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Posted: Dec 14, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by jeff_1364641852:

erhenius Which Clickup plan did you find met your needs? Free or Unlimited $60/year?
While I expect to pay for a good service I became skeptical with what seemed like car salesman like upsells.
If you're on Unlimited for example, are you still being upsold to higher plans or any À la cart features?

A bit of a late response from me... but hey, can you blame me? hahaha
Anyway, I thought I would start with the free version to test the waters, as of yet I have not felt the need to upgrade to a paid plan.
I thought I would have to but, seems that it is not needed as of yet...

Posted: Dec 30, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
I still have a paid account, which I’m paying on a monthly basis. I have not used Toodledo in several months, mainly because the interface with iOS is still not reliable and seems to be totally stagnant. There are also some things on the web interface that are not working, which I’ve submitted trouble tickets on, with no response. In the meantime I’ve been using Nozbe, which is pretty good. There are some things in Toodledo that I prefer, but I won’t wait much longer. I’ll give them another month or two, and then I’m out of here. The lack of responses recently, despite the name of this thread, seems to indicate that they are not really back. It has all the telltale signs of a dying product, which is too bad, as it was once a unique and very useful product. I hope that I’m wrong, and that they are really working behind the scenes and will soon re-emerge, but I wouldn’t bet on it.

This message was edited Dec 30, 2020.

Posted: Dec 30, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by cjdenbow:
I still have a paid account, which I’m paying on a monthly basis. I have not used Toodledo in several months, mainly because the interface with iOS is still not reliable and seems to be totally stagnant. There are also some things on the web interface that are not working, which I’ve submitted trouble tickets on, with no response. In the meantime I’ve been using Nozbe, which is pretty good. There are some things in Toodledo that I prefer, but I won’t wait much longer. I’ll give them another month or two, and then I’m out of here. The lack of responses recently, despite the name of this thread, seems to indicate that they are not really back. It has all the telltale signs of a dying product, which is too bad, as it was once a unique and very useful product. I hope that I’m wrong, and that they are really working behind the scenes and will soon re-emerge, but I wouldn’t bet on it.

I'm curious as to why you would keep paying every month, if you are no longer using it, rather than stopping your subscription and then restarting it if it looks like Toodledo are going to start working on the product and supporting it.

Posted: Jan 03, 2021
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by Duo:
Posted by cjdenbow:
I still have a paid account, which I’m paying on a monthly basis. I have not used Toodledo in several months, mainly because the interface with iOS is still not reliable and seems to be totally stagnant. There are also some things on the web interface that are not working, which I’ve submitted trouble tickets on, with no response. In the meantime I’ve been using Nozbe, which is pretty good. There are some things in Toodledo that I prefer, but I won’t wait much longer. I’ll give them another month or two, and then I’m out of here. The lack of responses recently, despite the name of this thread, seems to indicate that they are not really back. It has all the telltale signs of a dying product, which is too bad, as it was once a unique and very useful product. I hope that I’m wrong, and that they are really working behind the scenes and will soon re-emerge, but I wouldn’t bet on it.

I'm curious as to why you would keep paying every month, if you are no longer using it, rather than stopping your subscription and then restarting it if it looks like Toodledo are going to start working on the product and supporting it.

Two reasons: 1. Inertia, 2. Giving them just a little support and hopefully a little incentive to continue their work.

Posted: Jan 06, 2021
Score: 1 Reference
I have just renewed my subscription, and to my horror, my account is not updated to reflect the paid status. Rather it continues to be under the free status.

I have logged a ticket for enquiry, and no one has replied to me yet.

Somebody from Toodledo, please respond as soon as possible to me.

Thank you.

This message was edited Jan 06, 2021.

Posted: Jan 06, 2021
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by cleve.chia:
I have just renewed my subscription, and to my horror, my account is not updated to reflect the paid status. Rather it continues to be under the free status.

I have logged a ticket for enquiry, and no one has replied to me yet.

Somebody from Toodledo, please respond as soon as possible to me.

Thank you.

I've seen a couple of people post similar messages. Don't count on any support ticket reply as last I heard there were several hundred already submitted. There has been no developer/owner comments on this forum or replies to any emails so the general feeling Toodledo is a dead product. I would contact my bank and cancel any charges and then move on to a new app

Posted: Jan 08, 2021
Score: 0 Reference
As of 9th Jan 2021 there are:


Open support tickets

This message was edited Jan 08, 2021.

