
Search results for "Posted by pawelkaleta"
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Posted Sep 15, 2019 in: Toodledo Update August 2019
Score: 2
I must admit I'm not sure why I still vist this forum regularly as I had moved my tasks to RTM long time ago. I think it's probably a mix of habit and curiosity but I'm not sure.

Anyway, like many other users I thought Toodledo is not replacable by any other tool. I was wrong. It turned out it required only some openess to different approach to some elements and that's all.

For almost a year, since the ownership change, many users have been urging new owners to improve communication and even the slightest improvement on that field has never appeared, not speaking about improvement of the service and features so beautifully anounced by new team - hardly nothing was introduced. Oh wait, sorry, indeed, there was a huge change introduced - the pricing.

Hence I sincerely admire optimism of some of you that you will reach with your appeals to anybody from Toodledo team. Last Anant's visit on the forum dated September 4th speaks for itself. Believe what you want, but maybe it's about time to face the truth.

This message was edited Sep 15, 2019.

Posted Aug 21, 2019 in: Anant, can you give us an update?
Score: 0
Posted by Larry2:
@DRFrankBuck - for some reason I can't see your recent posts without going to your profile and checking posts. When I go to the forum, which has a red dot and your name an time you posted in a thread I don't find your post at all.

The same happens to me.

Posted Aug 21, 2019 in: Feature Roadmap and New Pricing Plans
Score: 0
Posted by Purveyor:

BTW, am I the only one who is bothered by the fact that the "Last Post" for all active topics listed in the News Forum is "by Toodledo"?

I noticed that but it looks to me as some bug, it is showed like this for News section since months, I wrote about it somewhere here on the forum, but of course with no reaction from TD team.

This message was edited Aug 21, 2019.

Posted Aug 18, 2019 in: Anant, can you give us an update?
Score: 0
Exactly. Below is another example.
(The only correction to rubenB's question should be that none of the new owners responded regularly to posts, including Anant, but it doesn't matter anymore as the app has already died.)

Posted by Anant G.:
Posted by rubenB:
People say that Toodle team has gone silent? Is Anant still regularly answering posts here anymore? (I only saw one post from him from back on May20 when trying to look around)

I am still here and will try to be more active here from now on.

Posted: 2019-07-01

This message was edited Aug 18, 2019.

Posted Aug 15, 2019 in: Feature Roadmap and New Pricing Plans
Score: 0
It's both alive and dead. Of course, we can read about "active development", "future roadmap" and "planned releases" here and there but let's face it - zombies can walk as well :)

Posted Jul 24, 2019 in: How do you resize columns in a list
Score: 0
Click on given column title, then small pop-up will appear where you can specify width.

Posted Jun 08, 2019 in: Very quiet here and No News
Score: 1
Yup, that's how abandonware works...

Score: 0
Posted by Anant G.:
Most of the users suggested that they export the csv of the tasks every month or 3 months.

You can use such argument for any change you decide to implement. Let me guess, most of users also suggested to increase the subscription prices, add ads or stop developing Android app etc. BTW, removing history because some users are cautious enough to create regular backups is like removing task's note or context or status field only because some users don't use it.

Score: 0
I've just checked and I can see cookies-based ads too on my free account. The list of tags and then, the list of It looks sooooo stupid now :)

BTW, this new "feature" seems to exist on some different Roadmap I guess as it's not on the one we have all access to. Or I'm missing something.

Posted May 02, 2019 in: Blog vs Forum
Score: 0
Posted by jzamoras:
you nailed it

I couldn't agree more.

The interesting part is that such strategy seems to work on many users. I've just read the article of Michael Linenberger who is also so excited about new feature intoduced (which is ...underlined title if start date is today (omg...)) and he explains why he supports ... the price increase.... I admit I was waiting for his comment but this not exactly what I was expecting and I'm bit disappointed but, well, buisness is business.

This message was edited May 02, 2019.

Posted May 02, 2019 in: Blog vs Forum
Score: 1
Am I the only one who observe two completely separated worlds - the one on the Blog ( and the second here on the Forum?
Looking at dozens of issues and bugs which users describe on the forum (with hardly no response from the Toodledo team) and comparing to what are the priorities on the Blog (e.g. "A question I get asked a lot is “do you support payment via Paypal?”" - really? That is the most popular question?) is really hard for me to remain not highly confused.

Posted Apr 18, 2019 in: Feature Roadmap and New Pricing Plans
Score: 2
It took me one evening only (or better to say, only several hours) to migrate to another service (partially even manually) once I had decided which alternative to use. The research I considered more as fun than a pain, so I don't treat that stage like a cost worth paying tripled price.

I personally don't see the progress that had been anounced when new owners communicated the price increase. What is more, it's hard to find even only one feature added by new team, which worked with no issues and some of them are still full of bugs. Poor implementation, no testing (or testing on production), higher price, lot of promises, and no results.

I'm still monitor the forum (just a habit) and I can't believe there are still so many users declaring their loyalty and willingness to pay so much for such low quality.

Posted Apr 15, 2019 in: Feature Roadmap and New Pricing Plans
Score: 1
Posted by jaysa_k:
I almost want to pay more for Toodledo.

Thanks, you made my day! :-)

Posted Mar 26, 2019 in: Stop Batch Edit Tasks
Score: 0
Posted by Anant G.:
By default all links open in new tab now both in old and new tasks section. We will hook this feature to keyboard shortcut settings.

Also do you guys think it will be better if we implement this feature using "B" as the shortcut key instead of ctrl/cmd ?


Just add additional icon next to existing star/actions/note icons for mutliselections and it will give you no mess with the shortcuts.

Posted Mar 12, 2019 in: Colors for Tags
Score: 0
You need to go to Organize Tags section and there you can assign color for given tag. No idea why it's limited to 12 only.

Score: 0
From my observation, new owners prefer one way comunication, i.e. email anouncements and blog. I lost hope long time ago that they still care about this forum. I've seen all those garbage posts in GTD section, as well as some bugs in forum's engine here and there which result in posts not being marked as read, or displaying incorrect authors etc. and was also wondering if it'worth to raise this via ticket, but I came to conclusion that the forum is dead already anyway (kudos for J.O.D. for trying so hard to keep it alive).

Posted Feb 12, 2019 in: Can add notes to tasks
Score: 0

Posted Feb 11, 2019 in: Hotlist and Saved Search
Score: 0
Any idea why to put on production the feature which is not ready yet?

Posted Feb 11, 2019 in: Folders
Score: 0
There was such feature in the old layout of Tasks section (you can add there new folder while creatimg new tasks). Unfortunatelly in new layout it's not the case anymore. So the possible option is to switch to old layout.

Score: 0
There have been some changes introduced recently, maybe it's somehow connected. Maybe it requires re-enabling the feed or so, I don't know but worth to try.
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