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Posted: Mar 16, 2020
Score: 2 Reference
Posted by Anant G.:
Posted by J O D:
Based on your previous posts, Anant, I just really hope the end of March will be seeing the beta for the mobile apps at last... You have 20 days.

Yes we are working on it and that's our target too :)

I will wait and see, but I moved on long ago and unless something is significantly better than where I am now, I can't see why I would come back, but always hopeful as I had a decade of my Task life into Toodledo like many others.

Posted: Mar 16, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
My emailed request to cancel my subscription getting bounced back after 8 days isn't a good sign.
Anant G.

Posted: Mar 17, 2020
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by Chris:
My emailed request to cancel my subscription getting bounced back after 8 days isn't a good sign.

Hi, We didn't get your email. Can you create a support ticket please :

Posted: Mar 18, 2020
Score: 4 Reference
Anant and team,

I love Toodledo and have organized my life for many years using Toodledo tasks and notes. However, starting today, the Toodledo Android app now CRASHES immediately EVERY TIME I OPEN IT. Since my app updated overnight, I assume that the last update broke it. Could you please re-enable the previous version ASAP?

The previous version of the Toodledo Android app wasn't perfect--it crashed every time I tried to Search for anything--but other than that, it was reasonably stable. I would like to go back to using that version, if possible.

In the meantime, I'm using the web version of Toodledo, which leaves me completely out of touch when I have my smartphone in hand instead of a computer, which is much of the day.

Could you please help?



Posted: Mar 18, 2020
Score: 2 Reference
Posted by cindymerrill3:
I love Toodledo and have organized my life for many years using Toodledo tasks and notes. However, starting today, the Toodledo Android app now CRASHES immediately EVERY TIME I OPEN IT. Since my app updated overnight, I assume that the last update broke it. Could you please re-enable the previous version ASAP?

Have the same issue with the new app. Ended up like you putting the web version on my home page. Works well but doesn't work offline.

I did leave a support ticket to the Toodeldo team immediately, so hopefully they will get to answering it.

But looking the recent history of Toodledo here in the forums, we can look at this situation half-glass full that *at long last* there is an attempt to upgrade / update the mobile app/s. Hopefully this updating and bugfixing bugs will progress forward positively.

Posted: Mar 19, 2020
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by cindymerrill3:
Anant and team,

I love Toodledo and have organized my life for many years using Toodledo tasks and notes. However, starting today, the Toodledo Android app now CRASHES immediately EVERY TIME I OPEN IT. Since my app updated overnight, I assume that the last update broke it. Could you please re-enable the previous version ASAP?

The previous version of the Toodledo Android app wasn't perfect--it crashed every time I tried to Search for anything--but other than that, it was reasonably stable. I would like to go back to using that version, if possible.

In the meantime, I'm using the web version of Toodledo, which leaves me completely out of touch when I have my smartphone in hand instead of a computer, which is much of the day.

Could you please help?



2do is way better

Posted: Mar 19, 2020
Score: 0 Reference
Hi, I just came to the forums looking for reasons why my app was crashing recently, but then stumbled on this thread.

So, ages ago, I discovered Toodledo among a sea of other productivity apps. I didn't like RTM, and a couple of others that were floating around. Didn't want to put everything in Evernote.

Although the features looked good, and the interface was compact enough, I never fully utilized the program. There was a short period of time when I made use of time tracking features, using the web version.

Very recently, I discovered Todoist. I never figured myself for a guy who values the UI, but Toodledo was getting tired and boring for me. And there's something about Todoist that keeps me on task.

Im only using Toodledo to store notes, but I will have that transitioned into one of the other apps soon.

Sorry. Hope you guys figure out something that gets more users.

Posted: Mar 20, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by Laurence_1573215849:
Posted by cindymerrill3:
I love Toodledo and have organized my life for many years using Toodledo tasks and notes. However, starting today, the Toodledo Android app now CRASHES immediately EVERY TIME I OPEN IT. Since my app updated overnight, I assume that the last update broke it. Could you please re-enable the previous version ASAP?

Have the same issue with the new app. Ended up like you putting the web version on my home page. Works well but doesn't work offline.

I did leave a support ticket to the Toodeldo team immediately, so hopefully they will get to answering it.

But looking the recent history of Toodledo here in the forums, we can look at this situation half-glass full that *at long last* there is an attempt to upgrade / update the mobile app/s. Hopefully this updating and bugfixing bugs will progress forward positively.

Uninstall and reinstall a couple of times. Works now. Still trying to get it to sync though. Seems like devs backpedaled and put the old v6.6.9 2018 update back on Play Store, which was working perfectly fine.

Posted: Mar 21, 2020
Score: 2 Reference
Just to update. FWIW, the old app v6.6.9 from 2018 will eventually sync everything back properly. Initially some saved searches and tasks weren't showing up. Did a few deletes and signouts from the app, then eventually just left it signed-in overnight. This morning things look normal again. So I'm back to using the Android app!

Posted: Mar 23, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
Laurence_1573215849: Thanks for your advice! Since uninstalling my Toodledo Android app, now I have the old version and it works! (Still crashes when I try to do a search, but I'm used to that behavior.)

Posted: Mar 23, 2020
Score: 3 Reference
Such a shame to witness the slow death of Toodledo. I've been a paid user since April 2009 and over the past year or so it's been slowly falling apart, the Android app simply doesn't work for me any more and I can't get it to sync on the iPad either now. I gave Tick Tick a try and it works like a dream, I was even able to easily import all my Toodledo tasks in a matter of seconds. So for me today is my last day as a Toodledo user.

