ForumsNewsiOS Update - June 2020

iOS Update - June 2020
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Posted: Jul 05, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
Upgraded to the latest Toodledo today on my iPhone and all my tasks got deleted on the iPhone. I was able to force a sync from the server to retrieve my tasks from the last sync I did but I've still lost all the tasks I added to my iPhone since then.

Posted: Jul 05, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
umm.. On my phone, I am completely unable to set a due time. Ugh

Posted: Jul 05, 2020
Score: 6 Reference
Exactly as lieberman.john stated, so I won't repeat it.

I use this app 99% on my iPhone. What a shock! Sure, the data's on the server, but I don't carry my desktop with me to meetings, when traveling and at the office. It simply NEED it to work 24x7xForever.

I do not have confidence to sync as you suggested, particularly since there was no notification of an update. Sure, I backup weekly, but that doesn't help with a new version of the iPhone app since it's the server data that's backed up and depends on a 100% functionality of the syncing. I don't need an issue like idbrowns stated.

Anand, you seriously need a solid testing team and a policy that beta tests thoroughly and well in advance of deploying the update with an option to delay the update or to go back to the previous release. I'm going to have to immediately start a search I thought I'd never have to do again. That's why I invested in the Premium version.

I hope you fix this really quickly or I'll be forced to move.

This message was edited Jul 05, 2020.

Posted: Jul 05, 2020
Score: 6 Reference
It looks like the app has been pulled from the App Store. I had the same issues as most folks described. I was resorting to uninstalling and reinstalling the app only to learn it’s no longer available. I (I guess foolishly) heavily rely on the Toodledo iOS app to manage all of life’s tasks. Definitely kind of freaking out like some of the others here. Time to switch?

Posted: Jul 05, 2020
Score: 4 Reference
This is ridiculous for a service I’m paying for. Very scary to see zero items. There should have been at least an advance email warning. Doing the force sync brought my items back, but how do I trust your service now?!?

This message was edited Jul 05, 2020.

Posted: Jul 05, 2020
Score: 2 Reference
I now see that the Toodledo app has been removed from Apple site, presumably to stop the bleeding. Need the prior released version to reappear for download ASAP.


Posted: Jul 05, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
Prior release version needed quickly and pushed so not requiring an app delete + download from the apple app store.

This message was edited Jul 05, 2020.

Posted: Jul 05, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
Like others, I was caught off guard when I opened my app to see zero tasks this morning. It eventually synced so now I have the data back.

However, I have notes and alarm icons on all tasks, even those without notes or alarms. Annoying.

I went to the App Store to see if others were leaving similar reviews in the most recent version, only to find Toodledo is no longer available in my App Store. I’m in Guam, so sometimes location affects what is visible to me, but I’m sure glad I didn’t try to delete and reinstall the app to fix the issue.

Here’s hoping these bugs are fixed quickly.

Posted: Jul 05, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
Like many, I have been a long-term user of Toodledo (4 1/2 years). It is one of my most heavily used apps (several times a day) and contains EVERYTHING I keep track of (basically my whole life). I primarily use the app on my iPhone, followed up by use on my iPad. While I’m glad the web version is there, I don’t use it very frequently, but have tried to make a habit of downloading all my tasks and associated information on a regular basis (yes, I have this set up as a recurring task!) in the event anything was to happen to my data. I have commented to some people that if I ever lost my To Do list in Toodledo, I would have a meltdown and be rendered useless.

I was a bit shocked this afternoon when I went to add a task via my iPad app, and noticed the majority of my tasks were missing. I had used the iPhone app earlier in the day, and was extremely relieved to see that all information that I expected to see was still there. Trying to sync did nothing, so I resorted to deleting the app on my iPad and then downloading it from my App Store purchases to reinstall it. I forced a sync from Toodledo to my iPad, and all my tasks did reappear. However, I did need to reset the view and all personal preferences, and the right side of the screen isn’t displaying properly so the Notes section can’t be accessed.

I’m almost afraid to use the app until it gets fixed, for fear I’ll lose my information. I am heading inside now so I can download everything into a CSV file!

Posted: Jul 05, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
I submitted a ticket and got this response that worked

After an update, you need to force re-sync from web to device.

To do that :
1. Go to settings.
2. Go to Synchronization.
3. Go to Modify Account Login.
4. Tap on Force Toodledo --> Device Sync.

