ForumsNewsiOS Update - June 2020

iOS Update - June 2020
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Posted: Jul 07, 2020
Score: 0 Reference
(Sorry I attempted to get this to be in-line with tahallco comment) sorry for the duplicate.

I have had hopes but have been doing the following every Friday.

Under the profile icon in the top right corner of the desktop web browser, click the drop-down to reveal the menu
Look for "Import/Export/Backup"

1) Backup
Click the Backup/Restore box
Next screen click "Download backup file"
Save it to a folder where you want to keep handy the ToodleDo backups
Go back to the profile menu > "Import / Export / Backup"

2) CSV Export
Under "CSV Tasks Export"
And under "Uncompleted Tasks" click "Download CSV File"
It will save with today's date in the file name and what it is as well
Save it where you keep the ToodleDo backups

Then if you want the full history of all your completed tasks
Right above the download blue download button you'll see "Completed more than (1) yrs ago"
I change this to 0 to get all completed tasks, then click download
Save it where you keep the ToodleDo backups it will also save with today's date and file name description

3) XML file export for future use
Should an XML file be needed at a 3rd party or even if you want to come back to ToodleDo
This "in theory" should give you full file export of your tasks
Go back to "Import / Export / Backup" screen
Click on "XML Import / Export"
Under "XML Tasks Export" click "Download XML file"
This will be a single file that you could rename with a different date but I have just overwritten the previous export file in my ToodleDo backup folder.

Hope this helps.

Good luck!

Posted by tahallco:
How do I back up? I too run my life with this App. I didn’t do the Update that was suggested as I’m afraid I’ll lose everything. Right now I am able to manage (although it’s not easy) through the web site. But I want to back up just in case. Can someone help tell me how to back up.

So frustrating there is no response from Developer. It’s a new owner that kinda like a tech guy but not a business person that understands Customer Service which is essential to a successful business.

Please Post Apps that you feel are an alternative. I like many have used this App for many years. 10+.

Posted: Jul 07, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by faisalgh:
I am a paying user of this app, and really like the google mail integration. I made the mistake of deleting the app on my phone. I cannot find it in the App store anymore. How do we get the app reinstalled.

Can you go to App Store app on iPhone and iPad and then click on your profile image in the top right to get to your account. Then search under "Purchases" for previously purchased" and you should find it. I've had to do that a couple times as I worked through both inoperable iPhone and iPad versions.

This message was edited Jul 07, 2020.

Posted: Jul 07, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
I have Toodledo ver 3.4 running on my iPad with IOS 15.5.1.. I cannot edit any due dates, and the alarm bell and text icons cover up the 2nd line of text on longer titles. Any idea what I can try? - Rick J.

This message was edited Jul 07, 2020.

Posted: Jul 07, 2020
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by dotparker:
I am a longtime user and tech geek and hope this may help those who have recently posted questions.

1) If you downloaded the new app and your tasks are missing, Go to the app's Settings: Modify Account Login: and click on "Force Toodledo > Device Sync" (but NOT from the device to the Toodledo).

2) If you uninstalled the app, you won't be able to reinstall until the company restores the app to the App Store. I assume Anant pulled it due to all the issues people were having. Apple's approval process can take a number of days, so you may have to wait it out. I'd recommend you check the App Store daily.

3) To back up your data, you need to use the web version on a computer as this function is not available in the app. From your Toodledo webpage, go to Settings: Import/Export/Backup: Backup/Restore and click on "Download Backup File". You can also export your data in various other formats (csv, txt) if you plan to take your data elsewhere. As a reference point, I back up my Toodledo data every other day.

4) I know that people are frustrated, and rightfully so. But, many of us stay with Toodledo because there is no other better alternative. Over the last two years, I have tried at least a dozen alternatives (I've even paid for the full versions). I use a GTD method and nothing can compare to Toodledo. The closest is Remember the Milk (they have the ability to import your Toodledo file that is nice). But, I always return to Toodledo because it's better. I hope Anant and his team get the kinks worked out because I love Toodledo.

Force sync has not worked on my iPad. I can't get an iPad to successfully pass the splash welcome screen. It just simply crashes each time no matter how I have downloaded and reinstalled the app.

"All Tasks" on iPhone do not go anywhere as if the screen is unavailable on my iPhone despite several re-install and force re-syncs. I can only see flagged and starred screens.

The App can still be found, you should be able to go to your app store account profile and search under purchased apps and see ToodleDo come back up and you can re-install it from there.

My account premium subscription here at ToodleDo ends mid-August. I am hopeful that things will recover promptly for everyone as we all are so dependent on a task manager for our day-to-day.

I am now left with a web version only, and I don't trust the system for any syncing or even retention of the data I do enter. I have decided after having done some research on "Digital Minimalism" that my workflow with ToodleDo was a bit cumbersome. I could, of course, refine / thin-out the data elements I'm using on my Tasks structure in ToodleDo but I am really at my last ounce of patience.