I hung around for a long time hoping things would improve but instead I felt ignored and like a lot of people began to wonder if Toodledo had been abandoned by the developers. 9 months radio silence is not a good look and I'm not confident about spending money on something that might disappear at any moment, I have zero trust in the company.

So it's with a heavy heart that I'm jumping ship.

Posted: Mar 25, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
Why are there so many ex-Toodledo users that are invested enough to still be on these forums to say how terrible things are? Very strange.

I have stepped away and come back. I don't feel secure using anything else.
Anant G.

Posted: Mar 25, 2020
Score: 0 Reference
The new version was crashing because it requires re-sync of all the tasks. We have rolled back an update and working on forcing the re-sync. We will be releasing next update in beta first and create a post here in forums for the same.

Posted: Mar 25, 2020
Score: 0 Reference
Hello everyone.

Glad to see a new message from Anant. I like ToodleDo enough that I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and hope that he delivers.

OTOH, if the information stream dries up again, here's a forum that is independent from Toodledo, as a backup resource.

Click on this link to join this independent discussion group on SLACK...

Best regards, hoping for the best. Good luck, Anant.

Posted: Mar 26, 2020
Score: 3 Reference
Because of difficulties with Toodledo over the past several months, I quit using it. Now, hundreds of Tasks are overdue. This morning, I used Batch Edit on my laptop to bring them up to date but they won't sync onto my Android. Nor will the dozen or two tasks I managed to add on my Android sync back onto my laptop.

I thought it was something I'd done - every time I open Toodledo on my Android device, it INSTANTLY crashes!

I spent my entire career in the software industry. Back in its early days, I was an information systems director for a 15,000 employee organization. Then I co-founded several software firms, serving as chief technology officer, chief marketing officer, CEO, and board member. One of my firms was acquired by Microsoft and is still an independent operating unit within it. Another was acquired by Philips Electronics of Holland and controls a large, successful market segment.

Thus, I know about the effective management of both the technology and business sides of developing, maintaining, upgrading, and supporting software as well as launching products, marketing them successfully, growing the business, and maintaining a healthy organizational balance and culture.

To fall completely out of touch with an organization's customer base for months on end is almost unforgivable - indeed, you will have to work diligently to regain any degree of trust whatsoever. The fact that you prioritized development over customer awareness and reassurance demonstrates a near total lack of understanding of how the app business works... not to mention a complete scarcity of knowledge of how users think and operate.

To try to slough it all off with an "i'm a techie, yikes" attitude is an insult to your users.

In the meantime, there are those of us out here each with thousands of tasks in Toodledo's format who have a now-useless product.

I'm certainly willing to give you a second chance - but only if I can get the app on my Android device operating again. Having it crash instantly upon opening dozens and dozens of times in a row is frustrating, disheartening, and a bit angering.

I truly wish you success... but mostly, I wish a communication from you with a solution for getting the updated tasks from my laptop version two-way synced with the added tasks on my Android version.


Barry Barnes
Long-term user

Posted: Mar 26, 2020
Score: -1 Reference
Hey, Barry.

I am as unhappy as you are about Jake selling Toodledo and the new owners fumbling the ball and not communicating with the user base. While I was a co-founder of only one tech company, not several like you, I do have some knowledge of how tech companies work in my capacity as an employee and consultant to a bunch of companies you might be familiar with.

Luckily for me, I am not having any of the problems that you describe, but I am not using Android. And I might not be using all the same features that you are using. I use TD through Chrome on a Windows desktop. I also have the iOS app loaded on some Apple devices including an iPhone and a couple of iPads.

Everything is working for me the same way it did a couple of years ago, under Jake's ownership. I have not noticed any differences.

I have noticed recently that my page loads on Chrome and Windows seem to be faster than before. But maybe that's just my Web connection (Cox Cable -- same connection I have had for 20 years).

I have looked at a bunch of alternatives to Toodleoo, but none of them is the same, and I am addicted / accustomed to the app that Jake built. My habits and task management techniques have evolved over the past ten years or so to fit Toodledo, and I hope that it stays around. There is more discussion in this independent Slack group >>

I know that people who use Android want to stay with Android, but you might find a cheap used iPad on eBay or somewhere that will get you through until the Android app is fixed. Just a thought.

Happy Toodledoing.

This message was edited Mar 26, 2020.

Posted: Mar 28, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by Anant G.:
The new version was crashing because it requires re-sync of all the tasks. We have rolled back an update and working on forcing the re-sync. We will be releasing next update in beta first and create a post here in forums for the same.

Is there a way for me to stop Android app crashing or I need to wait for a new update?

Posted: Mar 29, 2020
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by Anant G.:
Posted by Chris:
My emailed request to cancel my subscription getting bounced back after 8 days isn't a good sign.

Hi, We didn't get your email. Can you create a support ticket please :

What I don´t understand if there is the beta for the new app now, why you still are developing an app that has not been updted in 2 years and when you do a small change it stops syncing.

Posted: Mar 29, 2020
Score: 2 Reference
Glad to see you guys back. The Android App has been upgraded on March 18, but when will the iOS App get its upgrade? It has not been upgraded for THREE years! It is so UGLY on iPhone X and the later devices!

Posted: Mar 30, 2020
Score: 3 Reference
Posted by Anant G.:
Posted by J O D:
Based on your previous posts, Anant, I just really hope the end of March will be seeing the beta for the mobile apps at last... You have 20 days.

Yes we are working on it and that's our target too :)

Hi Anant,
Just checking noting that tomorrow marks the end of March, to see if there are any updates on your plan to have a refreshed app (beta or otherwise) available? I see comments regarding the issues with Android so perhaps that is also a focus for the team. To clarify, what app were you working towards an update by the end of the month,

Thank you,
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