
Search results for "Posted by mlb32704"
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Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Feb 26, 2021
  • Score: 0
Posted by creinhard:
There is an outside discussion forum, you'd need to create a Slack account to access

It's not an overly active forum.. yet :D

I had a very difficult time setting up and accessing this forum on Slack, and I've since deleted my account entirely. Slack is geared towards workplace team forums, not a discussion like this. I would not recommend continuing to use Slack as the solution to support a discussion forum on Toodledo. It sounds like there are several discussion forums out there already, so we just need to condense to just one and pick a hosting solution that is intuitive, easy enough for everyone to access and participate in, and free. I don't care if it's Quora, Reddit, Google or some other common, easy to use solution, but Slack is not the right solution for this.

Look for another post from me shortly, asking everyone to weigh in on the best hosting solution for one Toodledo discussion forum outside of Toodledo.

Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Feb 26, 2021
  • Score: 0
Posted by signup1917:
Does TaskAngel have a user forum? TA is my backup and goto if/when Toodledo goes away. I am having a few issues with getting saved searches to work properly.


To the best of my knowledge, Task Angel does not have a user forum. However, the developer is quite active and responsive, if you have any specific questions or issues, I would suggest reaching out to him directly. His email address can be found at the bottom of all pages on the Task Angel Web site.

Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Feb 26, 2021
  • Score: 0
Posted by Ummagumma:

Don't get locked down into features. Adjust the workflow. Worked for me just great.

Solid advice. The irony for me here is that I am looking for such a basic replacement solution, and I'm just shocked that I can't find it. I've reviewed just about every option posted on this forum and others. Specific to my basic needs, Task Angel is the closest that I've come across. I've been testing their current Windows and iOS versions for months with imported and continuously updated data, and I am yet to see an issue of any kind. My big concern is their ability to carry over their current look, feel and functionality that mirrors Toodledo's into a new Web based solution, and that their solution will be 100% independent of Toodledo and its data.

When I say that I am a basic user, I mean basic. I literally have a running to do list with due dates, with or without notes attached, some single events, some repeaters. I don't use priorities, I tag tasks with numbers to put them into numerical order for any given day. I'll change the status to "active" if I'm working on it, usually forgetting to turn it back to "none" if it's a repeater :) Periodically I'll use categories but that is certainly not the rule and something that I can live without. The showstopper for me is sorting, I need at least two criteria as I sort by date, then tag. I use the Notebook section big time, but I could easily use a standalone product like Evergreen or OneNote or something else instead. And I backup everything each week. That's IT.

Name one of the solutions that everyone is talking about, and if I've checked it out, I'll tell you why it's not a good fit for the criteria that I just laid out.

I'm with bandit or whoever said it last - we need someone with good intentions and deep pockets to come in, purchase Toodledo from Pink Java Media, and turn this big great ship around before it sinks. There is nothing better than Toodledo, and its user base is positive, productive, intelligent and loyal to the product. It would be a damn shame to sunset Toodledo.

Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Feb 11, 2021
  • Score: 0
In the event that Toodledo does shut down, I am guessing that these forums will be shut down as well. I have found these extremely productive and helpful, Toodledo still has a large base of great users with valuable insights and information. I would hate to see that all disappear the day that Toodledo shuts down, again, if and when that ever happens.

To that end, I have taken the initiative to set up a discussion forum on Quora called "Toodledo Alternatives Discussion".

The link to this forum is:

I'm not sure if you can get right to the discussion without an approved invitation, but I would be happy to play admin and approve anyone who is interested.

For the time being, at least for the next 7 days, here is the invitation link:

You might want to get this set up now so that you don't have to worry about it later. Hopefully we will never need this, but better to be prepared just in case.

Score: 1
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Feb 11, 2021
  • Score: 1
Seems like everyone from the basic to the power users has their favorite alternative at this point. Mine is Task Angel, but again, the future of that app is highly dependent upon whatever ongoing and future development they are engaged in independent of Toodledo. Beyond Task Angel, I am still undecided and have not found anything that really works for me yet.

Side note - if and when Toodledo does shut down, it would be great if we all had some sort of external forum to continue these discussions on. I for one have found them extremely helpful over the past few months. I am certain that there are many users that have no clue what's going on, and they'll be looking for answers and alternatives, again, if and when. If anyone has any suggestions on the right site or forum to do this, I would be glad to set this up and share it back here. What's the best solution - Reddit, Quora, etc.?

