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Posted Nov 29, 2012 in: Possible Folder Bug with New iOS App?
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Nov 29, 2012
  • Score: 0
Update - it is definitely a bug - I can expand/collapse some but not all of the grey tab options under "View Tasks By", and not all of the options are presented after expanding because they are covered up by the grey tabs that did not expand. Hopefully that makes sense, I can try and take a video looking right at the iPhone if no one at ToodleDo has come across this one yet. Happy to help.

Posted Nov 29, 2012 in: Possible Folder Bug with New iOS App?
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Nov 29, 2012
  • Score: 0
This is going to be hard to describe, I can send screen shots as appropriate to whomever, wherever...on my iPhone's home screen for Tasks, I see the options at the bottom "View Tasks By" and then I am immediately presented below those words with two grey "Folder" tabs, under which I find my first option (in my case "Business") and then "Any Folder". If I click on Business, I get to see the Tasks in my Business folder, then if I go back out to that same page I am presented with the option to go my other folder (in my case "Personal") which I can then select and see. The option to go back to Business has disappeared, unless I go into Personal, then back out to the main page again, and so on. The problem is, with the previous version, I was able to see both folders on the main Tasks screen, and select whichever one I wanted to see. Now I have to go into one to see the other? And again, it is showing TWO grey folders at the top that say "Folder", I'm wondering if one of them is a bug and should be saying "Personal"? Looking farther down the page, I see TWO grey tabs that say "Status", with only two Status options below them (Active and Planning) but in this case you have a "More" button below them that gives you all of the other options. Bigger deal to me with Folders because I am constantly toggling between Personal and Business tasks, if this is the stock functionality to do it on an iPhone with the new app, it's going to be a real pain. Meant to be, or bug? Somebody please tell me, thanks.

Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Nov 29, 2012
  • Score: 0
I have all iOS devices set to Due Date (1st), Tag (2nd) and Tag (3rd). My Web settings are Due Date (1st) and Tag (2nd). When you compare my Task list on the Web versus an iOS device, the content is the same, but the order is slightly different. Nothing else has changed on my end besides the iOS update. A possible bug?

This message was edited Nov 29, 2012.

Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Nov 29, 2012
  • Score: 0
Jake, as you mentioned, disabling the priority field did not make the priority indicators disappear. What I wound up doing is taking Salgud's suggestion and using multi-edit to change all of the priorities on all of my tasks to negative (-1). The end result was a very faint grey indicator that I can hardly notice now. But the overall look and feel of the update is very small, dark and grey, my guess is that it will change again and soon :)

Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Nov 29, 2012
  • Score: 0
Thanks Salgud. I'll try to forgot what you said about me in a previous post :)

Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Nov 29, 2012
  • Score: 0
Sorry j2020, I overreacted, my apologies. I don't know what it is about ToodleDo and this growing division between Pro and Basic users. I just reviewed some of my older posts and noticed a bunch of Pro users getting on this similar bandwagon to one of my previous posts, calling me cheap because I didn't want to spend the money for Pro. Oh yeah, they went on and on about what kinds of gifts I probably give my wife for the holidays, how I probably live with my mother and have no real job, how I'm keeping the poor developers at ToodleDo from paying the rent each month, it went on and on. Some real classy individuals. I've since reported the entire post to ToodleDo as a violation under their forum rules, you should check it out, it is hilarious. In the mean time, I do understand what you are saying, I'm going to wait and see if a.) ToodleDo changes the situation, and/or b.) I can live with the situation. If not, I'll probably go Pro, who knows. Thanks again.

Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Nov 29, 2012
  • Score: 0

This message was edited Nov 29, 2012.

Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Nov 29, 2012
  • Score: 0
j2020, I was really looking for a response back from someone at ToodleDo, or someone who could actually respond back with something of substance, versus an opinion on how long a post should be, or how much money I should be willing to spend. The truth of the matter is, if there was one feature in Pro that warranted the expense from my perspective, I would have signed up for it a long time ago. I've been using ToodleDo for years, it made it possible for me to switch from Palm to iPhone way back when, it is still my Number One app, I absolutely love ToodleDo, and I would gladly donate to help the cause as appropriate. I know and understand the functionality in Pro, and I really don't want Pro. It's overkill for my needs. Seriously. I like Basic. If they started charging for Basic, I would pay the money. I'm not paying $14.95 a year just to get a third sorting criteria that I don't want or need, just so ToodleDo looks the same across devices and the Web site. That's a Pro feature on the Web site. So I'm suggesting that it should either be removed from the iOS app, or added to the site for Basic. My post had a purpose, sorry if you think that I'm cheap or longwinded, you ought to focus on posts that you can provide a real answer to, and save your opinions for other forums that warrant them.

This message was edited Nov 29, 2012.

Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Nov 29, 2012
  • Score: 0

This message was edited Nov 29, 2012.

Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Nov 29, 2012
  • Score: 0
This latest iOS app update requires that you sort on three criteria, there is no way to just select two. The ToodleDo Web site still only offers two sort criteria unless you go Pro, I am Basic, no need or intentions of going Pro. The end result is that no matter what I do, my ToodleDo lists on my iOS devices are out of order when compared to the Web site.

This is a problem.

