Search results for "Posted by mlb32704"
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mlb32704 |
Posted Dec 11, 2020 in: Can't Modify Old and/or Repeating Tasks
Score: 0
Strativourakis, a belated but sincere thank you for posting responses on all of my outstanding issues. I'm glad that someone is at least trying to help.
I can understand the business rationale behind any plans to ultimately shut down Toodledo, but this lack of response from the company and it's non-existent support is just downright unprofessional, and quite frankly disrespectful of the strong, long established user base that has supported Toodledo all of these years. Jake and Co. would never have let it come to this, it just hasn't been the same since the present owners and management took over. In any case, I'm still using Toodledo as always, but I'm backing up EVERYTHING on a weekly basis, and I've started trying out alternatives. The best one that I've found so far is TickTick, with RTM a distant second, again, neither have the functionality or look and feel of Toodledo but what choice do I have? For my basic needs, free TickTick should be fine. Good luck and thank you once again. |
mlb32704 |
Repeat of previous message - will the Apple Watch app ever get fixed?
mlb32704 |
Posted Nov 30, 2020 in: Red Dot Over Settings on iOS App
Score: 1
This issue is still outstanding. And annoying. Time to get rid of the red dot.
mlb32704 |
Posted Nov 30, 2020 in: Can't Access Task Note If URL Added
Score: 0
Many time I will add a URL as a note in an uncompleted task. Unless I remember to add a bunch of spaced lines before the URL, it is impossible to access that note again without clicking on the URL and going out to it. This is a bug, similar to the bug that adds a thousand lines of space before existing notes. Not sure how or when it will ever be fixed but putting it out there for someone.
mlb32704 |
Do we really and truly believe that Toodledo is going to be sunset anytime soon, or is everyone just venting because Anant and Co. just don't respond to any support requests and the like anymore? I for one actually like the basics of Toodledo and don't want to switch to an alternative, but I'm staying tuned and keeping my options available. What's the closest/best and preferably free alternative, TickTick? Remember the Milk? Others?
mlb32704 |
No update from Toodledo on this months later, no surprise there. I'm much more interested in getting my list of uncompleted tasks or a hotlist view on the watch, versus using the watch as an input device for new tasks, but I'll take anything over what was delivered after waiting years for a new watch app. Which is junk that doesn't work.
mlb32704 |
Posted Nov 30, 2020 in: Uncompleted Task Queues Not Matching on Different Devices
Score: 0
As the title says, I've now had a number of instances where my list of uncompleted tasks doesn't match up across iOS devices and Windows computers. Seems to really be an issue with iOS apps, the Windows view is usually 100%. It will always be a task or two and no matter what I do I cannot get it to refresh and be the same across devices. My solution to date has been to delete the outlier task and reinput from scratch. Not a good solution. Does anyone have any ideas? Not counting on Toodledo Support which seems to be an oxymoron these days, hoping that someone in the Forums is experiencing the same thing and might have come up with a solution. Thanks.
mlb32704 |
Posted Nov 30, 2020 in: Can't Modify Old and/or Repeating Tasks
Score: 0
Based on a number of messages I've read through in the Forum, I'm not counting on a response to this anytime soon but still putting it out there.
I've noticed a bug of sorts with regards to old and/or repeating tasks. For no reason whatsoever, and with no pattern or rhyme or reason, I'll modify or mark complete an existing task, only to see the original unmodified task right back in my uncomplete queue. Most of the time it seems to happen with repeating tasks, but I've also had it happen a number of times with non-repeaters. There is no solution, the solution is to delete the task and reinput it from scratch. More than a pain than anything. Hopefully someone someday can follow up on this. |
mlb32704 |
Posted Sep 25, 2020 in: Red Dot Over Settings on iOS App
Score: 0
Since the last release, there is a red dot over "Settings". It used to be a nag screen to get you to subscribe to one of the paid subscriptions but "subscriptions" no longer has that red dot. Anyone thinking of getting rid of the red dot over "settings"? It's annoying. Thanks.
mlb32704 |
Repeat of a previous post, switching from "discussion" to "bug"...
