: Jan 01, 2019
Score: 1 Reference
I'm disappointed they kept the 3 tier pricing. The features in the paid versions all point to business applications. What about individuals or families. I for one have no need for Habits, Graphs, Outlines, or Scheduler. Collaborators is good, unlimited tasks and sub-tasks and Custom Alarms and even only 1 year of history. For that I'd love to see a 4th tier for individuals ("Steel"?) at around $30 per year. Then at least they could aim for more than just business sales. My 2 cents.

Having been in business myself I know it's difficult for a new owner on a number of fronts. Depending on financing and cash equity a new owner may need to start charging a lot more to cover expenses and finance debt. I've seen a number of companies run into that problem.

I really want the new Toodledo to succeed but I have a hunch Aaron is in over his head and hasn't been able to pull everything together yet. Or maybe not. Maybe as you say, he's determined what he wants to charge and goes forward not matter what.

I still have hopes the pricing tiers will change. 200% increases for both the plans will prevent many to subscribe and force more to leave. It's too crowded a market with similar features and lower prices.

This message was edited Jan 01, 2019.

Posted: Jan 01, 2019
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by Larry2:
I'm disappointed they kept the 3 tier pricing.
Depending on financing and cash equity a new owner may need to start charging a lot more to cover expenses and finance debt.

Toodledo is now one of the most expensive offerings in a heavily saturated market where it remains a lesser known name.

“Charging a lot more” in this case is suicide.

This message was edited Jan 01, 2019.

Posted: Jan 01, 2019
Score: 1 Reference
I think, they simply missed the January 1st date to release the actual new plans. Because Free/Silver/Gold with higher prices have been there since Novemeber or so for all new users (when you signed out, you could have see them). From January 1st, there should be Free/Standard/Plus/Business plans, and they are not. Another nail to the coffin where trust is locked in.

Communication failure is getting more than simply the worst.

This message was edited Jan 01, 2019.
Mike Thomas

Posted: Jan 01, 2019
Score: 1 Reference
I had to use an incognito window to see the new plans (guess I need to clear my cache). Otherwise I still see the old ones.

It appears the main thing I was concerned about (syncing with Ultimate To-Do List on multiple devices) is now allowed in the free version (it was not going to be supported in the free version on previous descriptions of the new plans):
Unlimited device sync

So I'm tentatively less unhappy about this than I was yesterday.

Posted: Jan 01, 2019
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by Mike Thomas:
I had to use an incognito window to see the new plans (guess I need to clear my cache). Otherwise I still see the old ones.

It appears the main thing I was concerned about (syncing with Ultimate To-Do List on multiple devices) is now allowed in the free version (it was not going to be supported in the free version on previous descriptions of the new plans):
Unlimited device sync

So I'm tentatively less unhappy about this than I was yesterday.

While that may be true as of Jan 1, I suspect that will change as the year goes on.

Since they kept the three tiers and their features I'd bet that they ran into problems actually implementing changes behind the scene and so had do something so just raised prices and kept old plans. At first I thought maybe all the complaining on the forums caused them to re-think their tiers until I looked at the prices. Nope, I think there are more changes to tiers coming.

I wouldn't be surprised to see third party integration being changed or eliminated from free at least. There is a "cost" to even offering a free version and if a user has a third party app that works why should they pay Toodledo?
Mike Thomas

Posted: Jan 01, 2019
Score: 1 Reference
I spoke too soon. The reason I see the new plans in an incognito window is not because of cache, it's because I am not logged in. As soon as I log in, the old plans are displayed.

So there are two different plans pages depending on whether you are logged in or not:
Existing (logged in) users see the old plans (not sure why since it is now 1/1/2019)
Prospective users see the new plans (which makes sense)

And yeah, I agree the plans could still change.

Posted: Jan 01, 2019
Score: 0 Reference
Guys, nothing changed, those both plans have been presented since November. There's no point to discuss it until new owners publish new plans. They were claiming new prices will be anounced starting from January 1st.

Posted: Jan 02, 2019
Score: 1 Reference
Well, these are my final words, comming from once satisfied, paying customer. The chain of recent event has come to a point of no return for me.

The most important change in history of Toodledo, the new plans structure, that has come through several iterations by now, has missed the January 1st date, without any word from people responsible. It is OK to find themselves in trouble and postpone the launch for several days/weeks, but it is not OK not to let others know about it.