UPDATE - I set up a discussion space on Quora, I will post the invitation links in a separate forum post but I think that they expire every 7 days, so it's going to be tough to get the word out whenever Toodledo does get shut down.

This message was edited Feb 11, 2021.

Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Feb 11, 2021
  • Score: 0
Posted by Ummagumma
I disagree that ToDo is as barebones as Google Tasks. It has many features that GT doesn't - file attachments, tags, priorities, master task view, My Day, etc.

At first I thought that you were talking about 2Do. I guess that I need to take another look at Microsoft ToDo, I shouldn’t have generalized that it was as basic as Google Tasks, my bad. If I recall, my issues had more to do with sorting, tagging, customizing views, etc. versus lag times or merging of data across accounts. But I will check it out again, thanks.

Score: 1
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Feb 11, 2021
  • Score: 1
I've actually posted on this topic several times, but a few of these I had not heard of, so I gave them a try.

Based upon my own personal observations, trials, and analyses, there really isn't a solid alternative to Toodledo. I wish that Pink Java Media LLC who acquired Toodledo would put some time effort and money into it, but evidently that isn't going to happen. I can manage with all of the outstanding issues and zero support, so long as they keep the lights on, I'm good for now. These forums help.

As for the alternatives listed in this post, here are my high level takes on each of them. Please keep in mind that I am a basic user, but I do use the triple criteria sorting feature of Toodledo as well as advanced repeating tasks, tags, etc. so, not too basic :) -

- Task Angel - by FAR the best alternative out there, it is the closest thing to Toodledo, very simple yet robust, has everything that I need. The challenge is that Task Angel right now is fully dependent upon Toodledo servers and data. Per multiple conversations with their management, they will supposedly have an application across all platforms ready to go, if and when Toodledo pulls the plug.
- Tick Tick - a close second, but they don't offer sorting on multiple criteria, that was a showstopper for me.
- Google Tasks - I wanted this one to work based on everything else that I use from Google, but it is way too underpowered for even a basic to do list.
- ToDoist - nice look and feel, great until you start kicking the tires and want to add labels, reminders, etc. which requires a Pro account ($). And I could not figure out how to do recurring tasks although it says that you can. I like my to do lists robust AND free :)
- Remember the Milk - this was my frontrunner for a while, I spent a lot of time playing with it and trying to make it look and act like Toodledo. It's decent but the look and feel is off and it's actually a little complicated for a basic app. I know that there was something else about it that I didn't like, either RTM or TickTick added an extra line for every extra data point that you included with a task (i.e a note). A complete waste of space that crowded up the screen and required more scrolling through tasks than necessary. Can't remember which one, sorry.
- - crazy layout, way too complicated and seems to be missing a lot of what Toodledo does right now.
- 2Do - one of the few iOS apps with a corresponding Watch app, I had some fun with this one for a while but they have no Web solution.
- Microsoft ToDo - see Google Tasks :) Same thing, would LOVE to use this if it were more robust, but it's not.
- Amazing Marvin - just gave it a shot, good luck with that :) Looks like a very nice app with tons of functionality but could it be any more complicated? I'm sure that if I play around with it for a year or two I might get it close to Toodledo, no thanks.
- GoodTask, Notion and Nirvana - downloaded each of them, signed up, played around for a few minutes, deleted them all.
- ClickUp - now this one piqued my interest. Definitely has the functionality, but tasks and notes are overshadowed and misplaced in what is essentially a full blown project management app. I don't need to assign owners, check dashboards, setup spaces and whiteboards to flesh out new ideas...I just need to pick up some milk every other Tuesday and I want to use a tag to move it up to the top of the list. That's it. So this one might be worth checking out for power users, not for me.
- Excel - I wish that I was better at it, because I know that I could jury rig a spreadsheet to do some or all of what I do in Toodledo. And I back up to CSV every week, so the data is ready to roll. Eventually I might play around more with this. If anyone has any insights or examples that they can share or tips for setting up and maintaining, I'm all ears.
- Paper - lol, yeah good luck with that.

Laugh if you will but I do miss Palm and the Palm Desktop from time to time, simple to do list, calendar and contacts. When I was shopping for my first iPhone, and Palm was on the way out the door, I did a quick search for the best possible match in terms of a to do list with notes functionality that would look and feel like Palm on an iPhone. That was Toodledo, and 10 years plus later, I'm still here and I still love it. Damn shame what's happened, really is, such a great app across the board and a loyal base of users, I wish that Pink Java Media would wake up and do something.

