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Next generation mobile apps
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Toodledo Admin
Posted: Jan 05, 2024
Score: 4 Reference
Dear Community,

We want to inform you by this post what the latest features are for the next generation mobile app.

We will do our best to also create how-to’s. If there are community members here willing to educate other’s that would be great!
Currently we are on build 34 (for iOS) and here are some additional features that the legacy app did NOT have:

- Start / stopping timers
- Add share menu to task
- Add start date to bulk edit
- Show date format according to device locale
- Lengths & timer on footer
- Add link to parent task from subtask
- Fix habit chain
- Hide unused tags

Various bug fixes

This message was edited Feb 28, 2024.

Posted: Jan 06, 2024
Score: 3 Reference
Thanks for your effort!

Of course, this means we need to update the iOS app on our devices (phones and tablets) by visiting the app store and loading the new version.

Isn't that right?

AFTER we do that, if we change our mind, is there a way to regress to the previous version?

I ask that question for this reason -- I usually wait awhile before I load the new version of *any* app. Not just Toodledo, but any app -- because if there are bugs, it might take a few weeks (or months) to find the bugs and fix them. If I am running an old version of the mobile app, I obviously don't get the new features, but is there any other problem or disadvantage if I am running an old version on my iPad?

I am super cautious because my Toodledo data, notes, and calendar is an essential resource for me. Literally 12 years of critical records (backed up every few days).

Thanks! (Lifetime user of Toodledo since 2012).

This message was edited Jan 06, 2024.

Toodledo Admin
Posted: Jan 08, 2024
Score: 0 Reference
Hi there,

Thanks a lot for raising this question.
Currently the next generation mobile app can only be loaded via Testflight.
The legacy app can still be used but it does not work flawlessly anymore since the iOS 17 version update.
We test the next generation mobile app thoroughly before releasing a new update.
There hasn’t been any incident so far where users have lost any data.
We also suggest that users perform backups regularly to have their data stored offline.

Just to clarify again, the current version in the app store is the LEGACY version, the next generation mobile app is sourced via Testflight.

We hope to have the new app in the app store by Q1 2024.


Posted by NewLifetimePlus2019Aug:
Thanks for your effort!

Of course, this means we need to update the iOS app on our devices (phones and tablets) by visiting the app store and loading the new version.

Isn't that right?

AFTER we do that, if we change our mind, is there a way to regress to the previous version?

I ask that question for this reason -- I usually wait awhile before I load the new version of *any* app. Not just Toodledo, but any app -- because if there are bugs, it might take a few weeks (or months) to find the bugs and fix them. If I am running an old version of the mobile app, I obviously don't get the new features, but is there any other problem or disadvantage if I am running an old version on my iPad?

I am super cautious because my Toodledo data, notes, and calendar is an essential resource for me. Literally 12 years of critical records (backed up every few days).

Thanks! (Lifetime user of Toodledo since 2012).

Posted: Jan 09, 2024
Score: 1 Reference
When can we expect the "next gen" apps to be available via the standard Apple Store, not as a beta through "TestFlight"? Is there a plan for this?

Posted: Jan 12, 2024
Score: 4 Reference
I don't use Testflight. The legacy app works flawlessly on my iPad Pro. I'll stay with that.

If it ain't broke -- don't fix it. Ha ha.

Lifetime user since 2012.

Posted: Jan 14, 2024
Score: 2 Reference
Thanks for the update from the developers. Love the next gen app in testflight - looking forward to learning the new features. Keep up the good work. One quick question - I've noticed in the web app the appearance of a new icon - "obj" in a dashed box - what is the significance of this?

Posted: Jan 16, 2024
Score: 1 Reference
wen normal app?

Posted: Jan 23, 2024
Score: 1 Reference
Anyone having any issues where the new app will not load data? I have tried to use it several times and it never pulls in my data.