Isn't that what the blog should be used for? Or a locked and pinned topics on forums? Or the notification icon?

So this is my farewell once for all - not because of the plans, as they are now, not because of the price which I was ready to pay. But because I do not trust the team behind it anymore. I simply can't, as this has not been the first occurance of total lack of communication.

May year 2019 be successfull for Toodledo and its remaining users.

Posted: Jan 02, 2019
Score: 2 Reference
I originally posted a good-bye email on a different thread, but it looks like it probably belongs here instead. (My original post is at

It's been a long, hard decision, but I'm letting my Gold plan lapse this month.

My needs are relatively simple. I don't need to share tasks or assign them to other people. Toodledo did the trick, but I wanted to keep history. In looking at different options, I discovered that I liked the user interface for Remember the Milk. I'm using the premium version now.

Though I deleted all my tasks from Toodledo (and will eventually delete all my notes), I'm keeping my account on the free plan and will check in periodically to see how things are going. I might switch back later, since I really loved Toodledo.

I wish everyone -- especially the new owners of Toodledo -- a very happy and prosperous 2019.

Posted: Jan 02, 2019
Score: 0 Reference
Same here. Not happy with the new service pricing vs what it has to offer, not happy with complete lack of communication, and have my doubts on whether the service will even be here a year from now, with existing paying users leaving and the potential new users going to be scared by the high subscription cost that exceed the prices offered by most of the competition. I’m out, just lurking on the forum to see what’s going on and what solutions are other people trying.

Posted: Jan 02, 2019
Score: 1 Reference
I just want some signs of life.

I have moved onto a blend of Google Calender, Task, Keep, and Docs.

Funny enough the only think I liked outside of that was

I have been hoping for some peep from Aaron on the forum.

Some real update...and II will go back if there is life and aI got a few months before I renew.

But as I have written before---with everyone fleeing; I think Toodledo is Toodledone.


Posted: Jan 02, 2019
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by Larry2:

While that may be true as of Jan 1, I suspect that will change as the year goes on.

Since they kept the three tiers and their features I'd bet that they ran into problems actually implementing changes behind the scene and so had do something so just raised prices and kept old plans.

I also think that this is the case - they just couldn't unbundle the features to create more tiers in time.

Posted by mjbernstein:
I just want some signs of life.


But as I have written before---with everyone fleeing; I think Toodledo is Toodledone.

It certainly looks that way, unfortunately.

Posted: Jan 02, 2019
Score: 0 Reference
I've got a year at current pricing before I need to make the switch. No way I will pay $90/yr for this product. $30 was my limit. So far my shortlist to replace Toodledo is
- Any Do
- Todoist
- We Do
- TickTick
- Remember the Milk
- Quire
- Asana
- Nozbe

This is no particular order. What I a looking for is
- Folders
- Sub Tasks
- Repeating Tasks
- Due Dates
- Status
- Can email to set up tasks
- Can attach notes to tasks
- Web and IOS
- Tags
- Priorities

It's a shame that the new owners are failing. I had high hopes...

Posted: Jan 02, 2019
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by sknipfing:
I've got a year at current pricing before I need to make the switch. No way I will pay $90/yr for this product. $30 was my limit. So far my shortlist to replace Toodledo is
- Any Do
- Todoist
- We Do
- TickTick
- Remember the Milk
- Quire
- Asana
- Nozbe

This is no particular order. What I a looking for is
- Folders
- Sub Tasks
- Repeating Tasks
- Due Dates
- Status
- Can email to set up tasks
- Can attach notes to tasks
- Web and IOS
- Tags
- Priorities

It's a shame that the new owners are failing. I had high hopes...

I purchased the Pro subscription of TickTick and so far I really like it. It is cross platform so I can use it on my Android phone, iPad and my Windows computer. It syncs perfectly and has a ton of features that aren't really apparent until you start using it. If I'm not mistaken it can do everything in your list above. The new team at Toodledo lost my confidence so I decided to try another service. So far I am pretty certain I will stick with TickTick. In addition to the above it has a calendar feature that is very handy and helps with tracking your tasks. Good luck with your decision.

Posted: Jan 02, 2019
Score: 0 Reference
Well, now I am confused. The plans shown without being logged in aren't even close the the plans Aaron references in his blog today. That has 4 tiers and appears to be the ones he announced earlier.
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