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Posted: Aug 07, 2018
Score: 2 Reference
A few have suggested being able to manually sort things. I agree. For example, when I'm looking at my list of things to do today, it doesn't matter if an item is only Medium priority; it might have suddenly become high priority, whereas the reverse may be true for other items.

Also, some items are better done at different times. There are things I should do first thing in the morning, but others can wait until after lunch (no specific time, mind you, just later than the morning items).

And if something new needs to be done ("Call plumber about the sound the toilet is making"), I just want to be able to move it around as the day pans out.

Though I use my laptop or desktop PC to do most of my major scheduling/planning, I use an Android (currently version 8.1) when I'm out. Keep the great sync capability!

Posted: Aug 08, 2018
Score: -1 Reference
Not sure where this should sit. I like and prefer the new layout but differentiating between sub tasks and tasks is now more difficult. Is there a way to make it clearer which tasks are sub tasks and which tasks perhaps by more of an indent?

Posted: Aug 15, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Thought this was vaporware due to no updates while every other ToDo App has been diligently updating / communicating. Cannot invest time into anything that is not long-term/does not improve.

Why no IOS update for iPhone X? That's crazy and I hope it doesn't take the new owners more than a couple weeks at most to fix.

The change was / is long over due.

Posted: Aug 16, 2018
Score: 3 Reference
First I want to apologize for not reading the entire stream before posting.

I as a paid user I thought of commenting when first asked but am just so busy that the idea of giving up 30 minutes for a talk... just couldn't do it.

However Ive been stewing for the past two months wanting to give my two cents. Just two big things I'm begging for in Toodledo.

The first, and biggest is so easy I just don't get why it is not there:

1> FILES: Your paid feature file storing feature is at best barely usable for anyone doing real work and keeping track of it on Toodledo. There is no way you guys could build a file storage app that really fits into an active workflow (not to mention bypasses the increasing security businesses are installing). I'm not saying to dump it, but what is needed is just a simple interface to link to files on your own computer. I know this is easy because I'm no big web programmer and Ive even done it myself. Its a days work, why not do it ? That alone would make Toodledo twice as useful for me. I'm tired of trying to find workarounds. Then if someone wants to use dropbox or box or onedrive or whatever, they can point to directories on their computer that sync with those, or if their employer limits use of those they can link to a file on their computer or network that they choose. As work comes in, I want to link each task to the folder where I'm storing files to that task... why should that be so hard ?

** clarification: The note editor does allow you to link to a website, but it does not work for linking to a file.

2.> Design our own columns. Ok, this one is harder to do. But I will just say this once... Toodledo is the best there is now, but eventually someone is going to create a system where you can create your own columns instead of going through a zillion hoops trying to adapt someone else's idea of what your categories and needs are. Yes, I'm using tags, without tags it would be hopeless. But the fact is that most of your categories and "statuses" and whatever are all designed for someone else who thinks maybe that's what people need because its from some GTD class or whatever. The moment someone lets me build my own columns with my own default values to choose from... that's where I'm going to go. Nuff said.

.... otherwise, keep up the good work :)
I am actually rooting for you to be an even bigger success.


This message was edited Aug 16, 2018.

Posted: Aug 16, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
I have chimed in here earlier, and also apologize for not reading the 6+ pages that have been added since I had time to do so.

I'm back today to ask the new owners to PLEASE revert in some "keyboard-user friendliness." I used to be able to get into a dropdown field via mouse click or tab, then press HOME to get to (in the Status field, for example) the top entry in the list. That no longer works.

I used to be able to get into the Goals field and type just the first letter of my goal, and it would be selected. That no longer works.

I hate the mouse. I hate the touchpad even more. My first job with "computers" was word processing (yes, I'm old) - and I'm fast on the keyboard. Let me be fast. Put keyboard functionality BACK into the Tasks interface.


Posted: Aug 17, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by tony-sutton:
Hi Sam,

Welcome on-board.

Two things I value about the current version of Toodledo that I'd like to see retained:
- Flexibility: Users are not forced to use all features. By switching features on / off the user-experience is tailored to be as simple or complex as desired. As I've become more familiar with the tool, I've switched on and used more functionality. One App I used previously got ever more complex to the point it became no longer useful to me (the tool got in the way), which is what prompted my move to Toodledo several years back.
- Reliability: This is a tool that I use on a daily basis and thus I cannot afford downtime. I therefore greatly appreciate how Toodledo works flawlessly with minimal fuss, particularly syncing. This has not always been the case with other Apps I've used.

I use Toodledo as part of my Getting Things Done (GTD) system. I find Toodledo to be a pretty good fit, but some aspects are a little clunky and so I need to use workarounds. Two such things I'd like to see improved are:
- Projects: I find the existing system of actions and sub-actions clunky, particularly on the mobile App. I use the "Folder" functionality to represent GTD "Areas of Focus", so it would be good if the same approach could be used to support a GTD "Project List" (i.e. be able to sort actions and sub-actions by "Project" as well as by "Folder").
- Goals: It would be good if the terminology could be aligned with GTD, or even better, if field terminology overall could be user-edited so that each user could set it up how they preferred.

