
Search results for "Posted by mlb32704"
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Posted Jun 17, 2011 in: Does Done! Support ToodleDo Notebooks?
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Jun 17, 2011
  • Score: 0
Update - I did hear back from Tiger Country Software, makers of Done!, the product does NOT sync with Toodledo Notebook.

Posted Jun 16, 2011 in: Does Done! Support ToodleDo Notebooks?
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Jun 16, 2011
  • Score: 0
I'm being forced from an iPhone to a Pre2. I haven't received the phone yet, but my research indicates that Done! seems to cover the basics if not more in terms of the functionality that I currently get with the ToodleDo app for iPhone. However, I don't see any mention of ToodleDo Notebook funcionality support in Done! Does anyone know if it's there, or will I be forced to go back to Evernote or the like for notes support? Please let me know, thanks.

This message was edited Jun 16, 2011.

Posted May 19, 2011 in: Forum Notifications?
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: May 19, 2011
  • Score: 0
Got it, thanks.

Posted May 19, 2011 in: Forum Notifications?
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: May 19, 2011
  • Score: 0
Am I missing something, or do these ToodleDo Forums NOT notify you when someone posts a reply to your post? If they DO notify you, somebody please tell me how to set up notifications. If they do NOT notify you, they should :) Thanks.

Posted May 19, 2011 in: WebOS Options
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: May 19, 2011
  • Score: 0
My days of iPhone bliss may be coming to an end - the company is forcing a move to a WebOS device. I know nothing about Toodler or Done, but I can't imagine that they work as well as the ToodleDo app for iPhone. My only saving grace is that I use the very basic of ToodleDo features, so hopefully I can get by. Does anyone use either Toodler or Done, or any other means of interfacing between a WebOS device and ToodleDo? Any suggestions, recommendations, helpful info, etc.? Very sad about this, I love ToodleDo, both on the Desktop AND on the iPhone. But I also like free, and the WebOS device would be free. Please advise, thanks.

Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Apr 29, 2011
  • Score: 0
Let me preface my statements by saying, for the upteenth time, that ToodleDo is the greatest application on Earth, I could not live without it, both the Web and iPhone apps are fantastic, and the developers and company behind the product should be recognized regularly for their efforts in both releasing and supporting a GREAT solution. Thank you, again.

As a regular user of "the basics", I'm big on simplicity, sorry. in the spirit of championing simplicity over functionality, recent enhancements seem to take away from the viewable area of the screen when using the ToodleDo iPhone app. Following are my own observations, and maybe a few suggestions for change...

In Tasks, nearly one third of the entire top of the ToodleDo app for iPhone's screen is taken up with what I would term "non-optional header" information. Yes, it's nice to know that I am looking at my "Business" folder, and that I can get back to my other folders, or add a task, those are what I would term somewhat necessary functions. But the big "search" bar? I haven't used it yet, but there it is, taking up a lot of room. And the additional header that shows me my hidden tasks (0, I don't hide tasks) and how my tasks are sorted? Useless, at least for me, and, again, it takes up a lot of viewable space. It would be nice if I had the option to get rid of some or all of those headers on the iPhone app and create more viewable space for the Tasks themselves.

For Notebook, the issue is a lot worse. I don't use any folders for Notes, so you can imagine my frustration at a large header up top that says "Folder - No Folder", right beneath the large title of the Note itself. Again, the combination of those two headers take up about a third of the viewable area of the iPhone's app, and in the case of a Note versus a Task, that means a lot of scrolling just to get through even the smallest of Notes. Again, one solution might be an option to get rid of the Note title (or at least reduce its size), as well as the ability to not have a folder header if you aren't using folders, so as to maximize the viewing area of the Note itself.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

This message was edited Apr 29, 2011.