Johnny Cake

Posted: Jan 24, 2024
Score: 5 Reference
The old app is getting buggy. The new app isn’t ready. I tried the new one and couldn’t find NOTES. Seems to me you’ve put all your attention on the new app but don’t have it together yet. In the meantime the REAL app is suffering. I’ve use your app for years, but I’m growing frustrated.

Toodledo Admin
Posted: Jan 25, 2024
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by seanatkins:
Anyone having any issues where the new app will not load data? I have tried to use it several times and it never pulls in my data.


Hi there,

We haven’t heard of this issue before.
Please send us an email: [email protected]


Toodledo Admin
Posted: Jan 25, 2024
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by Johnny Cake:
The old app is getting buggy. The new app isn’t ready. I tried the new one and couldn’t find NOTES. Seems to me you’ve put all your attention on the new app but don’t have it together yet. In the meantime the REAL app is suffering. I’ve use your app for years, but I’m growing frustrated.


Thanks for reaching out.
Are you on the latest build? Current is 32.
Notes button should be right in the bottom center of the screen.

Let us know if you are still not seeing it.
Email: [email protected]


Posted: Jan 29, 2024
Score: 6 Reference
thank you for update. Good to see progress.

Question is there any improvements to the web base toodledo or is there any plans? Just curious? I have never understood the urgency of the ios app. But you and the previous owner have spent a lot of time working on them so it must be important.

What percent of users use the app? for me I would say 88% of my time on toodledo is desktop web. Rarely use the ios app other to ask Siri to add task to toodeldo. I do use the Mobile website on my phone and find that works fine for me for years.

Seems to me with limited time and resources and with apple constantly changing the requirements, I would spend time of core product/web base

Not a complaint; just feed back. I know the world doesn't revolve around me.

Posted: Feb 05, 2024
Score: 2 Reference
Help, help, help!

I have a paid subscription and have used the app as long as I can remember.

I’m getting a “beta expired” message on the new version -

The legacy version (using iPhone) crashes every time I touch it -

I’m currently using the web as a workaround.

I really don’t mind which version it is, I just need a stable, functional app.

What’s the solution???

Toodledo Admin
Posted: Feb 05, 2024
Score: 0 Reference

Sorry for the confusion.
Please open the testflight app and hit on update for Toodledo. That should do the trick.
If you are still having issues, please email us for faster response:
[email protected]

Philip Espinosa

Posted: Feb 06, 2024
Score: 2 Reference
Thanks for the updates. I really need a stable iOS solution. Legacy crashes every two or three times an edit is made. Test Flight doesn’t sync in any new tasks, though it shows older completed ones. Is there a stable 3rd party solution?

Posted: Feb 06, 2024
Score: 2 Reference

But what about Android App ?

There is no better task manager on the market but lack of current Android App are very frustrated for Android Users.

Toodledo Admin
Posted: Feb 08, 2024
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by krzysztof.kucinski:

But what about Android App ?

There is no better task manager on the market but lack of current Android App are very frustrated for Android Users.

Hi there,

We are working in parallel on the android app.
Please have a look here:

Let us know how you like the new apps!

Toodledo Admin
Posted: Feb 08, 2024
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by Philip Espinosa:
Thanks for the updates. I really need a stable iOS solution. Legacy crashes every two or three times an edit is made. Test Flight doesn’t sync in any new tasks, though it shows older completed ones. Is there a stable 3rd party solution?

Hi there,

We haven’t heard about this issue before.
Can you please send us an email: [email protected]


Posted: Feb 11, 2024
Score: 1 Reference
When are Lists coming to the new app? I’d much rather have that than Habits. This is the only thing keeping me on the old app.

Posted: Mar 05, 2024
Score: 3 Reference
I am also seeing the iOS app crash every third time that I make a change. Very painful and making me re-think my loyalty.

Today, the app crashed around 30 times as I updated a "recently modified" list that represented items from my Mac's Reminders.

You could open an item, but every third change (date, priority, category, location) led to the app crashing.

Also strange. The imported iPhone items did not appear in the web platform until they had been modified.
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