My bottom line - I'm holding out hope for ToodleDo, and/or hoping that TaskAngel is busy getting ready to go at it alone should ToodleDo pull the plug.

This message was edited Feb 11, 2021.

Posted Jan 15, 2021 in: Toodledo still alive?
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Jan 15, 2021
  • Score: 0
Posted by CharleneTX:
Posted by Larry3:
Posted by CharleneTX:
Posted by jeffsa1:
I've been looking for a replacement for Toodledo for awhile. Today I found Taskangel. I guess it's not well known because I haven't seen it on any of the lists of top task managers.
I'm writing this because I was able to install Taskangel and convert from Toodledo in about 15 minutes. My main worry has been what will happen if Toodledo suddenly isn't available one day. I think Taskangel is the answer. It looks and feels alot like Toodledo except faster.
I think it's at least given me another path to manage my tasks.

TaskAngel doesn't support Android, so that will limit the number of folks recommending it.

The developer is working on a cross-platform app. I'm not sure when he'll release it but it'll be cross-platform and won't use Toodledo servers.

"Working on" isn't good enough when I need to replace a service that could disappear at any time.

IF Toodledo shuts down, AND TaskAngel hasn't completed their cross platform solution, AND none of the other solutions work for you, there is one solution that will work, right now, independent of Toodledo servers and connectivity altogether - TickTick. You would only need to import data from a Toodledo .CSV export, which you should be doing as a backup on a regular basis anyway. I'm not a fan of TickTick anymore because they have only ONE sort criteria and have no plans to change that functionality, which is a showstopper for me. But it does work, and it looks and behaves a lot like Toodledo. I know that they have Web and iOS apps, not sure about Android. They are a distant second from Task Angel imho but it does work, today.

This message was edited Jan 15, 2021.

Posted Jan 11, 2021 in: Toodledo still alive?
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Jan 11, 2021
  • Score: 0
Posted by Ummagumma:
FWIW, I started a poll some time ago asking what solutions had people settled for.

Here are the results so far.

It seems the biggest group went to RTM.

Thanks for reposting this. My front runner continues to be Task Angel. I’m hoping that they can deliver a stand alone solution for both Web and iOS if and when Toodledo pulls the plug for real. For now it’s still working for me and I really don’t see any other solution out there that looks and works like Toodledo. So I guess I would be Task Angel first, hoping for a Toodledo miracle second :)

Posted Dec 27, 2020 in: Notes autoscrolling to bottom on iphone
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Dec 27, 2020
  • Score: 0
Posted by Larry3:

I don't think you'll ever see a fix. In fact, I think Toodledo is abandonware. I'd love it if a developer would log on and tell me I'm totally wrong. But I'm not holding my breath.

FYI, I actually sent a long detailed polite but to the point message to Pink Java Media LLC the other day, pleading with them to check into these forums and tell everyone what's going on (i.e. future of the application, any fixes or additional functionality coming, and how the user base is supposed to get in touch). I don't expect to here anything back but I tried. It's really a shame, they've got a large loyal base that is basically begging to pay money for their Pro subscriptions and asking for support on the most basic of fixes and there's just nobody running the ship. I have Task Angel up and running side by side and I am ready to go if and when they pull the plug for real, but I'm hoping that they don't. For all of its faults, issues and total lack of support, Toodledo still is the best application out there for my specific needs.

PS the scrolling note issue is one of many that I submitted for a bug fix months ago.

This message was edited Dec 27, 2020.

Posted Dec 27, 2020 in: TickTick? Sorting? Other Solutions?
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Dec 27, 2020
  • Score: 0
I did hear back from Task Angel on this. It sounds like they will have a CSV import function or the like from Toodledodo to whatever solutions they are offering at the time, if and when ToodleDo shuts down. So that’s good news. All in all, a week or so into testing Task Angel side by side with Toodledo, I am very impressed with both their solutions and their responsiveness.

Posted Dec 25, 2020 in: Apple Watch App
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Dec 25, 2020
  • Score: 0
Posted by Joxn:
At first it looked like it was not working for me, too. I just saw an empty hotlist in the watch while the hotlist on the iPhone was not empty.

By doing a long press on the watch display, I was able to add a test task. This was synchronised with the iPhone and at the same time the watch received all updates from the phone.

Afterwards the watch was showing the correct hotlist and kept it in sync as expected.

I can’t believe that works :) Thank you! Do I have to regularly create a test task to get it to sync or just that one time and I’m set?