With that all in mind, I have migrated albeit manually to Apple iOS 13 Reminders and am actually re-energized by the simplicity of the app, the native nature of it being in my all-mac ecosystem, apple watch functionality being spot-on, and the workflow including thumbnails of images, and urls with noticeable buttons underneath each task being really handy. Migrating manually also helped me thin out the list of 770+ open tasks, while also helping me clean up the structure of folders, tags ("lists" in Reminders). Reminders is fully searchable so I didn't actually need tags I could just make sure the word I wanted was in the description and pull them all up no matter what list they are in. Also, the scheduling of dates and reminders is really quite flexible and easy to select for those I do want dates for.

Which brings me to one of my biggest time sucks lately with ToodleDo and a feature I had hoped they would roll out for more efficiency. The biggest portion of the time I spent with ToodleDo on a nightly basis was updating all of the "start dates" to the next date. It had some value in looking at what was no longer a priority and kicking it out a few more days, but I was having to update most if not all of my tasks and could have used that time more effectively. I am feeling that Reminders may be more helpful in its simplicity for this aspect of my workflow.

This message was edited Jul 07, 2020.

Posted: Jul 07, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
I also backup my data every Friday using multiple methods of the export tools.

I have been using the web site version and found that it has all of my data. I am intentionally not using either the iphone or ipad version in the hope that I do not corrupt any of my data. I am hoping that TD fixes these issues and then I can do a one way Sync from the site into my iphone and ipad.

But it would be very nice if someone from TD would actually comment on what is going on and post a daily update with a status. It's not that hard. You have a loyal following some of whom (myself included) pay for this service. It is bad enough you pushed out an update that was clearly not tested enough, but communication could actually solve your problem by letting us know what is going on. Your silence only magnifies the issue and creates more ill will than the underlying problem. Does no one at TD know even the smallest amount of crises management?

Posted: Jul 07, 2020
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by jsinger:
I also backup my data every Friday using multiple methods of the export tools.

I have been using the web site version and found that it has all of my data. I am intentionally not using either the iphone or ipad version in the hope that I do not corrupt any of my data. I am hoping that TD fixes these issues and then I can do a one way Sync from the site into my iphone and ipad.

But it would be very nice if someone from TD would actually comment on what is going on and post a daily update with a status. It's not that hard. You have a loyal following some of whom (myself included) pay for this service. It is bad enough you pushed out an update that was clearly not tested enough, but communication could actually solve your problem by letting us know what is going on. Your silence only magnifies the issue and creates more ill will than the underlying problem. Does no one at TD know even the smallest amount of crises management?

I tested the app months ago and reported some of the bugs you have now. But they did not fix the bugs. I was a year-long customer. But there was no communication. The promised and promised but nothing happened. After this I switched to TickTick. I am happy. Everything there is working as it should for me. I hope the best for you guys.

Posted: Jul 07, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
For what it is worth -- I downloaded backup and exported csv files of my tasks and notes. I was NOT able to download completed tasks beyond one year old. In other words - that file was empty except for 2020 dates. I changed the input value to beyond 0, 1, and 2 years old - each time the download file only contained tasks completed in 2020.

I've been using the app on my iphone since 2011, so this is one more disappointment.

So to those who have downloaded csv's of their completed tasks - be sure to check your files.

Posted by jimk222:
[quote](Sorry I attempted to get this to be in-line with tahallco comment) sorry for the duplicate.

I have had hopes but have been doing the following every Friday.

Under the profile icon in the top right corner of the desktop web browser, click the drop-down to reveal the menu
Look for "Import/Export/Backup"

1) Backup
Click the Backup/Restore box
Next screen click "Download backup file"
Save it to a folder where you want to keep handy the ToodleDo backups
Go back to the profile menu > "Import / Export / Backup"

2) CSV Export
Under "CSV Tasks Export"
And under "Uncompleted Tasks" click "Download CSV File"
It will save with today's date in the file name and what it is as well
Save it where you keep the ToodleDo backups

Then if you want the full history of all your completed tasks
Right above the download blue download button you'll see "Completed more than (1) yrs ago"
I change this to 0 to get all completed tasks, then click download
Save it where you keep the ToodleDo backups it will also save with today's date and file name description

3) XML file export for future use
Should an XML file be needed at a 3rd party or even if you want to come back to ToodleDo
This "in theory" should give you full file export of your tasks
Go back to "Import / Export / Backup" screen
Click on "XML Import / Export"
Under "XML Tasks Export" click "Download XML file"
This will be a single file that you could rename with a different date but I have just overwritten the previous export file in my ToodleDo backup folder.

Hope this helps.

Good luck!

