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Posted: Oct 17, 2018
Score: 4 Reference
Posted by byerun:

I'm not following. The gold subscription seems to match closest to the new individual plan which is about $60/year. The $89.99/year you mentioned is for the business plan. Or am I missing something?

It depends which features you compare. The one that I immediately spotted was the full task history, which is currently in Gold and soon to be in Business.

For Silver users, simple collaboration and subtasks will mean changing to Individual ($19,99->$59,88).

I don't mind paying for something that I use, and have happily paid a Gold subscription for almost 7 years. I can also accept that prices will inevitably go up (although being locked into a price as an existing user is nice of course). But this price rise appears excessive.

Posted: Oct 17, 2018
Score: 6 Reference
I am down as well Aaron... Not renewal next time and likely change to another app :(


Posted: Oct 17, 2018
Score: 8 Reference
Sorry, I´m out! If I compare my gold suscription (30$) to your new individual plan (60$) without knowing what I get more for my money I´m just wondering. You want me to pay for a better product before I even know if it is better for me? As a paying user for a couple of years I would have expected to pay the same as I payed before at least for a couple of month to see if it is worth to pay more in the future.
Wishing you the best and looking for a new task manager

best regards

Sven (still loving toodledo)

Posted: Oct 17, 2018
Score: 3 Reference
I've been using Toodledo for a decade now (or so Aaron told me when we talked) and have happily paid for more product than I needed just to support the tool. But this price hike is pretty huge; above prices for other comparable tools. I've got a year left in my current subscription but between now and then y'all better come up with something pretty amazing.

I really, really hope y'all can come up with something compelling enough to justify the price by then.

Posted: Oct 17, 2018
Score: 2 Reference
Long time user. (5 years - Gold). Wow. 300% increase from my current price. My needs are modest, although I really like Toodledo, now I'm wondering if I should be looking for a more reasonable solution. At least I have about a year to decide. Would have been nicer if the increase was more modest. And like another person said, would have been nice to see the improvements, along with more modest price increases. Toodledo is one of the few subscriptions services I use because it was good value for my limited use as a single user. Might be hard for me to justify after the price increase. At least I'll be able to see the "changes" in January 2019 so I can make a decision knowing what I'm really paying for.

Posted: Oct 17, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Am I reading it right that the Basic ($0) does not have 3rd party integration? I use another app on my iPhone that syncs with my Toodledo account and am currently in the Silver plan. The Basic shows an "-" by third party apps/integration. If that means I have to pay $60 (Individual) to be able to use my other app then I'm out of Toodledo.

Posted: Oct 17, 2018
Score: 8 Reference
Like others, my use of Toodledo is modest, and I will have to re-evaluate when my renewal comes up in February. I'd like to suggest a compromise. Allow current members to extend their subscriptions at the current rates for up to 5 years. That would convince many of us to stay and can evaluate how the product develops in the future. It would also give Toodledo a cash infusion that will help it thrive until more users come in at the new rates.

As an aside, Aaron's email says "Toodledo is adjusting its plans and pricing to more accurately reflect the value users get from the platform." Pardon my crudeness, but this is crap. How can he know what value I am getting from the platform? A much better statement would be "Toodledo is adjusting its plans and pricing to more accurately reflect the features and usability of the platform." As it is, such an attitude makes me less likely to continue using Toodledo.

Posted: Oct 17, 2018
Score: 3 Reference
As many others have stated, this price increase is steep. Very steep. I'm a Silver user. My subscription will jump from $20/year to $60. Had the price increased to $30/year or even $45/year, I probably wouldn't be writing this comment. But $60?!

Mind you, I'm not saying "No" just yet; I love this app and don't want to leave it. But my renewal is definitely an open question at this point. As a point of reference, Nirvana, which I've used before and liked, costs $30/year for their Pro subscription.

Posted: Oct 17, 2018
Score: 4 Reference
I agree that the price increase is way too much. Also, I noticed that Saved Searches are no longer available in the free level. Unless something changes this likely means I will have to switch to a different to-do app instead of renewing and instead of even just dropping to the free level. With all the changes happening around here I have already been doing some research on that.

I noticed that data export to CSV was not on the chart. I hope they are keeping that for all levels.

Posted: Oct 17, 2018
Score: 8 Reference
I'm all for paying more to support a product that gives me value. I'm a big fan of Toodledo, and acknowledge the old price was a good deal, but $60/year is a very aggressive increase when I look at other services like Todoist that are half that price and on the cutting edge of what task managers offer in 2018. I have trouble seeing how that math works, I'm afraid.

As was stated before, it would have been better to introduce new features, earn some good will from your user base to show that you can deliver on the improvements you've alluded to, and then raise prices.

At the very least, grandfather in any current users whose subscriptions are expiring in the next 6 months and give them a chance to lock in another year at their existing prices (or perhaps a price that's 10-15% higher if needed). By then hopefully you will have shown us that you are able to deliver a better service, and people might be willing to pay $60/year.

