
Search results for "Posted by mlb32704"
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Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Oct 08, 2023
  • Score: 0
Update - either someone is working hard on weekends, or the app fixed itself. I can now create and modify notes in the next gen iOS app without issue. Thank you.

Score: -1
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Oct 08, 2023
  • Score: -1
Update - I’ve submitted yet another support ticket, but just to get the word out to the user base…I cannot make any changes to existing Notes in the next gen iOS app. You can make whatever changes you’d like, but the next gen app will not save them. This is a big problem. I’m currently using the legacy app to make Note changes that will save. If Toodledo wants us to migrate to the next gen app in earnest, they need to fix this one pronto.

Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Oct 07, 2023
  • Score: 0
Hasnain, if I had the need for any additional functionality that is being provided by a Toodledo subscription, I would subscribe. Unfortunately, I am perfectly fine with the basic, non-subscriber based functionality and do not need a subscription. And I'm not going to pay Toodledo to remove ads, sorry.

This message was edited Oct 07, 2023.

Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Oct 07, 2023
  • Score: 0
There is a new advertisement area in the lower left hand corner of the next gen desktop site (

I hate ads :)

Can’t Toodledo figure out a way to drive enough revenue from the subscriber base so that it doesn’t have to ruin the app and desktop site with ads?

This message was edited Oct 07, 2023.

Score: 1
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Oct 06, 2023
  • Score: 1
After a week and change of dealing with legacy app crashes on my iOS devices, I gave up and decided to download the next gen app via Testflight again.

I'm having a change of heart. It's actually not that bad, but it's missing a few major things.

I've already submitted support tickets for the following basic functionality that is missing, but just to reiterate:

1.) Initially I thought that the individual tasks take up a lot of wasted space in the next gen vs. legacy app. For example, looking at the All Tasks screen in the legacy app right now on my iPhone, I can see 13 tasks at a glance without scrolling. In the next gen app, I can only see 8 tasks without scrolling. Initially I thought that this was a total waste of space and a problem. But I'm actually growing to like the larger font size, I guess I'm getting old :)

2.) A major issue for me right now is the inability to add new tasks to the Toodledo next gen app using Siri/handsfree. This is a real problem, at least where I live, handsfree while driving is the law, and they will pull you over for tapping on your screen while driving. I do some of my best thinking on the road, an idea pops into my head, I tell Siri to remind me of blah blah blah, and like magic, it appears in my Tasks in the legacy app. This functionality is not currently included in the next gen app. This is huge and needs to be added asap.

3.) Another somewhat major issue is that new tasks are added without any default values whatsoever. You have to manually plug in everything, and the new next gen add task screen is more than a little funky to work with compared to the ease and simplicity of the legacy app. For example, in the legacy app, I have the due date default to "today", and I use tags heavily, with my default tag value being "01". It's extremely time consuming and totally unnecessary to fill in basic default values every time you add a task. This is as big of an issue for me personally compared to adding tasks via Siri. This also needs to be added asap.

I realized from another forum post that the next gen desktop site ( is already out there, looks and behaves almost exactly as the legacy desktop site (, but it's actually a little quicker, streamlined, and has a better look and feel imho. I like it, and will start using it immediately.

I was actually fine with the Toodledo legacy functionality, both for desktop and iOS. I'm all for new product releases, so long as those changes mean improvements. And that's not just about adding new functionality deemed important by paying subscribers. You still need to make the app stable, reliable, intuitive, easy to use, and at least as good if not better than what we have right now. Before the iOS17 update, the legacy desktop site and iOS app worked perfectly without issue for years. I can count on one hand how many issues I had with Toodledo before the iOS17 update, and now the legacy app is totally unusable. So I'm basically being forced to move to next gen, but I think that I'm OK with that for now. I will continue to try and use the next gen desktop site and iOS app as my defaults wherever possible, but Toodledo really needs to step up big time and work on getting these basic functions included as well, asap.


This message was edited Oct 07, 2023.

Posted Oct 03, 2023 in: Issue with iOS 17.0.1 Update
Score: 2
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Oct 03, 2023
  • Score: 2
I have not been satisfied by the generic repeated responses that we are getting out of Toodledo, so I have reached out to Apple directly to see what they can do.

Toodledo needs to either fix the current legacy app to run on iOS 17 without issues, or release the next gen app into production. If Toodledo is offering an app through the Apple App Store, that app has to work with the current iOS version.

Feel free to provide your feedback and experiences at either one of these sites. I provided an update to Apple on both:

Score: 1
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Sep 27, 2023
  • Score: 1
This is a beta application that requires installation of Testflight, and asks that you test and submit feedback through the app. Additionally, Toodledo is asking the user base to submit support tickets for any functionality that is missing from the next gen app that is currently in the legacy app. If you are comfortable doing that and have the time to spare, great. I will not be installing ANY beta apps and will wait until Toodledo releases an actual fixed version of the legacy app for iOS17, or a production version of the next gen app that includes EVERYTHING that the legacy app has, at a minimum. It should not be the responsibility of the user base to point out to Toodledo features and functions that are missing in the next gen app, that should be part of Toodledo's process and transparent to the user base.