Posted: Jul 07, 2020
Score: 3 Reference
I've been using this product for over 10 years - some free, some subscribed. As a retired IT professional, I can honestly say I would be without a job if I was responsible for this latest update. Even without full-time employment, I keep about 100 tasks and it getting unnecessarily difficult to manage them. As a long time user and proponent of the software, I regret doing this, but I'm currently working on transferring my items to a competitor platform.

Posted: Jul 07, 2020
Score: 2 Reference
I am horrified that this new app was rolled out with NO notice to users on a HOLIDAY.

I was traveling, and though I make sure to sync daily when on the road, I hadn't yet synced when this rolled out. So when I opened it for the day, 0 tasks, 0 notes. So EVERYTHING I added the day before is just gone - no way to restore. I can force sync to device, but all new tasks/notes are gone forever.

There is no emergency that would justify suddenly rolling out a new app on a weekend when many people were traveling with NO NOTICE.

I have been using your app for MANY years, as a paid subscriber. I expect more than this.

Posted: Jul 07, 2020
Score: 0 Reference
Thanks for bringing that to folks' attention lmcferren. I just checked my most recent "Completed" CSV backup and I see 8,359 lines dating from this week all the way back to early 2015 which seems to make sense based on my historic use of ToodleDo. All I've been doing is entering "0" for the years field as outlined in previous post below.


Posted by lmcferren:
[quote]For what it is worth -- I downloaded backup and exported csv files of my tasks and notes. I was NOT able to download completed tasks beyond one year old. In other words - that file was empty except for 2020 dates. I changed the input value to beyond 0, 1, and 2 years old - each time the download file only contained tasks completed in 2020.

I've been using the app on my iphone since 2011, so this is one more disappointment.

So to those who have downloaded csv's of their completed tasks - be sure to check your files.

Posted by jimk222:
[quote](Sorry I attempted to get this to be in-line with tahallco comment) sorry for the duplicate.

I have had hopes but have been doing the following every Friday.

Under the profile icon in the top right corner of the desktop web browser, click the drop-down to reveal the menu
Look for "Import/Export/Backup"

1) Backup
Click the Backup/Restore box
Next screen click "Download backup file"
Save it to a folder where you want to keep handy the ToodleDo backups
Go back to the profile menu > "Import / Export / Backup"

2) CSV Export
Under "CSV Tasks Export"
And under "Uncompleted Tasks" click "Download CSV File"
It will save with today's date in the file name and what it is as well
Save it where you keep the ToodleDo backups

Then if you want the full history of all your completed tasks
Right above the download blue download button you'll see "Completed more than (1) yrs ago"
I change this to 0 to get all completed tasks, then click download
Save it where you keep the ToodleDo backups it will also save with today's date and file name description

3) XML file export for future use
Should an XML file be needed at a 3rd party or even if you want to come back to ToodleDo
This "in theory" should give you full file export of your tasks
Go back to "Import / Export / Backup" screen
Click on "XML Import / Export"
Under "XML Tasks Export" click "Download XML file"
This will be a single file that you could rename with a different date but I have just overwritten the previous export file in my ToodleDo backup folder.

Hope this helps.

Good luck![/quote]

Posted: Jul 07, 2020
Score: 2 Reference
Posted by dotparker:
I am a longtime user and tech geek and hope this may help those who have recently posted questions.

1) If you downloaded the new app and your tasks are missing, Go to the app's Settings:Modify Account Login: and click on "Force Toodledo > Device Sync" (but NOT from the device to the Toodledo).

2) If you uninstalled the app, you won't be able to reinstall until the company restores the app to the App Store. I assume Anant pulled it due to all the issues people were having. Apple's approval process can take a number of days, so you may have to wait it out. I'd recommend you check the App Store daily.

3) To back up your data, you need to use the web version on a computer as this function is not available in the app. From your Toodledo webpage, go to Settings: Import/Export/Backup: Backup/Restore and click on "Download Backup File". You can also export your data in various other formats (csv, txt) if you plan to take your data elsewhere. As a reference point, I back up my Toodledo data every other day.

4) I know that people are frustrated, and rightfully so. But, many of us stay with Toodledo because there is no other better alternative. Over the last two years, I have tried at least a dozen alternatives (I've even paid for the full versions). I use a GTD method and nothing can compare to Toodledo. The closest is Remember the Milk (they have the ability to import your Toodledo file that is nice). But, I always return to Toodledo because it's better. I hope Anant and his team get the kinks worked out because I love Toodledo.

Posted: Jul 07, 2020
Score: 3 Reference
Thanks! Super helpful Post.

Posted: Jul 07, 2020
Score: 2 Reference
iPhone app stopped showing notes sometime in the past 2 weeks. I deleted the app, thinking I could just reinstall, and then found that the app is no longer available on the iPhone app store. I then went into panic-mode and exported all my data out of Toodledo thinking that perhaps this spells the end for the platform. After being a user for many years (willingly paying for part of it), I'm seriously concerned about the future of Toodledo. Too much ambiguity about its future to put trust in it.

