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Posted: Oct 30, 2013
Score: 1 Reference
when will the "list" function be available for Iphone?

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Oct 30, 2013
Score: 0 Reference
We are working on it.

Posted: Oct 30, 2013
Score: 0 Reference
Just I think...

If you don't have an app updated with all work finished with List and Outlines, why do you update the website? The most use of this GTD software is with mobile phone, so we can not use this new features until you make an updated app, maybe this kind of move should be as beta release...

This message was edited Oct 30, 2013.

Posted: Oct 31, 2013
Score: 3 Reference
to Vicfances: I almost exclusively use the website for my task management needs. The only reason I would use my mobile phone/tablet for this is to add tasks on the go. So I am extremely happy that Toodledo releases the online portion even if the mobile version hasn't been completed. Why limit the options for other customers?

Posted: Oct 31, 2013
Score: 2 Reference
while I love that the iPhone app works very well, I also agree with bluemoon1983. 98% of my task processing is done on computer (web) and therefore want features added to the web first.

I have experience with another task processing platform that for some reason puts some features on web, and some features on phone. I found it very frustrating to have to pull out my phone to do some things, and then go to my computer to do others. if you use the phone exclusively, I would see that it would be a bummer to see things added to the web first. but that is not my case. thank you toodledo for keeping the web app to be fully functional!

Posted: Nov 03, 2013
Score: -1 Reference
I just watched the video on lists. I am surprised that it seems that lists cannot be shared. my thought was to use a list as a way to make a set of steps to complete for a desired actions (e.g. payroll - collect hours, enter data, send payroll, send payroll tax, etc.). I share this task with my assistant, and am surprised to see that we could not collaborate on checking off items on the list as they were done. I guess I will be sticking with parent task and subtasks for now...

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Nov 03, 2013
Score: 0 Reference
We plan to enable sharing of both Lists and Outlines in a future update.
Ann M

Posted: Nov 13, 2013
Score: 1 Reference
I know you don't comment on time frames, but if I can put my thumb on the scale it would be very timely to have lists released on the iPhone as we start the holiday season. With all the things to do it would be a huge benefit between now and January to have access to this feature. Thanks for listening.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Nov 13, 2013
Score: 0 Reference
We will not have Lists ready for iOS for the holidays. Sorry.

Posted: Nov 14, 2013
Score: 1 Reference
All day I've been getting an error message "Unable to fetch lists from the website. Please try again later." Is something broken, will my lists be saved? They seem to be saving.


Toodledo Founder
Posted: Nov 14, 2013
Score: 0 Reference
I have not noticed anything. Can you please try signing out of your account and then back in and see if that helps?

Posted: Nov 14, 2013
Score: 1 Reference
Whatever it was stopped later in the day, It might have been the connection or something.

Posted: Nov 20, 2013
Score: 0 Reference
jneville is me, it's a work account, I have one sad complaint, a list limit of 30 items? I understand limits but I've never hit my head on one before. I can't subscribe for my work, or for one single feature, all the limit does is annoy me, and I'm sure others. How about a limit of say 100?

When I first hit the limit I thought I'd just jump into a second list but that will fox the alphabetization of what I'm doing...

I'm sad, It was such an awesome list!!

Posted: Nov 21, 2013
Score: 0 Reference
The current limit to a list is 30 items? For real?
Wayne T.

Posted: Nov 21, 2013
Score: 1 Reference

Posted: Nov 22, 2013
Score: -1 Reference
Hi are there any plans to allow a column type of attachments in lists?

The use case is I have have checklists for software building a pc, and some of those have reg scripts that it would be handy to attach directly in the list.

I am sure there are other use cases but this one came up for me.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Nov 22, 2013
Score: 0 Reference
Thanks for the suggestion. We do not comment on timeframes for implementation, but this is on our to-do list.


Posted: Nov 25, 2013
Score: 2 Reference
I love using the lists, and have now transferred lots of lists from notes (in Evernote and ToodleDo).

I would like to request function to nest list items hierarchically, like the outlines, which would make it easier to manage lots of items in a list.


Posted: Nov 25, 2013
Score: 0 Reference
+1 for the column type of attachments in lists propose by Barry-Jon

Posted: Nov 29, 2013
Score: 1 Reference
The lists provide another benefit to Toodledoo. Excellent addition and looking forward to them being on iOS. But can we have other currency symbols as well as $?
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