Posted Dec 25, 2020 in: TickTick? Sorting? Other Solutions?
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Dec 25, 2020
  • Score: 0
Posted by jogo:
The original poster is "more than worried that ToodleDo will be shut down" and looking for a solid plan B that includes sync on a Windows system.

It wouldn't make sense to consider TaskAngel for this unless they are no longer dependent on ToodleDo for Windows sync. I figured either the dependency is going/gone or the OP might not know about it.

You are correct, I did not realize until now that Task Angel is dependent upon Toodledo data and servers for all of its solutions.

But I have an idea, at least for iOS...

Right now, once per week, I download all tasks and notebooks in CSV from Toodledo. As part of that weekly backup/prep process to cover my bases in case Toodledo shuts down, I will now change the sync option in Task Angel on all of my iOS devices from Toodledo to iCloud Drive then back to Toodledo again. If and whenever Toodledo pulls the plug, I would have only slightly stale data that I could then use the latest view of Toodledo on my devices to update. Not perfect but close to it.

Ok so now I’m sticking with Task Angel again. My outstanding question would be how to get the most current data into a Windows version of Task Angel if they pull the plug, that I don’t know. I don’t think Task Angel’s Window version currently supports CSV import so I’m asking them how they would do it and I’ll post back.

Posted Dec 24, 2020 in: TickTick? Sorting? Other Solutions?
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Dec 24, 2020
  • Score: 0
Posted by Larry3:
Right now Task Angel syncs via Toodledo servers which is fine for as long as their servers function. It can also sync via iCloud..

Holy cow. Great. Well, I hope that Task Angel is paying attention to what’s going on at Toodledo and has a plan beyond relying upon Toodledo servers to feed data to populate its applications long term. I’m at a loss, I should have realized that that was the case: I guess we’ll see.

I’ve spoken directly with Task Angel and their Windows application is a one time fee of $14.95 for two devices. I think that they offer some volume discounts beyond that but I’m not sure. I would need a total of three licenses.

Again, if they continue to be tied to Toodledo and its servers to work, then I need to look elsewhere for yet another alternative. Plan C lol!

Posted Dec 24, 2020 in: TickTick? Sorting? Other Solutions?
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Dec 24, 2020
  • Score: 0
Update - I have confirmed with TickTick that they do not have sorting on multiple criteria, and they have no plans to do so anytime soon but they will "let their development team know about it". Yeah. So unless you can survive on sorting your to do list on one criteria, you probably need a different solution than TickTick.

I am back on the Task Angel train. A very solid solution with as much or more functionality than Toodledo, although the look and feel is nowhere near the current iOS and Windows versions of Toodledo. But you get so much with the free iOS version of Task Angel including but certainly not limited to the ability to sort on three criteria as well as group tasks, and much more. I actually really like their Windows based solution too, I've been hesitant about spending $15 per PC for it, especially since I haven't confirmed whether that's $15 one time or per year. But as I've spent more and more time playing with it, I'm willing to spend the money if it's a one time license. Maybe if enough Toodledo clients migrate to Task Angel and do the same, some of those funds might go back into further improving their already decent apps, who knows.

So now I'm ready in case Toodledo pulls the plug :)

This message was edited Dec 24, 2020.

Posted Dec 23, 2020 in: TickTick? Sorting? Other Solutions?
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Dec 23, 2020
  • Score: 0
While I am still actively using Toodledo on a daily basis as my go to iOS and Windows app for to do lists and notes, the lack of any response from anyone at Toodledo in months to any requests, discussions, etc. has me more than worried that Toodledo will be shut down. So while I am still a HUGE Toodledo fan, and will not stop using it until I am forced to, I also recognize the importance of having a solid Plan B. Based on my analysis of every alternative that has been suggested, as well as those that I’ve discovered on my own, my front runner continues to be TickTick. It offers the most similar functionality to what I currently use in Toodledo, and I’ve got it up and running in a test environment, looking and behaving a lot like Toodledo.

With one major exception...sorting :(

I never really appreciated the stock sorting capabilities of Toodledo until I didn’t have it. With Toodledo I get three criteria for free, and I only need and use two - date then tag. Most people use date then priority, I understand but date then tag works better for me. I can get my daily task list into the exact order that I want.

Unfortunately, while TickTick offers everything else that I currently have with Toodledo, it only offers one sort criteria. One. And I see years of TickTick forum requests saying “thanks, that’s a great idea, we’ll keep you posted” and you know what that means :) So I’m at an impasse now. I either learn to live with one sort criteria, or start to re-examine some of the other solutions out there. I am up for suggestions.