Posted: Jul 07, 2020
Score: 4 Reference
Frustrated and very concerned to lose Toodledo after many years of use...I have 464 tasks that have an incredible amount of data in notes.

As a precaution, I researched alternatives and found Remember The milk as the closest match. I downloaded it and followed instructions to import all my ToodleDo tasks. RTM imported over 1000 tasks (many deleted ones as well). Looks like all ToodleDo folders turn into RTM lists. Each list includes all the tasks in that folder. It shows main tasks as well as sub-tasks. I have not paid for the Pro version yet so can’t see the sub-tasks but sure looks like they are all there. All tasks have their associated notes properly imported as well (Great relief).

The import did not include several ToodleDo lists but that I can deal with easily.

It will take some time and effort to get used to the user interface and do some customizing with smart list and other features.

RTM is looking like a real good replacement solution.

Struggling with decision to pull the plug on ToodleDo after years of successful use. If I don’t see some credible response from ToodleDo very soon, I will have to move forward with RTM.

Posted: Jul 08, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
I just about fell over when I went to check for app updates & saw an update for ToodleDo.


*TOODLE-FREAKIN'-DO* released an update after what; 3 YEARS???


I went to install it on a spare / non-production iPad and got the message it's "no longer available." Played with it a few more times, decided to head here to see WTF is going on.

Yep, just as I suspected; the new app was garbage so the app's been pulled. HA!

Man do I feel sorry for all y'all who immediately updated it. Truly; I've been in your boat & totally understand.

One small lesson is to NEVER immediately install updates for ANY major, critical app or device you use. ALWAYS wait at LEAST a few days or longer to update and always a good idea to research first to see if others have had problems.

Again; I'm very sorry for the issues users are having; we really shouldn't HAVE to take this much caution when installing app updates, but here we are...

I have zero confidence that the app will be updated successfully anytime this year so I'm looking at RTM & Tick Tick, as well as others.

It's clear that we can't get thru to ToodleDo ownership.

I repeat again; it says a lot about the users here that ToodleDo is such a hot mess yet people STILL come back here to beg & plead for a working product. ToodleDo is awesome.....when it works.

Real shame the ToodleDo team is squandering their hard earned client base & goodwill.


Posted: Jul 08, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
Well, TD has not communicated yet, and the app issue is still not resolved, so it can't be an easy fix. Yep, it could take a long time to fix this. But more importantly, how could I ever be sure it won't happen again?

And with the apparent mindset of the leader, I'm going. And I renewed my Premium subscription just one month ago >8(

So, I'll keep post-it-ing when I'm not at the desktop and update when I get back each day while researching Remember The Milk and Todoist. I'll try both free versions using the same data as in TD and check them against Toodledo for accuracy. Then I'll decide which one to go with, and flee.

I learned a long time ago in my business ventures to cut my losses early on. So I'm not going to risk all my data, waste precious time, and live with the fear of a repeat performance from TD. Paraphrasing Warren Buffet, "Check the management of the company, don't just rely on the numbers before investing".

All the best to you all.
Cheers everyone.

Posted: Jul 08, 2020
Score: 2 Reference
I have tried to quit Toodledo many times but this may be the straw that gets me off it. Can’t quite believe there is no app on the Apple store.

I think I will absorb ClickUp or something else usable, modern, and configurable.

This message was edited Jul 08, 2020.

Posted: Jul 08, 2020
Score: 2 Reference
I’m assuming since it hasn’t been mentioned, there’s no way to do it, but I wanted to ask anyways. Is there any way to downgrade to the previous version of TD or do we just have to wait for it to show back up in the App Store?

Also, best alternative to switch to if it’s time to jump ship? I’ve tried them all and always prefer TD to whatever I try, but at this point I’ll need to give them a second look I think. Remember the Milk seems to be the one most mentioned. Any others worth checking out?

Posted: Jul 08, 2020
Score: 2 Reference
I surrender! Pulled the plug and moved on to RTM and since all TD tasks and sub tasks imported perfectly, I paid their $40 for Pro features.

Will need to move TD lists to another place, but they export from TD easily to Excel.

Notice RTM doesn’t have a feature for optional due dates, but easy too just say that instance of the repeating item is completed and it sets another task at the repeats day.

It will take some effort to get used to and customize RTM but looks like a good system and preserves my 10 year data investment in TD.

Sad end to TD, but even if they return I can’t see how I can entrust my data to them.

On to RTM...

Posted: Jul 08, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
I can’t even download the app update. The message says the app is no longer available in the App Store. I know you say it’s not being iscontinued but it sure looks bad.
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