Many Thanks,


You can use Status > Active for Projects, since it's kind of the definition for projects on GTD. ("current open loops")

Posted: Aug 18, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by GSP1963:
@ Sam: Looking at my initial posts here, and a few of the others, I think we've been less than polite and for my part, I apologize. Please understand that there's going to be more trepidation than usual with your purchase of Toodledo simply because there isn't another todo application out there like it and if it's "mainstreamed" into a prettier, more typical todo manager, many of us will have a hard time replacing it. Thus the pushback.


I've been a very long time user too, and while I agree most with GSP1963, there are some enhancements and smoothness that I'd like to see. Some of these I do using clunky search views, but it would be nice to have native functionality for them.

Here are some additional items I'd like to see:

General UI improvement
- ability to modify icons on left for Inbox, Folders, etc. so that I can put focus on certain few
- Improved subtasks, both in handling, visual indicators, and movements
- ability to manually sort tasks based on my adhoc desire
- ability to color code tasks based on my criteria. For example, i filter my lists to only Starred items which to me means done asap, then I print that list out. then I actually highlight the tasks i need to work on Immediately. being able to do that on screen would be great.

Overall update of the iOS app. much better workflow, UI, and flexibility in iOS app
Smoother workflow for GTD approach, like utilizing Next Action tag that ensures there is a NA for each project, and auto select next one, as well as adding a Weekly Review workflow, to gather, review, and create tasks like prescribed in GTD
Better reports capabilities, like reports with font selection
Better apple watch app that uses limited screen space better
More feature rich ipad app, that allows sorting, editing, and adding like on the desktop. Using split view like is done on the desktop

Posted: Aug 19, 2018
Score: 2 Reference
Hi Sam!
I like Toodledo very much, but it’s missing one of the most important features of an app like this: The ability to add a task quickly (without specifying any folders, priority, date etc), AND be able to trust the task doesn’t end up in a wrong folder automatically.

Yes, I know we can specify the default folder, priority etc for new tasks in the settings (“new task defaults”). But unfortunately, this function is NOT RELIABLE! It works sometimes, and sometimes not.

When creating a new task from a specific Folder view (not "all tasks"), the folder of a new task will be the last used folder, and NOT what is chosen in "new task defaults" in settings (which could be “no folder” or the folder “inbox” for new tasks).

When creating a new task from a specific Priority view, the priority of a new task will be the last used priority, and NOT what is chosen in "new task defaults" in settings.

When creating a new task from being in Starred view, the new task will be starred, despite Star is unchecked in "new task defaults" in settings.

The result of this software behaviour may be that our new Work task end up in our private Health folder because we accidentally viewed that last time. It may take several weeks before we check our Health folder again, and then we miss our work task...

As I see, this problem could be solved in at least two ways:
1) Just make the settings in "New task defaults" work consistently.
2) In the settings in "New task defaults", please let us decide if we really want those settings to be overruled by the last view (folder "health", priority 3, starred etc)

Would you please fix this to make the app more reliable? (same problem in Android and Web)

This message was edited Aug 19, 2018.

Posted: Aug 21, 2018
Score: -1 Reference
I have no big asks in terms of new features or capabilities; ToodleDo does 90% of what I want, and it does it well. I've used it for 4+ years.

Yet I am currently evaluating alternatives, as ToodleDo over the past few months I've found the iOS app on my iPhone 6S to slow down and freeze to the point that it's unusable. Sure, 6S is an older model iPhone but I suspect this is less about the phone's hardware and more about ToodleDo.

Simplify and update the UI? Sure. That'd be great. I'm seeing a couple modern task management apps adopting the "notecard" view, and I dig that.

Otherwise, I'd be good with improved performance and reliability. For the record, here's what I love about ToodleDo and want to see it keep doing:

* Repeating tasks
* Starred tasks -- view just those, sort based on those
* Due date times
* Default due time
* Email to ToodleDo -- most apps do this, but not with subject line details
* IFTTT integration (I use this to automatically add tasks to my Google Calendar)
*Notes on tasks

I'm a pretty basic user -- I only use folders for metadata and don't use projects, goals, or subtasks (possibly because they are too complicated in ToodleDo, but I'm fine).

Posted: Aug 24, 2018
Score: 3 Reference
Please please add a WYSIWYG editor to the Notes section with the ability to tag those notes.

Posted: Aug 24, 2018
Score: 4 Reference
As a lapsed subscriber, it wasn’t the cost that put me off, but that the single additional function that I wanted – subtasks – did not function the way I wanted. I wonder if the developers underestimate the importance of this to a lot of users, as I think it’s key to an effective task management system. I do, however, appreciate that Toodledo doesn’t pretend to be a project management system that would accommodate infinite layers of subtasks and critical pathways, etc.

Some changes I would like to see are:
(1) A greater number (not infinite) of subtask levels
(2) The ability to show them in a list by date or priority order (with an indicator of what parent task it belongs to), mixed with tasks and subtasks from other parent tasks, so that when I’m working on getting tasks done, rather than organising them, I can focus on what needs to be prioritised now.
(3) Flexibility over whether completing all subtasks will automatically mark the parent task as complete.