My wish list is simple...a free to do list that runs on iOS, Windows, and the Apple Watch if possible (TickTick supports all three); basic task functions like repeating tasks, folders, due dates, tags, a notes field for free form text, status and priority; and at least TWO sorting capabilities lol. A separate notes section and functionality like Toodledo would be nice too but not a showstopper.

Task Angel is a very close 2nd but currently does not offer a free Windows solution to compliment their free iOS solution.

Any other ideas?

This message was edited Dec 24, 2020.

Posted Dec 15, 2020 in: Toodledo still alive?
Score: 1
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Dec 15, 2020
  • Score: 1
Posted by CharleneTX:
Posted by kenckar:
Take a look at Task Angel too. It syncs with toodledo, but I have heard there are problems with that. It seems to ve pretty similar basic functionality though.

Just looked into Task Angel. The hunt continues for an Android and Windows solution. *sigh*

I've been speaking with the developer at Task Angel, do not give up on them just yet....

Good news, bad news, great news...

Good news - if you really dig down deep, Task Angel is THE best alternative out there for basic Toodledo users such as myself. You can get tasks and notes to look and behave just about the same as is the case on Toodledo, importing and synchronization are stellar, I have no complaints and could really get this to work for me.

Bad news - Task Angel for iOS is free. Task Angel for Windows? Try $14.95 for two devices! I don't know how to even respond to that, except that there is no way in h that I'm paying a dime let alone $14.95 for the same basic Task Angel app on Windows vs. iOS. And the clincher is that the Notes component of Task Angel is free to try, then $1 to buy :) That's kind of silly.

Great news - a Web based cross platform Task Angel is in the works, which would run on all platforms - Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Web etc. It sounds like it is very early on, so I'm hoping that Toodledo doesn't pull the plug anytime soon. No word on pricing yet, too early to tell but it won't be free. If it's a dollar or two, no big deal, but if it's priced anything like their Windows app, no way. Honestly, I think that these guys have got THE app to transition from Toodledo to, but they might be more geared towards businesses versus individual consumers? That's the only rationale that I can think of as to how they can charge what they are charging for essentially the same thing that others are charging little to nothing for.

Bottom line - Task Angel's upcoming new platform may or may not be the solution, based on pricing and timing relative to the slow death crawl of Toodledo. If Toodledo were to pull the plug today, or tomorrow, or even the next few weeks months, etc., my frontrunner is still TickTick. I can get TickTick real close, not as close as Task Angel, but very close, and they have been receptive and responsive to my questions as well. So that's a refreshing change to Toodledo at least :)

Hope this helps, good luck and everyone please keep sharing on this topic, very important.

PS keep backing up everything regularly. I did some digging on Toodledo "leadership", suffice it to say that they are focused on a totally different agenda right now that most definitely does not include Toodledo. It's gonna die at some point, no doubt, they've simply given up and I don't expect to hear from Anant or anyone else at Toodledo anytime soon. Maybe they'll have the dignity to at least let us know that they're shutting Toodledo down before they actually do it.


This message was edited Dec 15, 2020.

Posted Dec 14, 2020 in: Toodledo still alive?
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Dec 14, 2020
  • Score: 0
Posted by kenckar:
Take a look at Task Angel too. It syncs with toodledo, but I have heard there are problems with that. It seems to ve pretty similar basic functionality though.

Forgot about Task Angel, that is a great alternative that works well with Toodledo. I also find the person behind the app easy to get in touch with and helpful. Just like Toodledo lol.

Posted Dec 12, 2020 in: Toodledo Notes Alternatives
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Dec 12, 2020
  • Score: 0
Posted by Ummagumma:
Copy-paste-copy-paste... even at 15 sec per note it’s just over an hour.

I think that I like your advice the best :)

Posted Dec 11, 2020 in: Toodledo Notes Alternatives
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Dec 11, 2020
  • Score: 0
I thought that I had the alternative to Toodledo Notes lined up with Evernote, but they charge you for more than two synced devices, so they're gone.

I like Microsoft OneNote because it's simple, free, and has both a Windows 10 and an iOS app, but I cannot figure out how to get all of my Toodledo Notes (and I have a LOT of them, at last count 272!) into OneNote without manually copying and pasting each one individually. There doesn't seem to be any way to take my weekly Toodledo Notebook section .CSV export and import that directly into OneNote.

Does anyone know of a simple, free notes application that runs in both the Windows 10 and iOS environments, that will accept a CSV import of my existing Toodledo Notes?
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