Score: 1
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Sep 27, 2023
  • Score: 1
I have submitted several support tickets, and received pretty standard responses along the lines of, install the new beta, that's pretty much it.

I will continue to submit support tickets instead of posting here per your request, hopefully the responses will be more specific and robust.

FYI, I am not installing ANY more Toodledo beta applications. I will wait somewhat patiently for fixed/new production versions of the legacy and next gen apps respectively. I can't speak for the rest of the Toodledo user base but I don't have the time to test your applications for you. Moreover, I've submitted a ton of feedback through Testflight already and received ZERO responses other than, have you tried installing the new next gen app? :)

I look forward to a next gen app that includes EVERYTHING in the legacy app, at a minimum. And a legacy app that doesn't crash and syncs everything correctly.

Posted Sep 27, 2023 in: Issue with iOS 17.0.1 Update
Score: 3
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Sep 27, 2023
  • Score: 3
Hasnain, etc. -

I have deinstalled all beta versions of your app on all of my devices, and removed Testflight as well. I am not going to install, test or troubleshoot a beta version of your next gen Toodledo app, or the legacy beta "fix" for iOS17. The beta "fix" for the legacy app that was patched for iOS17 has tons of issues that I have highlighted by way of many instances of beta feedback through the Testflight app. The beta next gen app is missing key functionality such as reminders syncing and other features, and the layout per task is a waste of space compared to the current version.

I am going to use the existing production version of the current legacy app until such time as you either fix that app and release a production version of that fix, or release a production version of the next gen app. I will deal with the crashing of the current non-beta legacy Toodledo app until such time as either a production legacy update or next gen is made available. At least the data integrity and synching work correctly with the current version, I can live with the intermittent crashes.

Not everyone is comfortable installing and using beta versions of important applications like Toodledo. Neither the legacy app patch nor the next gen app are ready for production. You can most certainly ask other users for their help in terms of testing, troubleshooting, providing feedback, etc. I just don't have the time to do that for you, sorry. I look forward to Toodledo fixing these current issues both in the legacy and next gen apps shortly.


This message was edited Sep 27, 2023.

Posted Sep 27, 2023 in: Issue with iOS 17.0.1 Update
Score: 2
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Sep 27, 2023
  • Score: 2
Update - I have decided to remove Testflight and all beta apps, and reinstall the original version of Toodledo from the Apple App Store. I know that it will crash occasionally, but at least the data is syncing and consistent across platforms. Moreover, I don't have the time to play with beta apps and troubleshoot Toodledo's issues for them. I found both the iOS17 patch beta for the legacy app, as well as the next gen beta app, problematic and having way too many issues relative to syncing that I literally lost count. I know that the original app will crash with iOS17, so be it, at least the data will sync and be consistent, that's all that I need for now. Good luck everyone, and especially to Toodledo with sorting out this mess.

Score: 1
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Sep 27, 2023
  • Score: 1
There are multiple threads out there relative to iOS 17 and syncing/data loss issues. This has been a nightmare for me for several days now. In addition, an Administrator made the comment on another post that we should be looking for past/common threads on subjects before reposting the same questions. Don’t shoot the messenger but that’s probably why they haven’t responded directly back to your message yet. You’ll see my comments on various related threads now, hopefully some of them will help. Bottom line is that Toodledo has issued two beta apps through TestFlight, one is a “fix” for issues relative to iOS 17 and the current aka legacy app, the other is the next gen app. While they are saying that the former fixes current issues with the legacy app, it doesn’t. And I’m having issues with the next gen app as well. For legacy, next gen, and in some cases both apps, tasks aren’t syncing, I can’t modify due dates or make changes to tasks, I have inconsistencies across devices, reminders aren’t syncing or they are with no date or tag data, notes can’t be changed or synced as well. Sound familiar? Good luck and check out some of the other threads on these subjects.

Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Sep 27, 2023
  • Score: 0
We had this functionality before, what happened? Reminder syncing is all messed up right now, for both the legacy and next gen beta iOS apps. I used to simply tell Siri to add a reminder, then Apple Reminders added it to Toodledo, and it defaulted to “today” as due date and “01” as a tag. Now it doesn’t consistently add tasks through Siri/Reminders to Toodledo, and if it does work, it adds it to the very bottom of a list of hundreds of tasks, with no due date, no tag, nothing. Naked as the OP described. This worked fine, what happened? You say that you’ll be including this in the next release, is that for both legacy and next gen? When? I’ve been using this particular function for years without issue. Why would you suddenly remove it?

FYI, in many US States like mine, hands free cell operation is the law, by taking this functionality away, you are forcing us to go back to manually inputting tasks into Toodledo, which is an unacceptable solution while driving. Please fix this one ASAP, thanks.

This message was edited Sep 27, 2023.

