ForumsNewsiOS Update - June 2020

iOS Update - June 2020
Author Message
Anant G.

Posted: Jun 20, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
As I mentioned on our blog, we are releasing another beta update on our iOS app.

You can download this version from here :

Make sure you have downloaded Testflight from App store first.

Lot of fixes are done from last build. Major one's are summarized below :

+ Fixes a bug search functionality in tasks.
+ Made application available for all the Apple Watch. We had to remove Apple Watch Series 1 from the application because it was causing conflicts with the newer version.
+ Fixes a bug in the Outlines, Habits & Lists section where navigation or header to add new items were missing.
+ Fixes a bug in the Outlines section where a link inside an item may not have been clickable.
+ Fixes a bug with crashing of app when a Note was searched in Notes Section.
+ Fixes an issue where the sync was breaking and it was not able to sync all the tasks.
+ Many layout issues are fixed in Tasks & Notes section.
+ Implemented Sub-Task feature in the app.

Open Bugs :
+ Sync performance issue
+ iPad Layout

For some users who feel that we are shutting down, that is not the case. We're doing our best to improve Toodledo and do no harm. We know we are not active on Forums and Blog, we are going to improve on this area too soon.


This message was edited Jul 09, 2020.

Posted: Jun 21, 2020
Score: 2 Reference
Hi Anant,
Any idea as to when this update might make it into production for all versions of all platforms?

Anant G.

Posted: Jun 22, 2020
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by fdoten:
Hi Anant,
Any idea as to when this update might make it into production for all versions of all platforms?


We are monitoring the crash reports from our beta users and fixing those issues after that we will push this into production and continue working with new apps with better UI.

Posted: Jun 24, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
Any efforts into fixing push notifications on iOS platform? Not sure if you knew about this but they no longer work. See ticket # 75719 from 5/28/20.

Posted: Jun 29, 2020
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by Anant G.:
Posted by fdoten:
Hi Anant,
Any idea as to when this update might make it into production for all versions of all platforms?


We are monitoring the crash reports from our beta users and fixing those issues after that we will push this into production and continue working with new apps with better UI.

Android beta version missing since march

You don't have any credibility

Posted: Jul 04, 2020
Score: 5 Reference
The latest version, 3.4, is totally unusable on iPad. Have you done any tests on iPad?

Posted: Jul 05, 2020
Score: 5 Reference
IOS Version 3.4 (Build 5590)
iPad Pro and iPhone

Update: Although it tried to work a few hours ago, the iPad Pro app no longer opens after reinstalling it to try and improve the speed. The splash screen appears fo 30s and then the app closes.

A second reinstall seems to fix it.

Original observations

The main issue is that the app is unusable because I have to wait about 30s - 60s before I can use it. The idea of an app is o b able or quickly enter ideas as they occur.

1. My custom saved searches are now in reverse alphabetical order

2. It incorrectly changed my default Add task folder

3. Required forced push to get web version tasks into this version

4. It’s significantly slower changing from one view to another e.g. from custom saved search to All Tasks

5. One in three or four times upon returning to app (possibly depending how long I’ve been out of the app), the splash screen redisplays and sticks there for around 15 seconds

6. The sync is sometimes significantly slower in the sense that the app freezes for 15s after selecting a new view or entering a task,

7. You can no longer change view (e.g. from All Tasks to a custom search) while a sync is in progress.

8. Upon hitting Done after adding a new task, it freezes for 15 seconds

9. It is slow changing from landscape to portrait

10. Folder sort low to high sorts high to low. Fixable by changing to manual sort

11. Context sort is high to low. There is no way to fix this.

12. Surprisingly, the new app is more stable on my older iPad Air 2 than it is on the iPad Pro. For example, the Air2 has not crashed yet, and has defaulted back to the previous sort

13. When doing a search in All Tasks, a wait time of 10s is required between pressing each letter in the search



This message was edited Jul 05, 2020.

Posted: Jul 05, 2020
Score: 6 Reference
Production release does not show tasks, notes, or outlines. They all show 0. But are still available on web version. Kind of a big miss to say the least.
Jeremy Sedgley

Posted: Jul 05, 2020
Score: 9 Reference
My iOS app is showing 0 tasks after update

Posted: Jul 05, 2020
Score: 2 Reference
Now sync of tasks here on ios, buggy update.

