ForumsNewsToodledo Update August 2019

Toodledo Update August 2019
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Posted: Feb 12, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
I finally pulled the plug and switched to ZenKit, which is totally open architecture to let you design it like you want. Unlimited fields, name them what you want, 7 or 8 different types of fields, Table view I use, but also Kanban based on field labels you create, Mind Map, Gantt if you have start and end dates, calendar, list, and more. You can name labels in label fields whatever you want, and select more than one label in a field for any To Do 'item'. Very intuitive to create and use. Easy importing via csv.

They are based in Germany and are extraordinarily responsive to questions and suggestions, in perfect English. Their product development is extremely robust, compared to apparently non-existent with TD. The only missing elements, they are working on, are Android multi-select like Ultimate To Do List has, and multi-level sort (like TD's 3 levels). But, multi-select is more robust on ZenKit than TD, so I just do it on the computer vs Android.

Date range selecting isn't quite as robust as TD, but that's easy enough to work around for now.

ZenKit has been around less than 5 years, and is already a great application that will only get better.

I reached out to Anant again a week ago at his ToodleDo email address, with no response. He may not even be there any more.

Posted: Feb 12, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
I wonder why ppl buy an app to let it die... just sad

Posted: Feb 12, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
Seems often great apps I've enjoyed were acquired to be killed off pretty quickly or intentionally broken to being useless in many ways. Seems the former is the case w/TD. it's not apparent that TD was acquired by a competitor to gather market access and then kill off the competing app *cough* wunderlist *cough* they just are letting it die an apparently slow death.

Posted: Feb 15, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
Glad to see that this forum owned by ToodleDo is still working.

Please make a note that there is another forum on the same topic, totally independent from ToodleDo, that you can also use.

In the event that this ToodleDo discussion forum stops working for some reason, this independent one should continue for awhile... MTk4ZDFiYWNhNTEwOWUyMjY0M2JmNzhjODA1YzU5Y2Y0NGJiMjgwZDRkYWU

Paste the entire string in your browser, all the way to ZDRkYWU

Or, the following shorter link might also work, as long as TinyURL is around. >>

(Just trying to future proof everything since things tend to disappear).

Posted: Feb 16, 2020
Score: 2 Reference
Finally moved to Amazing Marvin ( Really loving it. Its very customizable and very response support team. Fits quite well with GTD and other approaches. I am still setting up and hopefully will stick to it.

Posted: Feb 17, 2020
Score: 2 Reference
I'm new here, just bought a year's subscription for the PLUS version. Please tell me this software is still up and running, and being supported?

Posted: Feb 17, 2020
Score: 3 Reference
As far as anyone can tell Toodledo is a dead product. It appears that it's in auto mode which means it's working on its own with no involvement from any human.

Billing, technical questions, and development have all stalled with no responses from owners.

Posted: Feb 17, 2020
Score: 2 Reference
Please make a note that there is another forum on the same topic, totally independent from ToodleDo, that you can also use.

In the event that this ToodleDo discussion forum stops working for some reason, this independent one should continue for awhile...

Look here >>

The link above will direct you to a Slack group.
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