So Toodledo finally released a new Apple Watch app, and it flat out doesn't work. At one point early on after installing, I got a list of old outstanding tasks. Since then including this morning, it just shows the word "Hotlist" up top with the comment "Great job, Hotlist empty" in the middle. And that's it. Obviously my Hotlist is not empty. Is there something that I need to change on the iOS or Web-based app side in terms of settings to make current Hotlist items appear on the Apple Watch? Is anyone out there listening or providing support on this? |
mlb32704 |
The Apple Watch App for Toodledo shows me a Hotlist from a month ago. It never updates. What's the story?
mlb32704 |
Posted Jul 14, 2020 in: Repeating Task Details Cut Off
Score: 0
At first glance of today’s update, there’s still a lot of wasted space horizontally, too much space is assigned to each data point within a task. For me, that means pushing repeating tasks data all the way to the right and literally cutting off information. What I see now is “Every 1” or “Every 2” or just “Every”, can’t tell if it’s days weeks months etc. Please fix, thanks.
mlb32704 |
I disagree. In the past day, Anant has checked in and replied to a user on a specific functionality request. He also posted an update on a beta version with many fixes and a download link in TestFlight. I’m guessing that there are just too many people asking the same things in multiple places on these boards and they don’t know how to reapond.
TD could get ahead of all of this by simply posting a separate topic on updates and the progress in terms of resolving issues specific to updates. They could even lock the topic from discussion and just put it out there, to show what they’re doing and give the implication that they care about their user base without actually soliciting any input from them. My guess is that they are overwhelmed and inundated with user requests, complaints, posts, etc. and it’s just easier to ignore everyone while they work through resolutions in an undermanned overwhelmed panic. The irony is that if they would simply reach out to the user base and engage their support, they could probably resolve a lot of these issues a lot quicker and more efficiently. But those discussions are above my pay grade, sorry :) |
mlb32704 |
Posted Jul 10, 2020 in: Looks like TD is working on it
Score: 0
I found this one under “News”, towards the end of a long discussion on issues that everyone is encountering with the latest update. Looks like this one got completely lost in the shuffle of tons of user posts in both “News” and “Questions”, and at this point lot of people are asking the same questions in different posts.
I would strongly suggest NOT downloading/testing the beta version unless you’re familiar with TestFlight and really know what you’re doing. You should probably wait for the officially released update of fixes to these issues. But I wanted to help TD by showing that they are actually trying to do something about this. Seems like on top of everything else, TD has a big time communications problem... Posted by Anant G.: I have updated the beta link now in the thread. It solves most of the open bugs apart from Notes sorting order. That build is still under verification on Apple. We will roll out an update as soon as we have done all the tests internally.
Just make sure you synchronize all your data to website first from Settings --> Synchronization. Then delete your old app and install the new one. Here is the link to testflight again : |
mlb32704 |
Posted Jul 10, 2020 in: Editing column width for Lists
Score: 0
Anant, somehow you found the time to respond to one person’s very specific functionality request, but you are yet to respond to a large number of Toodledo users’ questions and/or bug reports regarding issues with the latest update?
Come on. Posted by Anant G.: Posted by scarletth.acct:
Is there any way to adjust the column width for lists? For instance, the title may be very long and I want to make it larger to make all the words visible (similar to dragging the columns in Excel to wrap the text). On, take your cursor here : and you will be able to adjust the width of the column. |
mlb32704 |
Posted Jul 10, 2020 in: How do bring all my tasks back when I sign in on my laptop?
Score: 1
Please review other posts in Questions on this topic. You need to resync your mobile device after this latest update in order to get your tasks back.
mlb32704 |
Posted Jul 10, 2020 in: Outstanding Issues with New iOS Update
Score: 0
I have not seen the duplicates error syncing with Task Angel that some of you mention. I am so sorry if I created further issues for any of you, obviously that was not my intention. I’m not taking any chances, I just deleted Task Angel everywhere. Now I’m just waiting patiently for Toodledo to wake up and fix these issues. I am using the Toodledo Web page bookmarked on the home screen of my iOS devices in the mean time. It’s anything but ideal, but it does work.
mlb32704 |
The new iOS update is an absolute nightmare.
While you sort through the many issues, why not roll everyone back to the previous release? |
mlb32704 |
Posted Jul 09, 2020 in: Outstanding Issues with New iOS Update
Score: 0
Posted by mfmadsen_2:
Can I transfer my tasks from Toodledo to task angel? Yes, I did it without issue. |
mlb32704 |
All that I can tell you is that I’m having the exact same problem, I’m guessing that others are having the exact same problem, and Toodledo is yet to respond to this issue in any way shape or form.
I sort by due date then tag. When I’m using the iOS app since the update, in order to get it to sort correctly, I have to manually select the sort criteria each and every time I enter/exit the app. It does not retain my sort selections. Toodledo has put us all in a real bind. For now, I’ve bookmarked the Toodledo Web page on my iPhone, and I’m exploring some other options like Remember the Milk and Task Angel. Good luck! |