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New Section: Lists
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Posted: Sep 19, 2013
Score: 2 Reference
Fantastic addition! Nice idea putting out a short video. Watched it and was using the lists in just a few minutes. I'm impressed and can't wait to see what you do next.


Posted: Sep 19, 2013
Score: 9 Reference
There are lots of programs that have been developed over the years but then the developers move on and loose interest in a mature product.
So it is great to see the continued development of Toodledo, and I really hope it continues apace (even if the additions are things that do not appear to be high on the list of requests from users but more Jake's priorities).

However, Android users are now falling far behind the Web and IOS users in the features that are available.
I am not going to open up the "we want an Android app" discussion again (even though I do want one), it is clear Jake applies absolutely no priority to this request at all and it is unlikely to happen in my lifetime.
His argument that the Mobile site is the way forward for Android users was appropriate before the introduction of Outlines and Lists but as neither of these additional features are available in the Mobile site this argument is now invalid.
Also, until the API is updated to include Outlines and Lists the third party developers are unable to help.

So Jake, please can you make adding Outlines and Lists to the Mobile site, and also to the API a priority.

I have been a Toodledo user for many, many years and have been very pleased with its continued development and stability but having recently switched to an Android phone I am now feeling very much the poor relation.


This message was edited Sep 19, 2013.

Posted: Sep 19, 2013
Score: 1 Reference
Great feature. I've been using Notes for these kind of lists before. But this is much more convinient. Thanks!

Posted: Sep 19, 2013
Score: 3 Reference
Posted by martingchapman:
There are lots of programs that have been developed over the years but then the developers move on and loose interest in a mature product.
So it is great to see the continued development of Toodledo, and I really hope it continues apace (even if the additions are things that do not appear to be high on the list of requests from users but more Jake's priorities).

However, Android users are now falling far behind the Web and IOS users in the features that are available.
I am not going to open up the "we want an Android app" discussion again (even though I do want one), it is clear Jake applies absolutely no priority to this request at all and it is unlikely to happen in my lifetime.
His argument that the Mobile site is the way forward for Android users was appropriate before the introduction of Outlines and Lists but as neither of these additional features are available in the Mobile site this argument is now invalid.
Also, until the API is updated to include Outlines and Lists the third party developers are unable to help.

So Jake, please can you make adding Outlines and Lists to the Mobile site, and also to the API a priority.

I have been a Toodledo user for many, many years and have been very pleased with its continued development and stability but having recently switched to an Android phone I am now feeling very much the poor relation.


Well said.

Posted: Sep 19, 2013
Score: 1 Reference
Dear Team,
Before starting to copy (cannot move the data until this feature comes to iOS) could you be so kind to tell me if there will be available searching inside the text of the list fields, as in fields with long text ctrl+F is not working...?

Posted: Sep 19, 2013
Score: 2 Reference
Is it possible to filter the list?
I can not find how to do that.
Thank you

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Sep 19, 2013
Score: 0 Reference
Yes, we will be implementing search and filters to the Lists section in a future update.

Posted: Sep 19, 2013
Score: 1 Reference
I can not wait !

Posted: Sep 20, 2013
Score: 0 Reference
> "Yes, we will be implementing search and filters to the Lists section in a future update."

Haaa! So you DOOOOOO comment on future features and functionality !!!

; )

Posted: Sep 20, 2013
Score: 0 Reference
Love the feature too ...
Is there any way (yet) to sort the items in a list?

PS - Flipping back and forth between lists and outlines, I am getting a little vague on when I would use one or the other. Any suggestions or tips?

Posted: Sep 20, 2013
Score: 2 Reference
This is a great addition. Agree with others that it won't be as useful as it could be until you add to the iphone.

I wanted to use the restaurant template, but the tutorial video sits on top of the box and won't let me access the button that allows me to add the template to my lists. Suggestions?

Posted: Sep 20, 2013
Score: 1 Reference
Ditto for lists on iOS ... most of my lists I absolutely want instant access on my ipad or phone.

FYI - the lists (and sometimes outlines) are quickly taking the place of what I used to use the Notes feature for. VERY useful.
Chris Wang

Posted: Sep 21, 2013
Score: 1 Reference
Good to see the continual improvement of Toodledo.
One question: what is the USP of List compared to MCS Excel/Google Spreadsheet?

Posted: Sep 21, 2013
Score: 1 Reference
Has anyone actually imported a list from a CSV file? Can't make it happen for some reason.

Posted: Sep 21, 2013
Score: 1 Reference
1)Check that you don't have characters like ñ,accents,....
2) If you see a message preventing you that some part of the import is failling take on account that allthough it seems that all the import falls, it really works. You will see that the outline item counter increases.
3)Beging trying a simple import with only 2 lines on a txt file like:
Item1, item 2
Item3, item 4

Hope it helps

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Sep 21, 2013
Score: 0 Reference
Our CSV importer into Lists doesn't seem to like it if the individual fields are not quoted. We are working on this, but in the meantime if you can force your CSV file to quote fields, this should help.

Posted: Sep 22, 2013
Score: 1 Reference
Really useful!! Great :-)

Posted: Sep 25, 2013
Score: 2 Reference
Really good job !
Waiting and impatient to have lists and outlines on IOS !!!!

Posted: Sep 25, 2013
Score: 1 Reference
CSV downloading is not working as we are expecting.
If you look into a downloaded list created on toodledo lists environtment, the downloaded CSV file lost some end off line characters during the export.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Sep 25, 2013
Score: 0 Reference
vivendom.budget, can you please create a support ticket and give us some more information so we can reproduce this bug?
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