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Posted Oct 31, 2020 in: We’re Back
Score: 0

This message was edited Oct 31, 2020.

Posted Dec 15, 2019 in: Toodledo Update August 2019
Score: 1
The biggest bugbear of TickTick is that you are trapped in their database. There is no way to export your data to a universally accepted format if ever the need arises to move to another To Do Manager. You will have to recreate your tasks from scratch, which is a most painful task.
I will never want to be a hostage to China.
Also it indicates a lack of freedom of choice for the user/customer and a lack of confidence tin the attractiveness of there application.

Posted Nov 18, 2019 in: Google Calendar Sync Work for You?
Score: 1
Two way Sync is a long time demand which has the potential to increase one productivity greately.
Currently there is only one way sync from TD to Goodle Calendar.

The Android App "Ultimate To Do" does two-way sync with Toodledo data, so it is possible.

Score: 1
The TD Forum seems to have lost a lot of steam, maybe because a lot of 'raving fans' have left due to the new pricing policies and low level of engagement by the new owners in the Forum.

Instead it has been replaced by a lot of Garbage comments which are driving more people away.

Admin needs to Monitor & Delete endless Spam in "Getting Things Done" category.

Posted Nov 29, 2018 in: Pros/Cons of Alternatives to Toodledo.
Score: 0
Posted by Purveyor:
The About Us page for does not inspire confidence.

The UX looks appealing but you get locked in. No way to export your data if you are unhappy with the app.

Posted Oct 28, 2018 in: Feature Roadmap and New Pricing Plans
Score: 1
Posted by GerTruDis:
I found a new option in the lower part of the left menu with an arrow above and it takes me to the next page:

I have found that the "upgrade" page (accessed by clicking the new arrow on the bottom left of the TD menu shows subscription rates at the old prices but with changed feature limits. Is everyone getting this or is it account by account? Of course one now cannot subscribe until 30 days before your subscription ends. Maybe at that time the annual subscription charge will suddenly show the planned increase. That is devious, because you then have only a month to make an assessment, find a new Task App and transfer your data.

This message was edited Oct 28, 2018.

Posted Oct 25, 2018 in: Renewal
Score: 0
I was a paid Silver subscriber and Power user with Toodledo for 5 years. TD is very customizable, but has some limitations for which I had to use saved searches and a lot of other workarounds.
Now that they have bumped subscription price by approx 3 to 4 times, I am actively investigating Todoist which is now better value for money and offers the features I require.

Posted Oct 20, 2018 in: Renewal
Score: 1
Posted by marcemobile_3:
Sorry Aaron, but I too, am unable to select Gold Subscription while trying to renew my subscription. Only the free package has an icon you can select. I wished to renew a little early as I wish to take up the 'backtoschool' offer. Thank you.

You are right,. Only the Free Plan has a button that can be selected. I guess they are working on the subscriptions function to make it auto renewal ......but this should be done offline or in beta not on the main site.

Posted Oct 13, 2018 in: Toodledo Feature Requests Update
Score: 3
Posted by Vicfrances:
Hello team,

Hope you are good :) I think we should have this simple feature at Toodledo:

Make possible (after you have in order of - for example, Due date ordering) MANUALLY PUT TASKS AT YOUR ORDER for TODAY, easy to do it, not have to find by importance, or tags, just drop the task you want first, second, etc And COLOURING THEM by RED (most important) Orange (medium) and yellow (less one).
Thank you and waiting for some details improving the site and IOS soon. We need them.
Good vibes :)

Add this to Feature Requests at :

Posted Oct 11, 2018 in: Android App
Score: 0
Currently 'Ultimate To Do List' is the best Android app for Toodledo integration. It is rock solid in syncing and has some cool additional features like :
(1) two-way-sync with Google Calendar
(2) manual sorting of tasks
(3) persistent reminders in notification shade, etc.
I have been using it for more than 2 years without any problem. Functionality is great but the UI could be better.