Posted: Jul 05, 2020
Score: 8 Reference
Following the v3.4 update on iPhone, one has to figure out to go to Settings/Synchronization and do a forced update from ToodleDo to device. Quite shocking to open the app after the update and find all data wiped. Rather upsetting, actually.

Posted: Jul 05, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
Past due tasks are no longer red.

Posted: Jul 05, 2020
Score: 8 Reference
Like others above, I was rather shocked/dismayed by this update:

1) First, it seems as if all of your tasks have disappeared - no messages to make it clear to users you have to manually download tasks again from the server

2) The version seems to forget the sort order of tasks in the Today view if you quit then re-open the app

3) Without my 'request', all tasks now have a bunch of icons next to them (e.g. icons for notes, alarms, today) - this just makes the view look cluttered and ugly, especially as there are some layout issues in Toodledo app in iOS. Looks awful and illegible to be honest.

One of those cases where I wish this had been left alone, unless a significantly better large-scale interface re-design had been implemented. This is a poor, and unwelcome 'tweak' - brings only bugs and a less readable layout.

Sad ☹️

This message was edited Jul 05, 2020.

Posted: Jul 05, 2020
Score: 4 Reference
Adding to my post above, the new app is not usable as it freezes every time I open it (presumably it is performing some internal housework). This is on an iPad Pro with plenty of memory and power.

I’ll try deleting the app and reinstalling but I fear it may be time to leave Toodledo after 15 years.

Anant G.

Posted: Jul 05, 2020
Score: 3 Reference
After an update, you need to force re-sync from web to device.

To do that :
1. Go to settings.
2. Go to Synchronization.
3. Go to Modify Account Login.
4. Tap on Force Toodledo --> Device Sync.

That should fix this issue.
Tom DeWire

Posted: Jul 05, 2020
Score: 7 Reference
You need to email all users about this- all my tasks disappeared in app. This has NEVER happened before and I am a long time user.

Posted: Jul 05, 2020
Score: 1 Reference

That may seem like an easy fix, but address the issue that when I went into my web version its outdated back to the first part of June despite my syncing. So I did your “fix” only to find out my syncing hasn’t been working. So I have a mess. This was a horrible update and I’ve used this app for years!

Posted: Jul 05, 2020
Score: 3 Reference

I am having many of the same problems as mentioned above after the iPhone update.

I managed to get my data back by reinstalling the app on my phone, logging into my account and then doing a sync. However all of my due date reminders are gone and the sorting features do not seem to be working correctly. For example, though I check the box to hide future events, they still show on my phone.

Thank goodness my web toodle account still works or I would have lost everything.

Very frustrating!

John Gibson

Posted: Jul 05, 2020
Score: 7 Reference
I keep an immense amount of information on Toodledo, especially in the Notes section. The Tasks section, too, is loaded with about 100 tasks, many of which are important repeating milestones. When I opened my app today and noticed that EVERYTHING was gone I almost went into shock. I realized that although I keep on-site and off-site backups of everything on my PC and iPhone, I have no way to back up my Toodledo data, and I had a serious WAKE-UP CALL about how dependent I was on this application and how vulnerable I had left myself to its developer.

Thank goodness I was able to find my information on the Web version of Toodledo, and I did an immediately CSV export of all my Tasks and Notes. I then found this thread with instructions to restore my iPhone, which worked as predicted. Everything appears to be restored.

Nevertheless, I am not going to leave myself vulnerable in the future. Other apps go through beta testing before new versions are released (I am a beta tester for a motorcycle navigation app) to ensure that the general users receive safe and effective code. Evidently, the developer of Toodledo thinks it is just fine to go AWOL for months at a time, and then foist a new, untested version on the entire user population without even the courtesy of an announcement or instructions. This is nuts! Who can really afford to put up that kind of risk at any price?

I am going to find new apps to handle my daily information, apps that have developers who demonstrate professionalism and common sense. I have lost completely my confidence in the integrity and competence of the Toodledo developer.

John Lieberman

This message was edited Jul 05, 2020.

Posted: Jul 05, 2020
Score: 1 Reference

When I try to enter my login info on the iphone it will not save. So I cannot do a force re-sync.

Can you please help with this.
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