That should fix this issue.

Hope that helps!

Posted: Jul 05, 2020
Score: 2 Reference
Another extremely disappointed user here. I woke up this morning and all my tasks and notes were deleted. I forced synched from the web, but anything that I had added manually to my phone after the last synch was deleted.

I am experiencing all of the issues described above. Please advise whether an older version of the app can be made available while you fix these issues.

Posted: Jul 05, 2020
Score: 2 Reference
Agree 100% on this post. I'm so extremely frustrated now. I've been using toodledo for years and pay for the premium subscription. All of the edits I made manually on my phone after synchronizing yesterday morning are lost.

Posted by tork.beavis:
Exactly as lieberman.john stated, so I won't repeat it.

I use this app 99% on my iPhone. What a shock! Sure, the data's on the server, but I don't carry my desktop with me to meetings, when traveling and at the office. It simply NEED it to work 24x7xForever.

I do not have confidence to sync as you suggested, particularly since there was no notification of an update. Sure, I backup weekly, but that doesn't help with a new version of the iPhone app since it's the server data that's backed up and depends on a 100% functionality of the syncing. I don't need an issue like idbrowns stated.

Anand, you seriously need a solid testing team and a policy that beta tests thoroughly and well in advance of deploying the update with an option to delay the update or to go back to the previous release. I'm going to have to immediately start a search I thought I'd never have to do again. That's why I invested in the Premium version.

I hope you fix this really quickly or I'll be forced to move.

Posted: Jul 05, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
I've been a user since the beginning of Toodeldo and have used it nearly everyday. I hope the app comes back, but my confidence and trust in the tool has been shaken. After all this time, I may need to search for an alternative. This is very sad day.
Ranger Sir

Posted: Jul 05, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
GET IT FIXED or have a class action law suit.on your hands. Premium user for 8 years.

Posted: Jul 05, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
Upload the last working version on iOS app store NOW!!!

And don’t point me to the beta using TestFlight. I am not a beta tester. I am a paying customer for the past 10 years.


This message was edited Jul 05, 2020.

Posted: Jul 06, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
Still not up on the Apple App Store -- will my list be available on the website, or am I losing my list on both iOS and the website?

Posted: Jul 06, 2020
Score: 1 Reference
Deafening silence from the company. App not available on the app store, presumably to stop people posting one-star reviews.

I’ve forced a synchronisation from the web to my iPad, which has repopulated the app. However, both the tasks and the notes sections have been reformatted. I can’t read my notes because the top or bottom (or both) of some notes have been cut off. And I can’t edit my tasks because the editing box to change dates etc has disappeared.

I’m deeply unimpressed that a version of a critical (to me) app could be rolled out with so many huge bugs in it. And that the company responsible for this mess has gone quiet. I’ve been a user since 2008 but won’t be any longer if this isn’t rolled back immediately.

This message was edited Jul 06, 2020.

Posted: Jul 06, 2020
Score: 2 Reference
My iPhone version seems to work OK, but on the ipad, it's unusable. The fileds for modifying a task are down at the bottom of the screen and after making one change the app freezes.

Posted: Jul 06, 2020
Score: 3 Reference
Can we please have answers to the following:

1. What are you changing to ensure that bad versions like this one are never rolled out again?

2. When will you reinstate the previous version so that we can continue using Toodledo (which many us pay for) on our iPhones and iPad without having to use the web version?



Posted: Jul 06, 2020
Score: 2 Reference
This was a horrible update. It is like you did no testing on it whatsoever. It would go a long way if you would communicate what is going on instead of leaving long time users hanging. Like others, I have determined that this update has rendered the app unusable. But prior to that, I have found the following issues, in case you are monitoring this forum, although you give no indication that you are.

These apply to the ipad app:

1) The app loads with no data and requires a resync. If this is the case, you should have sent an email to users, instead of startling us. I have automatic updates and was quite shocked to find no data in the app until I realized what happened. That is not a good way to treat users.

2) The app does not retain the sort

3) The app freezes a lot

4) Diaglog on right is not sized right and freezes

5) There is no place to check off tasks on the right

6) you have to go in and out of tasks to make updates

7) The app freezes every time you go into the settings

I repeat my ask of did you do any testing at all?
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