Posted Oct 08, 2018 in: Toodledo Feature Requests Update
Score: 1
Kindly provide a direct link to the 'Feature Requests' page from the top right drop down box in the Toodledo main page ?

Posted Sep 30, 2018 in: Action Button: Email Task
Score: 0
Posted by ayushi.l:
Hi All,

I have been trying to understand the functionality of the "Email Task..." option in the Action Button drop-down. Nothing happens when I click on it.

You are right doesnt do anything. I should open the email that my profile is linked to i.e

Score: 1
Being able to see the Parent task to which Subtasks belong is crucial. Currently these can be seen under there Parent only in 'Indented mode', but this has its own problems when the priorities of subtasks vary.

When the TD layout was being revised the developer designed a template wherein the Parent task was always shown (albeit abridged) at the beginning of the subtask. This was later dropped, probably because it cluttered the UI.

What would help is if the Parent task would peek out when you rollover the subtask icon, or something to that effect.

Posted Aug 25, 2018 in: Dahsboard view - Grid like
Score: 0
Extremely difficult to do that in TD I would think. Don't hold your breath.
Trello and DropTask could offer such Kanban visibility.

Score: 0
TD won't do that.
Best bet would be to see whether the Samsung handwriting app software setting allows a written note to be via OCR be instantly converted into text like some keyboards. Maybe try IFTTT recipe to get it into TD. It's a long shot.
Google Notes converts Voice notes (audio clips) into text instantly, so does Gboard (keyboard).

Posted Aug 05, 2018 in: Future Plans
Score: 1
Posted by ken:
Quick feature suggestion - for the due date or repeat field - how about adding an option for "Until done"?

Using that option would make it so that the task stays in my "today" list until I check it off.

So if I'm supposed to paint the mailbox and I put it in toodledo as due this coming Friday - if I don't get to it on that day, it would show up in my "today" tasks until I check it off.

Echoing other comments I've seen - it's a very good system, please don't screw it up.

All Overdue Task should currently stay in your "Today" list till you check it off. You may be using "Optional" Due date instead of "By" or "On" or the Filter does not include Past due Tasks.

Posted Jun 11, 2018 in: How to handle projects
Score: 2
Posted by trewaters:
I am interested in the same thing. My problem is viewing the task and linking all these parent & sub tasks together. I can add sub task but then I can't seem to view the parent of those sub task.

My sub task are dependencies. I can't move to the parent task until the child/sub task are completed.

Another complication is the mobile android app and the website act differently with tasks.

If it doesn't exist I am looking for a "parent task name" field to be added to the sub tasks...........

A Parent task name field would be great. Then we could use the sub-tasks independently rather than indented.

Posted May 27, 2018 in: Copying tasks
Score: 1
Posted by Jake:
You can use our export tools to download your tasks as a CSV file. You can find this in the account menu in the top right corner.

Jake, I appreciate your openness in allowing users to export their entire data in usable CSV form out of Toodledo unlike some ToDo apps who create a walled garden keeping one hostage. This security / flexibility with my data made me select and stay with Toodledo. Thanks!

Posted May 08, 2018 in: Toodledo 2017 - The Year in Review
Score: 2
Posted by GSP1963:

3. I agree with recent comments by Jake that the added bells and whistles added to the app are uncertain in terms of being a plus or a minus. Notes are certainly useful. But Outlines, Lists, and--especially--Habits? There are other apps that handle those things much better and I worry that in trying to present itself as a Swiss Army knife, so to speak, focus is being taken away from Toodledo's incomparable tasks views and reporting. Toodledo can't compete with the many excellent habit-building apps out there and it puts itself at a disadvantage, in my opinion, to encourage evaluators to judge it in that area. I could be wrong. I can certainly appreciate the logic in trying to make Toodledo a comprehensive organizing solution; I'm just not sure it's the right approach.

Agree. I subscribe to TD and use the Tasks function only. Would appreciate if the developers precious time is spent on this area exclusively.

Posted May 01, 2018 in: Show Parent as another column
Score: 0
+1 for this feature of seeing Parents/Projects in a separate column adjoining subtasks.
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