ForumsNewsFeature Roadmap and New Pricing Plans

Feature Roadmap and New Pricing Plans
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Posted: Nov 03, 2018
Score: 3 Reference
Posted by cfrazierjr:
I see a lot of complaints about the task history being only one week. The easiest way around this is to setup an IFTTT rule. I link mine to Evernote. Anytime I complete a toodledo task, it automatically creates a note in Evernote in a notebook dedicated to completed tasks. This way I keep a full task history and is easily searchable.

However, I agree that one week for $36/year is definitely not a good deal.

The only reason it is one week for $36/year is to get you to pay $60/year for a longer history. It is really too bad and a sad day to see a once really good todo application go down the drain because of greed. And Arron calls this New and Exciting news - for who, him or his users? So be it...time to move on.

This message was edited Nov 03, 2018.

Posted: Nov 03, 2018
Score: 2 Reference
For those unhappy about this new, ridiculous pricing plan I would suggest you go onto the Google Play site and voice your displeasure publicly under Toodledo. It is unbelievable the new owners are only giving a week history for $36/year. Plus the next level of $60/year is quite expensive when there are so many other good todo apps to choose from.

This message was edited Nov 03, 2018.

Posted: Nov 03, 2018
Score: 9 Reference
While I understand the need to pay for software, I find that to go from $0 to $36 per year is hard to swallow. This suddenly becomes the most expensive app I've ever had. It's not even about whether or not I can pay, it's whether or not it's worth $36/year compared to the alternatives. I suppose since ToodleDo is so embedded in my routine, it may be less painful to pay than to rework my entire routine. I would just ask that a more gradual approach be taken, and it doesn't sound like I'm the only person with this reaction.

Upon further review, I actually see that this will go to $60 for similar functionality compared to what I have today. That's a non-starter for me.

It was good while it lasted, but I'm probably moving off the ToodleDo train.

This message was edited Nov 03, 2018.

Posted: Nov 03, 2018
Score: 4 Reference
I don’t encourage anyone to leave, but redesigning your workflow in a way that makes it independent of any particular app or service is going to be very rewarding in the long run regardless of what you decide to do.

Posted: Nov 04, 2018
Score: 3 Reference
For those looking at other task management software in light of the Toodledo changes, be sure to give Nirvana a look. I've used it for a few years and found it excellent. It does some things better than Toodledo; on the other hand, it's not quite as customizable. They have a web app and a nice mobile app, both included in the one subscription. The Nirvana Pro plan costs $30/year.

If I leave Toodledo in the near future, this will almost certainly be the app I go to.

Main website:

Good video showing task attributes:

This message was edited Nov 04, 2018.

Posted: Nov 05, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by cfrazierjr:
I see a lot of complaints about the task history being only one week. The easiest way around this is to setup an IFTTT rule. I link mine to Evernote. Anytime I complete a toodledo task, it automatically creates a note in Evernote in a notebook dedicated to completed tasks. This way I keep a full task history and is easily searchable.

However, I agree that one week for $36/year is definitely not a good deal.

@Aaron: Will ToodleDo still function as an IFTTT service on the Free plan after 1/1/19? or is that one of the Third-party apps / integrations that will require the Standard plan or higher?

Posted: Nov 07, 2018
Score: 4 Reference
As a workaround for only a 1 week history, rather than COMPLETE tasks, you could simply assign them a context or a tag, such as a @D1107 context or a D1107 tag, then later really COMPLETE them and archive them at your convenience at some later date (I archive my completed tasks to my Office 365 Exchange Server account using the utility gSyncit). You'd get a false "date completed" but if you kept the artificial context or tag, that would document the actual completion date.

You could filter anything with an artificial "completed' context or "completed" tag out of a view to only see those tasks that are as yet uncompleted. And you can let these tasks marked "complete" by context or by tag hang around as long as you want, until you exceed whatever total storage limits Toodledo has imposed on accumulated "uncompleted" tasks.

I can appreciate how folks might abuse completed tasks by letting them hang around unnecessarily but only allowing a week of history before you have to archive checkbox completed tasks or have them removed is ridiculous.

I have complained to Aaron about the ridiculousness of only allowing 1 Week History for a paid subscription, especially when for $60 a year for an Office 365 Business Essentials subscription Microsoft gives me 1 TERABYTE of storage on OneDrive and I get 50 Gb of storage in my Exchange Server account.

So I'll see how my workaround for Task History works. One can also get a lot of the functionality of Toodledo out of the Android app The Ultimate ToDo List but instead of using it with Toodledo at a greatly increased subscription cost, one could simply use The Ultimate ToDo List with Google Tasks instead, for free.

This message was edited Nov 07, 2018.

Posted: Nov 07, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
[/quote]Posted by Jim_Lewis:
So I'll see how my workaround for Task History works. One can also get a lot of the functionality of Toodledo out of the Android app The Ultimate ToDo List but instead of using it with Toodledo at a greatly increased subscription cost, one could simply use The Ultimate ToDo List with Google Tasks instead, for free.[/quote]

I'm currently using The Ultimate ToDo List with Google Tasks and that works very well. The Ultimate ToDo List probably has the best feature set of any ToDo app out there. The other app I am trying is 2do which is also another good alternative. Both of these mentioned apps are very easy to customize to suit your tastes.