A couple of potential fixes would be 1.) remove the third sort criteria from the iOS app unless you are a Pro subscriber; 2.) add a "None" option under at least the third if not all three sort criteria in the iOS app; or 3.) provide a third sort criteria as part of the basic functionality on the Web site.

Whatever ToodleDo chooses to do here, the key thing is to offer the same functionality on both the Web site and iOS app, so that task lists sort exactly the same no matter where you are viewing/editing them.

This message was edited Nov 29, 2012.

Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Nov 29, 2012
  • Score: 0
Follow up question - as a short term solution until ToodleDo offers a way to get rid or hide these priority marks, is there a way to globally select hundreds of tasks at one time then mark them all top priority? That would make it a little less distracting, at least as a short term interim fix.

Posted Nov 29, 2012 in: New Iphone Interface Suggestion
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Nov 29, 2012
  • Score: 0
Agreed. Total waste of time and more importantly, a big waste of valuable space. We do not need a quick add task bar at the top of an iOS app.

Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Nov 29, 2012
  • Score: 0
Surprise, surprise, I fire up ToodleDo on the iPhone and there is a major, unexpected update. The previous version was fine, perfect, but apps always need "improving", I understand.

I took me a WHILE to get the iPhone setup close to what I had before. But the priority feature is really annoying me. I don't use priorities, I use either alphabetical or numerical tags to order my to do list for any given day. It's a lot easier to manage than trying to figure out if something is low, medium or high priority then missing something in the shuffle of a busy day.

I actually don't need a third sort criteria, but no matter what I set the three of them to (right now, they are sorted on due date, tag, then tag again), I still wind up seeing those new priority marks in the top left corner of every task. Yellow or orange, very distracting, annoying and unnecessary.

How do I get rid of them?

Posted Jul 12, 2012 in: Numerical tags beyond 10 for sorting
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Jul 12, 2012
  • Score: 0
TOPIC CLOSED - as soon as I finished typing this, my wife said to me "why don't you just start with 01, 02, etc." guess what? That works. Thanks anyway! Now it IS perfect.

Posted Jul 12, 2012 in: Numerical tags beyond 10 for sorting
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Jul 12, 2012
  • Score: 0
As always, let me preface by saying that ToodleDo is THE reason why I was able to switch from Palm to iPhone way back when, and it continues to be my top app. Number One. I use the app and the Web page each and every day, both are fantastic, cannot imagine life without them.

One thing that might make life a little bit easier for me personally, and might affect others who are doing this as well...I use the Tag column as a means of sorting tasks in the order that I want to complete them any given day. The only issue with that is, I'm a busy guy, and beyond 10 tasks, I wind up using letters to sort for that day versus numbers. BECAUSE after 10, if you use 11, 12, 13, they wind up sorting next to the 1, not the 10. It's a problem, but I'm wondering if this is an easy fix for the developers at ToodleDo? No problem for me using letters instead of numbers until I hit days with repeating tasks where I've already used numbers (numbers take priority over letters btw).

I've got ToodleDo down exactly where I like and need it to be, this is about the ONLY thing that would make it perfect.

Thanks for listening.

Posted Jan 04, 2012 in: VPN suddenly blocking ToodleDo access?
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Jan 04, 2012
  • Score: 0
Years of issue free use of the ToodleDo Web interface on all of my computers just further backs up the fact that there is NOTHING like ToodleDo. Love it, can't imagine personal or business life without it.

Of course, my company is conspiring against my attempts to keep organized on their behalf. All of a sudden, since yesterday (first day back in the new work year), it appears as though VPN is blocking ToodleDo somehow or someway. I get the left side navigation menus and top buttons, but the content in the middle doesn't load up. Takes forever and then I get the following message:

Network Error (tcp_error)
A communication error occurred: "Operation timed out"
The Web Server may be down, too busy, or experiencing other problems preventing it from responding to requests. You may wish to try again at a later time.

For assistance, contact your network support team.

Of course when I disconnect from VPN, the problem goes away. So it's either the corporate VPN police have decided that ToodleDo is a risky site, or ToodleDo has done something to itself to make it not play nice with VPN, or both. Either way, I need to resolve this, and fast.

This is a MAJOR problem for me. I can't keep connecting/disconnecting from VPN on my work computer all day long just to update/access ToodleDo. Is my recourse through my company, or has something changed on ToodleDo's end that makes it not play nice with VPN?

Please let me know who I get to scream at on this one :)


UPDATE 1-5-12 -- a reboot and selection of a different VPN server seems to have resolved the issue. Go figure.

This message was edited Jan 05, 2012.

Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Jul 26, 2011
  • Score: 0
Whoops, another issue - were the developers lefty by any chance? :) Move the add task bar to the right please! Bad location.

Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Jul 26, 2011
  • Score: 0
Found another great improvement - the notebook reader, love it!

Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Jul 26, 2011
  • Score: 0
Another request...the option to swap positions between folders and tasks/notebook/organize/tools, etc. Obviously the positions have reversed, it's a little bit herky jerky for me so far, and to me, my task folders are the most important component to ToodleDo, they should be front and center, not a sideshow. Not quite sure I still like this :(

Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Jul 26, 2011
  • Score: 0
I like it! Definitely looks more professional. Sidebar should be an option for sure. Color choices might not hurt either. Otherwise, no complaints.
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