Alternatively, maybe you can unbundle the Notes, Outline, and List modules from the rest of the app? I would bet many users would be happy to live without them for a reduced price tag.

I've got another 9 months on my subscription so I guess I'll see how things develop in the meantime, but I will say it's going to take a Herculean effort on the new owner's part to get Toodledo to a place where it's worth $60/year.
Nathan Maxwell

Posted: Oct 17, 2018
Score: 3 Reference
I understood you'd raise the price, and I assumed you'd break things a little with feature bloat and unsolicited interface "upgrades." But a 400% increase? A to-do list at 62% the annual cost of a baseline Netflix subscription? I think you've ruined a great tool with unmitigated corporate hubris and stupidity.

Subscriber since 2009, and I'm done.

Posted: Oct 17, 2018
Score: 8 Reference
I am also very sad with this price hike. I also figured it would go up a bit, but this is quite a jump and while I hate changing a daily habit that was great for me I don't see the benefit with this big of a cost increase. I think you had a lot of faithful app users but that most likely will change. I know I won't renew for this cost. I am very sad as I have used this system for years and have loved it. I will hate losing it. Thank you for giving me the head's up.


Posted: Oct 17, 2018
Score: 0 Reference really depends. There is mention of the web utility improvements before 2018.

I will await. I hope it is really awesome. I was paying Plat out of respect ... so price not that different.

I got time on my subscription...and a backup plan.

I hope to see awesome improvements so that I need not switch.

Posted: Oct 17, 2018
Score: 3 Reference
Posted by leopoldo:
I'm all for paying more to support a product that gives me value. I'm a big fan of Toodledo, and acknowledge the old price was a good deal, but $60/year is a very aggressive increase when I look at other services like Todoist that are half that price and on the cutting edge of what task managers offer in 2018. I have trouble seeing how that math works, I'm afraid.

As was stated before, it would have been better to introduce new features, earn some good will from your user base to show that you can deliver on the improvements you've alluded to, and then raise prices.

At the very least, grandfather in any current users whose subscriptions are expiring in the next 6 months and give them a chance to lock in another year at their existing prices (or perhaps a price that's 10-15% higher if needed). By then hopefully you will have shown us that you are able to deliver a better service, and people might be willing to pay $60/year.

Alternatively, maybe you can unbundle the Notes, Outline, and List modules from the rest of the app? I would bet many users would be happy to live without them for a reduced price tag.

I've got another 9 months on my subscription so I guess I'll see how things develop in the meantime, but I will say it's going to take a Herculean effort on the new owner's part to get Toodledo to a place where it's worth $60/year. thousand times agree

This message was edited Oct 17, 2018.

Posted: Oct 17, 2018
Score: 4 Reference
I'm going to struggle to justify the 200% price increase, and I don't really need any more features than are currently in the product, so even new features won't make this milking of existing customers easier to swallow.

Has anyone here tried Todoist before? That would only be a 50% price increase, which I can accept.

Posted: Oct 17, 2018
Score: 3 Reference
The threefold price hike is insane and unacceptable even to a hardcore Toodledo fan like myself, as I detailed in the thread dedicated to this shocking news:

... so I'm not going to repeat myself here.

This message was edited Oct 17, 2018.

Posted: Oct 17, 2018
Score: 4 Reference
Doubling the price from my current Gold plan? Count me out when my plan expires. Price elasticity...

Posted: Oct 17, 2018
Score: 3 Reference
Posted by byerun:
I'm not following. The gold subscription seems to match closest to the new individual plan which is about $60/year. The $89.99/year you mentioned is for the business plan. Or am I missing something?

Yes. "Full history" is a must, and it's now only available for the "Business" plan, which means a threefold price hike for a Gold subscriber like myself. There's nothing "business-oriented", however, about wishing to keep your history of tasks intact; that's a very reasonable expectation for personal tasks management, too.

And, do you really believe doubling the price for the "personal" plan would be justifiable even if it fully corresponded to the current Gold plan? I don't think so. Especially after the new owners made public promises here about no price increases for current users. And only a few months later, our subscription pricing gets doubled or tripled?

Posted: Oct 18, 2018
Score: 6 Reference
So far the feedback has been strongly against this extreme change in pricing for the existing customer base. A reasonable transition would be to keep the existing customers at the same price for a minimum of one year OR increase the price no more than 25%. Especially since one of the new owners made a public promise suggesting only a moderate change to pricing.

Also, playing games with feature movement to increase revenue is just plain bad for business. Just think how many users are upset and will not bother to comment. They will just leave. This approach is risky and I don't think it will work.

This message was edited Oct 18, 2018.

Posted: Oct 18, 2018
Score: 5 Reference
I just wanted to raise my voice against the enormous price rise. I hope the Toodledo team has some aces up their sleeves like a awesome free iOS app etc. and reconsider the prices.

I‘d like to quote David Allen (father of GTD)
“The tools don‘t matter“

I hope this will not be the death sentence for Toodledo and many users are leaving because I like(d) it so much!

This message was edited Oct 18, 2018.
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