This message was edited Nov 07, 2018.

Posted: Nov 08, 2018
Score: 6 Reference
The old pricing plan was reasonable. I would argue that some free features should be premium but the fact that the new standard pricing plan doesn't include add tasks via email is outrageous.

This message was edited Nov 08, 2018.

Posted: Nov 08, 2018
Score: 3 Reference
I'll echo the sentiments of keeping current functionality available to free users. I've used Toodledo for years and years and very much use the hotlist and saved searches, which according to this are no longer going to be included. So disappointing.

Posted: Nov 08, 2018
Score: 3 Reference
Posted by DrFrankBuck:
I agree. If you give me a free car and it doesn't have a sunroof, I'm OK with that. But if give me a free car that has no reverse gear, it's not going to get the job done. Sure, I could make sure I never pull into a garage and allows park in such a way that another car won't park in front of me. But, I'm not going to be interested, even if it's free. To me, with a task manager, subtasks and attachments are like the sunroof. Forwarding emails is like the reverse gear.

I emailed Aaron about that very point and did not hear back. That became the deciding factor for leaving Toodledo in favor of Remember the Milk.

Posted by joelhfx:
The old pricing plan was reasonable. I would argue that some free features should be premium but the fact that the new standard pricing plan doesn't include add tasks via email is outrageous.

Sounds to me like they are going to be losing a lot of people. The old toodledo was very fair and reasonable, it's sad to see them go.
Leah Abney

Posted: Nov 09, 2018
Score: 6 Reference
I've been a paying subscriber since 2012; Gold subscriber the last five years. Less features for more money, I'm out. I'll be switching to Todoist Premium for $29/year.

Posted: Nov 09, 2018
Score: -4 Reference
Considering the mighty features and functions Toodledo has, I don't find the new plans overpriced. I'll stick with it.

Posted: Nov 09, 2018
Score: 5 Reference
After being a paying customer for 5 years I stopped paying for premium services a while back because the premium features are useless to me. Frankly, they should have been charging for some of the great free features but Lists, habits, outlines and online storage are just not very good. They should fix the file storage feature or just integrate with other storage services that do a better job. As I said, the death nail was the add tasks via email not being part of the standard subscription.

This message was edited Nov 09, 2018.

Posted: Nov 10, 2018
Score: 4 Reference
I'm on the silver plan right now and pay 20$ per year. Your new plans will force me to pay just about twice as month per year: 36$
I just started reading the forums but do you plan to grandfather your old-existing customers?

I suggested a lot of things to toodledo in the past but never got a check for it.
All of us got used to working with toodledo for years and these new improvements are not necessary to most of us. What has become a necessity though is the platform. I think it would be a moral and correct thing to do to provide the senior users with a different pricing list. Of course, business has no 'feelings' when it comes to those things, but let's see if Aaron will surprise us in that regard.

Thank you for listening.

Posted: Nov 10, 2018
Score: 6 Reference
I can't believe that the toodledo leadership simply sits back as the ship is sinking.
regardless of how you feel about the pricing change, we all should be concerned about how toodledo is handling this situation and whether or not they have the capacity to keep the boat afloat long term while many long-term and loyal customers jump ship.

Personally, I feel disregarded in the communications from toodledo and the lack of attention to customer concerns. I went from referring toodledo to literally everyone I meet with a vague interest in productivity to having almost no faith in the company. I am quite sure I am not the only one.

The productivity marketplace is huge and growing.
How you treat your customers is an important (or the most important) aspect of business.

This message was edited Nov 10, 2018.

Posted: Nov 11, 2018
Score: 3 Reference
I take it that the new pricing plan is staying? For that price, I'm forced into MyLifeOrganized. If I'm paying that price, why not use a finished, full-featured app? They are asking for more money without giving anything in return (in fact, they are taking away). I'm sorry, but I can't see an advantage to staying with Toodledo. :(

Posted: Nov 12, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
I must say I am beginning to have some concerns.

First I am losing some of the notes when I forward tasks--that is new.

Second I pointed this out to leadership weeks ago and take a look:

If they can't take the 5 minutes to fix outdated press information--when they really should be working on a brand boost--I do not think really there is a lot of dedication to the other projects.

We will see.

But All I have seen are some glitches--a lot of busy work on ideas and so far no substantive changes.

Posted: Nov 12, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by Bevier:
I take it that the new pricing plan is staying? For that price, I'm forced into MyLifeOrganized. If I'm paying that price, why not use a finished, full-featured app? They are asking for more money without giving anything in return (in fact, they are taking away). I'm sorry, but I can't see an advantage to staying with Toodledo. :(

MLO looks interesting, but it looks like while they have apps for all the necessary platforms, they are missing a web browser interface which I need at work as they won't let me install unapproved applications :(
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