Posted Mar 11, 2011 in: Random, Repeated Requests to Log In
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Mar 11, 2011
  • Score: 0
A belated thank you for the quick response - side note -- on top of ToodleDo continuing to be the very BEST out of all my apps, both on the device and computer, the support has been fantastic throughout as well. I ask a question, I usually get a helpful answer, usually next day. That's just incredible. My biggest issue right now is, what would happen is something happened to ToodleDo? :) I don't have a good answer for that one. Again, thanks.

Posted Mar 09, 2011 in: Random, Repeated Requests to Log In
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Mar 09, 2011
  • Score: 0
On any type of "catastrophic" PC failure, and periodically when I just reboot, I am being asked to provide my login and password to ToodleDo again on various computers, even though I have chosen to "remember me" on all computers. Why does this happen, and what can I do to prevent this from occuring in the future?

Posted Nov 20, 2010 in: Paying for that "third" sort criteria?
Score: 1
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Nov 20, 2010
  • Score: 1
I'm a simple guy, right now, I do not use folders, status or priority. I sort all tasks by due date, then tag, assign a number or letter under tag to a task, and wah-lah, I have them sorted in the order that I want to complete them for any given day. Works for me.

I'm getting ready to purchase an iPhone for work, which means I have to come up with some sort of strategy for keeping personal and business tasks (which are currently not in ToodleDo) separate and sorted the same way. The problem is, when I create a pair of folders (say, Personal and Business), then try to sort on two criteria (say, due date, then tag), I get a completely different and useless look to all of my tasks, whether I view them in their respective folders, in the Main folder, even the ones that have no folder are now messed up.

Does folder constitute a "third" sort criteria i.e. I would have to upgrade to Pro in order to do all of this? If yes, then I am going to look for a completely different to do list app with similiar functionality to ToodleDo in order to do this, I do not need to upgrade to Pro just to get this one feature. Someone please tell me that I am setting something up wrong or something. I can send screen shots as appropriate to help illustrate.

If you haven't guessed it, I LOVE ToodleDo and want to make this work.


Posted Aug 31, 2010 in: ToodleDo "Slowing Down"?
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Aug 31, 2010
  • Score: 0
Nothing earthshaking, but I used to hit F5 and get an INSTANTANEOUS refresh of my To Do List. Now I get a couple of seconds of "loading" before that happens, on any computer, iPod and/or connection I use (wired or wireless, home or remote). Sorry, I'm spoiled, what's up?

Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Jun 18, 2010
  • Score: 0
Not to sound stupid here, and I'm not sure how long it's been out there, but I just discovered the Notebook functionality on the iPod side via the last update, fantastic! Simple, alphabetically ordered, just what I asked for many months ago.

Thank you very much!! Now I can deinstall Evernote :)

Posted Apr 16, 2010 in: Little changes = HUGE font!!
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Apr 16, 2010
  • Score: 0
UPDATE - please remove or disregard this post, somehow the zoom under Internet Explorer/Page got increased, fixed and fine, thanks.

So I made some very basic changes last night on the iPod end of ToodleDo (i.e. reordered Fields Used under Settings/Fields & Defaults, so that my iPod and desktop lists are in the same order). When I logged onto the desktop application today, my font size is BIG, I mean HUGE. My eyes aren't getting any better so I almost like it better, except all of my other applications are still "normal sized" so I'm getting headaches going back and forth. Bottom line - how do I change the font size on the desktop ToodleDo application back, if applicable, or did I change something on the iPod end that I need to change back, if applicable, or did ToodleDo do something on their end that they need to change again/back, if applicable? Please advise, thanks.

This message was edited Apr 16, 2010.

Posted Mar 18, 2010 in: Sort by Tag on ToodleDo iPod App?
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Mar 18, 2010
  • Score: 0
I FINALLY figured out a way of sorting my tasks on the Web based app so that I could literally put them in the order that I want to complete them for a given day. So simple, you all probably know this already. Sort by due date, then by tag, and you use the tag column to literally list them 1,2,3 and so on. Works great on the Web based app, exactly what I need. Unfortunately, it does not translate on the iPod app because you can't pick tag as a sort criteria. What am I missing? Can I do it and I'm just not looking in the right place, or does the iPod app not allow sort by tag (it should!). Please help, thanks.

Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Mar 05, 2010
  • Score: 0
Just reviewed those options again, I did install then deinstall Pocket Informant, daily view was the same or worse than the standard iPod app. Calengoo looked good, the daily view is definitely better than the iPod app but I would have to set up everything with Google Caldendar and GoogleSync again in order to make it work with Outlook. Definitely food for thought, thanks for the tip. Of course, ToodleDo Calendar would make this all a lot easier :)

Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Mar 05, 2010
  • Score: 0
Thanks for the replies. Again, I'm primarily looking to sync my Outlook Calendar data with my iPod Touch. I know that I can get that Outlook Data up to Google Calendar, had a couple of snafus with data not appearing but for the most part I got it. I tried a couple of calendar apps for the iPod Touch that sync up with Google Calendar, none of which I liked, but they were not Pocket Informant or Calengoo, I can check both of those out. I'm ultimately interested in ToodleDo providing that synchronization between Outlook Calendar and iPod Touch, would make things a lot easier and minimize the number of applications that I've got working with one another. Thanks for the tip.

Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Mar 04, 2010
  • Score: 0
I purchased an iPod Touch to finally move off of Palm. Without ToodleDo, I could not have done it. The migration of data from Palm's To Do List to ToodleDo was a little bit too easy. The replacement of the Palm Desktop with the ToodleDo Web interface makes me wonder why I waited so long. I use Outlook and iTunes to get Contacts and Notes synched up, they don't work nearly as well as ToodleDo, but they get the job done.

My one issue is Calendar. I've tried a number of iPhone applications, as well as Google Calendar, nothing really works well. Currently I'm using Outlook and iTunes to sync up to the iPod's Calendar app. Outlook is fine on the desktop end, I'm so used to it from work that it's a breeze. The problem is on the iPod end, the Calendar app on the iPod just STINKS. Specifically, the Ipod Calendar app offers you three views (List, Day, Month), and none of them really provide the same level of detail in one view that the daily view on my Palm device did. While the iPod interface and scrolling features are great for everything else, the Calendar app suffers in this respect. The iPod forums are littered with complaints about this, a lot of them coming from Palm users such as myself.

I have a number of posts all over the place, and then I started thinking about ToodleDo. There seems to already be a lot of calendar-like functionality built into ToodleDo, albeit there's no true Calendar function. What would it take to develop a true Calendar function for ToodleDo that synched with Outlook and iPhone/iPod, and presented a really basic, Palm-like shot of the day, week and month on the device?

I'm not a Pro user (yet) but I would GLADLY pay for THAT!

This message was edited Mar 04, 2010.

Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Feb 17, 2010
  • Score: 0
PS will these different styles work with the free version of ToodleDo or would I have to migrate to Pro?

Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Feb 17, 2010
  • Score: 0
Great information, thank you. I do have Firefox but I primarily use Internet Explorer 8. Do I have to use Firefox in order to take advantage of this functionality?

Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Feb 17, 2010
  • Score: 0
Any way to change colors or select/deselect a boldfaced font in the free version of ToodleDo?

Score: 1
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Feb 17, 2010
  • Score: 1
As a previous Palm user who has bitten the bullet and made the hard switch over to an iPod Touch and ToodleDo this week, this is the ONLY glaring issue that I see.

Please, please, please reconsider including manual sorting functionality with the next release of the free ToodleDo application, but please do not get rid of the current sorting functionality that is available as well (i.e. due date, folder, priority, status, etc.).

FYI, with just two sorted fields (priority and due date), I can emulate EXACTLY the same to do list layout as Palm. BUT I cannot reorder the items manually.

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