Posted: Jan 11, 2021
Score: 1 Reference
I am gone. Long time toodledo person who recommended this to others regularly.

I use views heavily, which in the past kept me with toodledo.
But the lack of support - serious problems of lost data and a month with no response to my trouble ticket, as well as 6 months and no replies here - had me looking for a better product.

Thanks to those that posted about competing products and how they worked for them, that saved me time searching for a new product (I could see what features were important to them and ensure the product had the features I use).

I have moved to todoist and I was pleased it does everything I do in toodledo (and even easier in many cases). You can do labels (tags) and filters (views) , collaborators, and many other features that toodledo has. I can put large amounts of info into a task so the information is there when the task is being worked on. I use projects as my goals/objectives, and subtasks under this (multiple levels of tasks is available). It will work with GTD, Timeboxing, and whatever other strategy you use.
Creating or editing a task is very easy - typing in English type text that sets the priority, task/subtask, tag, due date, etc. (E.g. task topic @work #project2 every 2nd tues starting with X date).
Easy to edit several tasks at a time.

It took a little bit to learn, there are several well written articles on advanced features (by others as well as in todoist). So it didn't take much time to pick up advanced abilities including things Toodledo doesn't have.

I had 1000 tasks and I was able to spend about 6 hours to convert, set things up to take advantage of todoist, while at the same time making some minor changes to better emphasis timeboxing and highimpact tasks.

Very well supported, when I asked about a feature I thought was missing, I got reply in less than a day (I just had not found out how to implement it, it was there).

Again, thanks for those that suggested alternative product, that really cut down my process of picking a new product.
After many years of recommending toodledo, I have now suggested to my regular customers/colleagues that they move to another product (they all understand the big concern of lost data).

This message was edited Jan 11, 2021.

Posted: Jan 11, 2021
Score: 1 Reference
I have almost the same experience as you with Toodledo and with Todoist.
Where we differ is that after 6 hours ++ I could not convert to todist.
The problem, and I hope you have some suggestions for me, was that Toodledo exports an xls with columns for notes and recurring infor whereas Todoist imports them as lines.
I have 1200 tasks, most are recurring and have notes so I'd have to transfer maybe 2000 cells on my csv to be lines on Todoist import.
I do hope you have solved this problem and can tell me how to do it.

This message was edited Jan 11, 2021.

Posted: Jan 11, 2021
Score: 3 Reference
I have a lifetime Gold account which gives me all the features I need. They sold lifetime Gold accounts a couple of years ago for a low price -- what was it? $35 or something like that?

Everything works for me the way I need it to work. I have been using ToodleDo for many, many years. I don't need any support.

For those of you who need support -- If you post your questions, maybe a user / community member will answer you.

It looks like ToodleDo won't be answering anyone, but as long as they keep the servers running, I will be happy.

If you want changes made to the code or feature updates, it seems like that will never happen. I like it the way it is. Works for me on both Windows (desktop) and iOS (iPad Pro 12").


This message was edited Jan 11, 2021.

Posted: Feb 05, 2021
Score: 2 Reference
As of 5th Feb 2021 there are:


Open support tickets

Posted: Feb 08, 2021
Score: 3 Reference
It looks like it’s a dead product. Nothing from the developer now in quite awhile. This is a bad sign. If it was still being worked on, we’d be at least getting an occasional update, if only to say, “We’re sill working on the updates, bug fixes, app improvements, but it is taking longer than we anticipated.” Or, something along those lines. The deafening silence speaks volumes. The only other possibility that I could see is that they are in negotiation with another company that wants to purchase Toodledo to use some of its better elements in another To Do service. I think Toodledo as we know it is dead in the water. I hope that I’m wrong.

This message was edited Feb 08, 2021.

Posted: Feb 21, 2021
Score: 1 Reference
Please see the discussion “HOW DO WE FIND SOMEONE TO SAVE TOODLEDO?” In the Questions Forum.

Posted: Feb 22, 2021
Score: 3 Reference
I feel totally ripped off by my recent January renewal and I have taken steps to ensure that they cannot charge me again for a non-functional product.

The web site mostly works but the last thing I did was export my data in several formats so I can take it elsewhere.

The IOS apps does not sync and is now useless (worse than useless since it pretends to work but cannot update data)!

I have used Toodledo for over 10 years and while I had my doubts when the original developer sold it, I thought I would continue using it. I now regret that decision and feel totally betrayed and ripped off.

It sucks but I cannot see trusting this app even if they do make some kind of miraculous recovery.
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