Posted: Aug 26, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by karl.berry:
Some changes I would like to see are:
(1) A greater number (not infinite) of subtask levels

Yes , I think that's a good point particularly "(not infinite)". I really think the general case for subtasks in not needed, however adding 1 or 2 levels would be helpful in solve most practical cases. Implementing the general case is probably quite difficult, particularly from a UI point of view.

I reall think the dependent task/contingent task feature often requested would also be helpful. It is not directly related to additional subtask levels, but being able to hide dependent tasks automatically would help Since in many cases we want the additional level of subtasks to hide tasks easily.

This message was edited Aug 26, 2018.

Posted: Sep 04, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by karl.berry:
As a lapsed subscriber, it wasn’t the cost that put me off, but that the single additional function that I wanted – subtasks – did not function the way I wanted. I wonder if the developers underestimate the importance of this to a lot of users, as I think it’s key to an effective task management system. I do, however, appreciate that Toodledo doesn’t pretend to be a project management system that would accommodate infinite layers of subtasks and critical pathways, etc.

Some changes I would like to see are:
(1) A greater number (not infinite) of subtask levels
(2) The ability to show them in a list by date or priority order (with an indicator of what parent task it belongs to), mixed with tasks and subtasks from other parent tasks, so that when I’m working on getting tasks done, rather than organising them, I can focus on what needs to be prioritised now.
(3) Flexibility over whether completing all subtasks will automatically mark the parent task as complete.

Subtasks are the number one reason I look at other planning software. I don't use this for my work; I use it in my personal life. I am the keystone/hinge pin person in my family. I am juggling a lot. It is really cumbersome faking hierarchy with projects and folders. I would stop looking if Toodledo had more levels of subtask, especially if implemented with the features Karl has mentioned.

Posted: Sep 04, 2018
Score: 2 Reference
There are a lot of feature requests sprinkled throughout this thread. I wonder how feasible a UserVoice ( solution would be to track such things. I've used that system to upvote or request/recommend/suggest features in Microsoft products I use (such as Visual Studio). Just a thought.

Posted: Sep 05, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
I has always been reluctant to the multiple subtasks levels idea, but now I am convinced that at least one additional level would benefit me greatly, because I am not using folders as projects, only as a topic definition (I actually have a task, where subtasks are each in different folder...). However, sometimes I need to further break my subtask into several others. And outlines as attachment are not the solution, as they lack the true nature of a (sub)task - due dates, priority etc.

Posted: Sep 05, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by SquidgyFishy:
Hi Sam,
Another two tweaks that would be great would be:

File manager - deleting files is a bit of a pain, and although i have a lot of space, it feels very disorganised to have many files which aren't attached to any tasks anymore because the tasks were completed.

Outline - I like the outline feature and use it to project plan from time to time, but it would be nice to be able to turn a line in the outline into a task - for example if you "starred" the line in the outlines it would become a task.

100% agree on the outline bit. Only one level subtasks is a trouble for me. I could easily without it if we could trn a line of outlines into a task in a click. Then long term projects could be described in outlines, and only relevant items would be turned into tasks.

Posted: Sep 05, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
(Next to a lot of possible UX improvements the web and mobile applications would benefit from a lot....)

...I just want you to STOP pushing notifications to my Android phone every time Toodledo tries to sync and I am out of the network for a minute !

This is so annoying and I can not imagine how this design decision was made. Of course I cannot disable notifications at all because I would not receive my alarms anymore.

Please, please please fix the Android app.


Posted: Sep 06, 2018
Score: 2 Reference
Lots of comments and wants through the 12 pages, mine are simply summarized as:

1) Updated iOS app, know it's coming, can't come soon enough
2) Updated notes editor for rich text etc
3) Sync my settings between devices, I set up my views on the web and then have to go manually try to replicate that exact same setup on various mobile devices

Thank you.

Posted: Sep 07, 2018
Score: 2 Reference
Just my personal view on these suggestion:

1) agree 100 %
2) and possibly an automatic way to strip down the html tags from existing notes;-)
3) I personally do not want that - I like my filters different on web and on iPad (as in @work on web and @home on iPad)

Posted by SABiltongHunter:
Lots of comments and wants through the 12 pages, mine are simply summarized as:

1) Updated iOS app, know it's coming, can't come soon enough
2) Updated notes editor for rich text etc
3) Sync my settings between devices, I set up my views on the web and then have to go manually try to replicate that exact same setup on various mobile devices

Thank you.

Posted: Sep 12, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by SABiltongHunter:
Lots of comments and wants through the 12 pages, mine are simply summarized as:

1) Updated iOS app, know it's coming, can't come soon enough
2) Updated notes editor for rich text etc
3) Sync my settings between devices, I set up my views on the web and then have to go manually try to replicate that exact same setup on various mobile devices

Thank you.

Thumbs up for point 3, the ability to sync settings between devices is sorely lacking on the majority of apps I use on multiple devices.

TBH I am using a combination of the official ToodleDo android app, plus another third-party app that also talks to the ToodleDo servers. But both of them have simlar limitations here.
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