Posted Sep 26, 2023 in: Issue with iOS 17.0.1 Update
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Sep 26, 2023
  • Score: 0
Update - the legacy app "fix" for iOS 17 does not work correctly. It still crashes out of the blue for no reason. But the bigger issue is that this “fix” has issues that the original legacy app never had. Tasks aren’t syncing, tasks can’t be deleted, tasks can’t be moved, notes don’t update correctly, and other similar syncing issues. There seems to be two ways to get everything in sync - either remove then reinstall the beta legacy fix via Testflight, or use the "Force Toodledo - Device Sync" option in the Toodledo app under Settings/Synchronization/Modify Account Login. These are both tedious and time consuming interim fixes to the larger issues at hand. Every time I have encountered an issue, I have submitted a report through TestFlight with the appropriate screenshot. From my perspective, the fix is worse than the original. It would be great if Toodledo could focus on fixing the legacy app “fix” to work correctly with iOS 17 before focusing more time energy and resources on the next gen app.

This message was edited Sep 26, 2023.

Posted Sep 26, 2023 in: iPhone app quits unexpectedly.
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Sep 26, 2023
  • Score: 0
Hasnain, with all due respect, people are always going to post multiple threads on similar issues. You can try to get users to review threads before posting, or automate the forum process like some other companies where they run some sort of Boolean search on what you’re attempting to post, show other similar threads, then ask them if they still want to post it. But I wouldn’t be getting upset about loyal users conveying the same major issues to you in multiple threads.

The bigger issue here is that your legacy app fix doesn’t work right. Yeah, it might have stopped some of the outright crashing, but not all of it, it’s still crashing on me, most of the time out of the blue for no reason whatsoever. Moreover, I have been submitting crash report after crash report on that beta legacy fix for other issues that the original legacy app never had. Tasks aren’t syncing, tasks can’t be deleted, tasks can’t be moved, my task list isn’t consistent between devices, notes aren’t syncing correctly, etc etc. Ironically the next gen app is working OK, so while that is somewhat stable, maybe you can apply some resources on your end to fix the legacy app fix that isn’t working correctly. Which would have the added benefit of less users posting multiple threads on this same subject.

This message was edited Sep 26, 2023.

Posted Sep 26, 2023 in: iPhone app quits unexpectedly.
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Sep 26, 2023
  • Score: 0
I have both betas installed with TestFlight on my iPhone 12 and iPad 8G, and the functionality and look and feel of the legacy app is still way better than the next gen app, sorry. I will say that I am having nothing but issues with the beta legacy app, while the beta next gen app works OK, a couple of blips here and there, but nothing on the scale of issues that I’m having with the beta legacy app. I’m wondering if this is somewhat intentional, and that Toodledo is not putting the necessary time, effort, and resources into fixing legacy app issues, because they’re focused on next gen and trying to force everyone to move to the new app. Understandable, but not exactly ethical. In the mean time, I have been troubleshooting, reinstalling, submitting beta feedback and the like for days now, with no improvement. My top app for productivity has actually hurt my productivity, go figure. Thank goodness that the desktop version still works OK, hopefully they’ll leave that one alone until both the legacy and next gen iOS apps are stable and move from beta to production.

This message was edited Sep 26, 2023.

Posted Sep 25, 2023 in: iPhone app quits unexpectedly.
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Sep 25, 2023
  • Score: 0
Did you upgrade iOS to 17? If yes, I have a separate post on this, you can see it in this same forum category. The Admin offers up a couple of options, basically they’ve patched the current “legacy app” and they’re asking us to consider moving to the new “next gen” app. Neither of these solutions are working 100% but the app doesn’t quit on me anymore :) Good luck.

Posted Sep 23, 2023 in: Issue with iOS 17.0.1 Update
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Sep 23, 2023
  • Score: 0
I’m able to access Notes in the Next Gen app for iPad, so I have a temporary fix until this is corrected in the Legacy app.

Posted Sep 23, 2023 in: Issue with iOS 17.0.1 Update
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Sep 23, 2023
  • Score: 0
The is a problem with the Legacy app for iPad with the iOS 17 fix on Test Flight. There is no access to Notes. Please fix, thank you.

UPDATE - I figured out that if you select the orange “Tasks” in the black bar at the bottom, it then gives you other options like Notes. Not exactly straightforward but it works, so you can disregard this specific problem.

This message was edited Sep 23, 2023.

Posted Sep 23, 2023 in: Issue with iOS 17.0.1 Update
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Sep 23, 2023
  • Score: 0
Wait, I see that you’re offering a beta in TestFlight for Legacy app iOS 17 crashes. It’s kind of lost in that long winded response, sorry, my bad, I will install that app as well.

Posted Sep 23, 2023 in: Issue with iOS 17.0.1 Update
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Sep 23, 2023
  • Score: 0
Update - I was able to get the Next Gen app to populate my Active List with non repeating tasks by logging out then back in. I will try to use the Next Gen app on my iPhone until the Legacy app issues with iOS 17.0.1 are fixed. I’m wondering if Toodledo has any intention of fixing these Legacy app issues, versus using them as a pretext to get customers to move to the Next Gen app. Please clarify, thanks.
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